First prepared for the conference on "The Bible as Book: The Transmission of the Greek Text" (Hampton Court, Herefordshire ENG; 27-30 May 1998), the papers from which are published in a volume by the same name, edited by Scot McKendrick and Orlaith A. O'Sullivan (British Library & Oak Knoll Press 2003). The following list has been revised and updated 18no2002, 20ap2004.
See also the full list of related presentations at
BIBLIOGRAPHY & ABBREVIATIONS: [maintained in the linked file]
The Manuscript Fragments
There are various convenient lists and collections from which to gather these early witnesses to the development of LXX/OG. A new one was released on CD-ROM in August 1998 by Willy Clarisse at the papyrological congress in Florence (now updated and available on the web at Otherwise, to my knowledge, the most complete is the catalog by Joseph van Haelst, which appeared in 1976. Van Haelst includes appendices in which he lists Jewish and Christian materials by date, from earliest to latest, and also provides statistics for what he has listed, roughly generation by generation (early 2nd century, 2nd c in general, late 2nd c, 2nd/3rd c, etc.). Around the same time, the respected papyrologist Eric G. Turner produced his study of the development of the Early Codex, which also provides similar chronological lists of all codices known to him. Finally, still from the late 1970s, the Schweich Lectures by Colin Roberts also in their own way survey much of the relevant material, partly in response to Kurt Treu's list of possibly Jewish fragments from the appendix to his 1973 article. I've put those lists together in what follows, and have tried to adjust any controversial datings towards Turner's judgment, on the belief that an experienced paleographer looking at the entire range of materials in a comparative way is more likely to be accurate than are individual editors who have seen only parts of the picture. Of course, paleographical judgments remain subject to modification, and are at best approximations based on certain assumptions about consistency, development, etc.
The list of Jewish and possibly Jewish fragments arranged in roughly chronological order (according to paleographical estimations) is most conviently available in the aforementioned master file at The more inclusive summary chart given below lists all known materials (papyri, parchment, etc.) that provide texts of Jewish Greek scriptures (LXX/OG, including some secondary uses in excerpts, amulets, etc.) down to about the start of the 5th century, plus some later text of special interest for their connections to Judaism. Items are presented with the Go%ttingen (Rahlfs) number in brackets, when known, followed by the van Haelst number (vh###), Turner's "OT" number (t###), the LDAB (Leuven Database of Ancient Books) number, and other relevant information.
The following list has been collated with Tov's list in the Pietersma Festschrift, 127-135, although not all details noted by Tov have been included here. Generous assistance in locating additional fragments and in correcting details has been received from Matthew Hamilton, Moore Theological College Library, 1 King St Newtown NSW 2042 Australia [], and is gratefully acknowledged. The coding for dates employs the minus sign "-" for "early" (e.g. "2-ce") and the plus sign "+" for "late" (e.g. "1+bce") with the forward slash "/" designating overlap (e.g. "3/4ce" = around 300ce) and "000" for the turn of the era. As noted above, paleographically determined dates are general estimates, and sometimes widely disputed; I've tended to follow Turner, when possible, or have averaged out the various claims.
2nd bce | |||
Dt 11.4 | 4QLXXDeut = 4Q122 ("leather" roll) [E. Ulrich, Studies J.W. Wevers (1984), p.71-82 = Disc. Jud. Desert 09 122] | 2bce | [#819] LDAB 3458 [K. Treu, Archiv 31 (1985), p.59 no.55b] |
Dt 23-28 | PRyl 458 (roll)(sp, high dot) [C.H.Roberts, Bull. J.Rylands Library 20 (1936), pp.219-245] | 2bce | [#957] vh057 t039 LDAB 3459 |
2nd/1st bce | |||
Ex 28 | 7QLXXEx (roll) [check dating; LDAB 000 (confused?)] | 2/1bce | [#805] vh038 LDAB 3456 AlandAT18 |
Lev 26 | 4QLXXLev\a ("leather" roll)(blanks) [check dating; LDAB 000] | 2/1bce | [#801] vh049 LDAB 3454 |
EpJer/Bar6 | 7QLXX EpJer (roll) | 2/1bce | [#804] vh312 LDAB 3460 AlandAT144 |
1st bce | |||
Gen 3-38 | PFouad 266a (roll)(sp, blanks) [Zaki Aly - L. Koenen, Three rolls of the Early Septuagint, 1980] | 1bce | [#942] vh056a LDAB 3450 AlandAT3 [K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.91 no.5a] |
Lev 2-5 | 4QLXXLev\b Jerusalem, Rockefeller Museum (roll)(sp, blanks, paragr, IAW) | 1bce | [#802] vh046 LDAB 3452 AlandAT22 |
Dt 17-33 | PFouad 266b (roll)(sp, blanks, paragr, Heb tetragr, stichometric in 32) [Zaki Aly - L. Koenen, Three rolls of the Early Septuagint, 1980] | 1bce | [#848] vh056b t037A LDAB 3451 Aland01 = AT27 [K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.91] |
late 1st bce |
Dt 10-33 | PFouad 266c (roll)(sp) [Zaki Aly - L. Koenen, Three rolls of the Early Septuagint, 1980] | 1+bce | [#847] vh056c LDAB 3453 Aland01; [K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.91 no.55a] |
4Q127 (Greek paraphrase of Exod?) | 1+bce | |
4Q126 (unidentified Greek, skins) | 1+bce | |
turn of era |
Nm 3-4 | 4QLXXNu ("leather" roll)(sp) | 000 | [#803] vh051 t036A LDAB 3455 |
MPrs-A | Nahal Hever hand A ("leather" roll[s], two hands, A and B)(sp, blanks, paragr, ekthesis, paleo tetra) [D. Barthe/lemy. Les devanciers d'Aquila (1963); B. Lifshitz, Isr. Explor. Journ. 12 (1962), p.201-207; E.Tov, R.Kraft, P.Parsons, The Greek Minor Prophets Scroll from Nahal Hever, Disc. Jud. Desert 08] [Parsons 1+bce?] | 000 | [#943a] vh285 LDAB 3457 |
MPrs-B | Nahal Hever hand B ("leather" roll[s], two hands, A and B)(sp, blanks, paragr, ekthesis, paleo tetra) [see above] | 000 | [#943b] vh285 LDAB 3457 |
1st ce |
Job 42 | POxy 3522 (roll, paleo tetragr, sp) | 1ce | [#??] LDAB 3079 |
1st/2nd |
Esth 8-9 | POxy 4443 (roll, sections, ekthesis, [Hamilton]) [full size column] | 1/2ce | [#??] LDAB 3080 |
prayer | PFouad 203 (roll; amulet?) [no image yet] | 1/2ce | vh911 LDAB 4436 [Benoit, RevBibl 59(1951) 549-565] |
2nd early |
Ps 14 | PBarc inv 2 = Montserrat, Abadia de Montserrat II/2, (formerly Fundacion San Lucas Evangelista 2) [see K. Treu, Archiv 34 (1988), p.70 no.112a] | 2-ce | ([Hamilton])[Roca-Puig 1985] Proc. XVIIIth Congr. Athens, I, p.363 LDAB 3082 |
2nd |
Gen 14 | PYale 1\r and \v (sp, mid dots, abbrev number) [ed=vh 1+ce; t2/3ce] | 2ce | [#814] vh012 t007 LDAB 3081 |
Dt 1-6 | Chester Beatty Libr., P. Chester Beatty VI [Edition: F.G.Kenyon, The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri, Fasc V. London 1935 (Facsimile-Edition Dublin 1958). Cf. also A.Pietersma, Vetus Testamentum 24(1974), 113-118] | 2 ce | [#963] |
Dt 29 | Heidelberg, Univ. Bibl., Inv. Pap. Graec. No.8 [ Edition: Fr. Bilabel, Griechische Papyri (Urkunden, Briefe, Schreibtafeln, Ostraka etc..) with 2 tables. Ver鰂fent璴ichungen aus den badischen Papyrus-Sammlungen. Heft 4. Heidelberg 1924, 24-27. | 2 ce | [#970] |
2nd late |
Ex 8/Dt 29 | PBaden 56b = PHeid Gr 8 (2 col, sp at 8.11, KS) | 2+ce | [#970] vh033 t024 |
Lev 10 | PSchoyen 2649 (sp) (Hamilton) | 2+ce | [#?] |
Ps 1 | PSI 1989 = Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli' 1989 (not codex; "Christian") | 2+ce | [D. Limongi, P.Omagggio XX congr. (1992), no.1] LDAB 3085 (Hamilton) |
Ps 48-49 | PBodl 5 = Proc Br Acad 43 (1964), 229 (pl)(stich, no abbrevs; notes)[t 2/3ce] | 2+ce | [#2082] vh151 t097A? |
Ps 81-82 | PAntinop 7 (KS, non-stich[?]) [t 2/3ce] | 2+ce | [#2077] vh179 t120 |
2nd/3rd |
Gen 14-27 | POxy 656 (sp, blanks, dots, blank tetra) | 2/3ce | [#905=U4] vh013 t009 LDAB 3094 |
Ex 4 | PCollHorsley (Deissman Nachlass)(KS) | 2/3ce | [HorsleyArchPapyrusf 30 (1993) 35ff [Hamilton]] |
Nm - Dt | PChesterBeat 6 (2 col, sp sects, para?, KS)[edd 2ce] | 2/3ce | [#963] vh052 t036 |
Josh 9-11 | PSchoyen 2648 (sp, blanks, KS & nom sac, page numbers) | 2/3ce | [DeTroyer via Hamilton] |
2Chr 29-30 | PBarc 3 (pl)[ed 2ce, t 3ce) | 2/3ce | [#?] vh076 t051 |
Ps 77 | PSI 8.921 (recto = dated 143/44 ce) | 2/3ce | [#2054] vh174 t117 |
Ps 118 | PLeipzig 170 (KS, stich) [t 3ce; CHR 2ce] | 2/3ce | [#2014] vh224 t151 |
Isa 23 | PPrinc Garrett/Bell 2G ... (Hamilton) | 2/3ce | [on web] |
Isa 36-37 | PBerlin 6772 (palimps) [vh=t 4ce] | 2/3ce | [#902] vh297 t197 |
3rd c. early |
Gen 19 | PBerlin 17213 (space/punct, cf tetragr [Treu plate]) | 3-ce | [#995] vh015 t011A |
Ex 20.10-22 | POxy 4442\r and \v (blanks, dicolon, QS) [pl 2-3] | 3-ce | [#] LDAB 3118 [Hamilton, Tov][D.Colomo, Atti del XXII Congresso di Papirologia (Firenze 1998), Firenze 2001, pp.269-277] |
Ex 31f | POxy 1074 (plate recto) [ed 2/3ce] | 3-ce | [#908] vh040 t029 |
Pss 144-145 | PBerol inv 21265 (KS, stich) [BKT 9, pl.72] | 3-ce | (Hamilton) [Ioannidou; Gronewalf ZPE 115 (1997) 130] LDAB 3102 |
Job 33-34 (magic?) | PBerlin 11778 = BKT 8.17 (sp, blanks, dots, KS) [t 3ce, "not a codex"] | 3-ce | [#974] vh275 t178A |
Isa 8-60 | PChBeat 7 + PSI 1273 + (various locations) (space/punct, KS) [t 3ce] [Cavello-Degni 2ce?] | 3-ce | [#965] vh293 t195 |
Ezk-Dn-Est | PChesterBeat 9 = SIFC 12 (1935) 109f Aphroditopolis (+ various other locations) (sp, dots, strokes, blanks, paragr, KS; page nos, corrs, notes) [t 3ce; eds 2ce] | 3-ce | [#967] vh315 t183/207A |
3rd c. |
Gen 14 (quote?) | PLitLond 228 = BrMus 212 | 3ce | [# = U3] |
Gen 16 | POxy 1166 (roll)(space/punct, KS; Jewish?) [restored col] | 3ce | [#944] vh014 t010 |
Ex 22-23 | PHarris 2 166 (1985) (blanks, paragr) | 3ce | [#??] LDAB 3104 |
Ex 40 | PRein 2.59 = PSorbonne 2166 =PReinach 2.59 | 3ce | [#1000] vh043 t031 |
Ex 40 | POxy 1075 (roll, space/punct, KS) | 3ce | [#909] vh044 |
Lev 19.16-19, 31-33 |
PHeid 290 ([K]S QS)[pl 1 in PHeid 4; K. Treu, Archiv 34 (1988), p.69 no.48a] | 3ce | [#?] LDAB 3112 |
Jdg 1 | PSI 2.127 [ed 5ce, t 3-ce] | 3ce | [#968] vh062 t043 |
2Chr 24 | PLondChrist 3 = PEgerton 4 (parch, space/punct; KS) | 3ce | [#971] vh075 t051A |
Ps 2 | PLitLond 204 (KS, non-stich)[t 3ce?] | 3ce | [#2051] vh092 t060 |
Pss 7-8 | POxy 1226 (KS, stichs)[t 3-ce] | 3ce | [#2025] vh099 t065 |
Ps 8.2-9 [|], 9.7-17[--] | PMich inv 22 [or 3.133] (blanks between stich) [or 4ce] | 3ce | [#2067] vh101 t065A |
Ps 67-68 | PVind/Wien 26035B = Rainer 4.12 (QS, stich, notes) | 3ce | [#2094] vh165 t110 |
Ps 77 | PAlex 240 = PSI 921 (QS, stich) | 3ce | [#?] |
Ps 79 | PBerlin 8630 = PRhodos (lead roll, magical; dated 1-4ce !!) | 3ce | [#2004] vh177 |
Job 9 | PChBeat 18 (Hamilton) [Pietersma] | 3ce | |
Prv 5-20 \ | |
WSol 11f } | PAnt 8 (KS, stichs; notes; txtcrit) | 3ce | [#928] vh254 t165 |
Sir 45 / | |
Qohelet | PHamb bil 1 (with Coptic)(sp, marks, QS) | 3ce | [#998] vh263 |
Qohel 3 | PMed [Milan] 1.13 (sp, punct, QS, stich, pl) | 3ce | [#989] vh264 t172 |
Qohel [Eccles] 6.3-5, 8-11 |
PMich inv 27 [3.135] (stich format, punct at end of stich, continued line indents; PNS, vars) [t 3/4ce] | 3ce | [#989 ?] vh265 t172 |
Tob 12.6-11 | Firenze, Capovilla 46 [ed M. Manfredi, Paideia Cristiana, Studi M. Naldini II (1994), p.175-181 (no plate?)] | 3ce | LDAB 3110 [C.J.Wagner, Polyglotte Tobit-Synopse, Abhandl. Akad. Wiss. Göttingen, Philolog.-histor. Klasse III 258, MSU 28, Göttingen 2003, pp.175-181] |
Isa 19 | PFir 8 (space/punct) | 3ce | |
Isa 38 | PVindob/Wien Rainer 8024 | 3ce | [#948] vh298 t198 |
Isa 58.6-9 | Milano, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, P.Med. 71.84 [ K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.96 no.1146a (no plate?)] | 3ce | LDAB 3117 [S. Daris, Aegyptus 58 (1978), pp. 106-109] |
Jer 2-3 | PBerlin 17212 (space/punct, KS, mg notes [Treu pl]) | 3ce | [#837] vh303 t201A |
Jer 4-5 | PChBeat 8 (ed 2ce or 2/3ce; t 4ce)(sp, dots, dicolon, KS) [t 4ce, Kenyon 2/3ce, vh 2+ce] | 3ce | [#966] vh304 t202 |
Dan 1 OG | P(private) ed Schwartz | 3ce | vh318 |
3rd c. late |
Gen 1-35 | PBerlin fol 66 I/II ((2 col at start, paragr, KS) [t 3/4ce] | 3+ce | [#911] vh004 t001 |
Gen 2-3 | POxy 1007 [pl] = PLitLond. 1991 (parchm; ZZ tetragr, QS) | 3+ce | [#907] vh005 t002 LDAB 3113 |
Gen 24-46 | PChBeat 5 (sp, paragr, ekthesis, KS) [t 3/4ce] | 3+ce | [#962] vh007 t011 |
Ps 17-118 | PBodmer 24 (sp, punct, paragr, KS)[t 3/4ce] | 3+ce | [#2110] vh118 t075A |
Ps 120 (119) | PBarc inv 10 (parchment) [R. Roca-Puig, Estrena de Nadal. Salm 119 (120), 7, segons la versio dels Setanta. Pergami de Barcelona, Inv. n° 10, Barcelona 1975] | 3+ce | LDAB 9893 (Hamilton) [Roca Puig; Treu AFP 26 (1978) 153] |
Prv 2-3 | PAnt 9 (spacing, punct; notes; txtcrit interest) [t 3ce?] | 3+ce | [#987] vh252 t164 |
Tob 12 | POxy 1594 (parch, txtcrit) [t 3ce] | 3+ce | [#990] vh082 t186 |
Jdth 15 | Cairo Ostrakon 215 | 3+ce | [#999] vh080 |
MPrs | PWash Freer (punct, paragr, KS; txtcrit) [t 4ce] | 3+ce | [#W] vh284 t187 |
Isa 6.10(q) | POxy 406 (pl, quote) [t 3/4ce?] | 3+ce | vh1152 t194A |
Isa 23 | PLibrCong 4082B | 3+ce | [#] vh295 |
3rd/4th |
?? | JEA 11(1925) 241-46 (Gk-Copt extracts) | 3/4ce | |
Gen 27-28 | PBerlin Eg 9778 (parchm) | 3/4ce | [#903] vh017 |
Gen 46-47 | PLitLond 202 = BM P 2557 (sp/punct, Jewish?) | 3/4ce | [#953] vh030 t022 |
Ex 9-10 | PBodl gr bibl f 4 [3-6 ce] (parch) (sp/punct, KS) | 3/4ce | [Spottorno-Marcos Emerita 44 (1976) 385ff (Hamilton, Tov)] |
Ex 34-35 | PBerlin 14039 (parch; sp/punct, KS [Treu]) | 3/4ce | [#?] vh042 t029B |
Esth 4 | PLitPalauRibes inv 163 (Barcelona) [pl 5] (palimpsest, newer script Arabic) [K. Treu, Archiv 32 (1986), p.97 no.77a] | 3/4ce | LDAB 3128 [S. Daris, Aegyptus 66 (1986), pp. 106-107 = P.Lit. Palau Rib. 4] (Hamilton) |
Ps 1 | PLaur 140 [Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana II/34] (roll? school text?) (KS, stich, "syllabification") [Cribiore 295; K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.92 no.85a] | 3/4ce | LDAB 3136 [R. Pintaudi, ZPE 38 (1980), p.259-260 = P.Laur. 04 140] (Hamilton) |
Ps 11-14 | PLitLond 207 (roll, then reused)(KS, stichs music?) | 3/4ce | [#2019] vh109 t072 [Pack 1245] |
Ps 19 | PRyl add 3.1 (liturgical?) | 3/4ce | [#] vh121 |
Ps 21-23 | PUG(enova) 1 (sp/punct, paragraphos, KS; pl) | 3/4ce | [#] vh125 |
Ps 30 | PBonnColl P147v (stichometric) | 3/4ce | [Tov(Hamilton)][Shelton ZPE 25 (1977) 159ff pl] |
Ps 43 | PHarris 31 = Birmingham, Selly Oak College Libr.1821 [G.D. Kilpatrick, Journ. Theol. Stud. 50 (1949), p.176-177] (roll or sheet, amulet?) [t 4ce] | 3/4ce | [#2108] vh148 t095A LDAB 3198 AlandAT67 |
Ps 68, 80 | PVindob 39777 = StudPal 11.114 = PWien Rainer 18 (parch roll; Symmachus?) (paleo-Heb tetragr, QS) [C. Wessely, Me/langes Chatelain, p.224-229] [t 4ce and 3/4ce (listed twice)] | 3/4ce | [#xx] vh167 t111B,113 LDAB 3492 |
Ps 82-83 | POxy 1352 (parch; sp/punct, KS, corrs, numbers) | 3/4ce | [#2049] vh180 t121 |
Ps 143-148 |
PFlor = PSI 8.980 (lines between, KS) [ed 3ce] |
3/4ce | [#2055] vh238 t162 |
Sir 29 | PFlor 531 | 3/4ce | [#] vh281 t180A |
Sir 36, 46 | PChBeat 11 (pagination) [t 4ce] | 3/4ce | [#964] vh282 t181 |
Hos 2-8 | PLond BM Eg 10825 = BM inv 10924 + 2584 (reused roll; Gk-Cop liturg?) [t 3ce] | 3/4ce | [#] vh286 t188 [Bell & Thompson JEA 11 (1925) 241-46] (Hamilton) |
Isa 48 | PAlex 203 (roll)(blank, KS; Treu let, pl; Jew?) | 3/4ce | [#] vh300 t198A |
Isa 49 | PBerlin 13422 = BKT 8.21 (roll? final page of codex?) | 3/4ce | [#904] vh301 t200 |
Jer 41f | PVindob G 19891 | 3/4ce | [Treu 1974] (Hamilton) |
Ezk 5-6 | PBodl = PGrenf 1.5? (KS, hexapl signs) | 3/4ce | [#922] vh314 t207 |
Dan 1++ [Thucydides, Historiae, 06.1.1-2.6 + sententiae + Daniel 1 + Susanna] | PBodmer 46 [Papiri Letterari Greci 5, pl 4] [cf. K. Treu, Archiv 30 (1984), p.122 no. 317a] | 3/4ce | LDAB 4120 [Carlini 1975, 1981 B.Gagnebin, Genava NS 20 (1972), p.12; A.Carlini, A & R NS 19 (1974), p.87-88; J.Bingen, Chron d'Eg. 53 (1978), p.177; Koerner 102; Typology, p.81 n.4] (Hamilton) |
4th c. early |
Gen 1.1-5 LXX & A' | PAmherst 1.3 (excerpts?) (QS; with Hebs; pl) | 4-ce | [#912=U2] vh003 (early 4th) t001B (3/4ce) |
Gen 26/Dt 28 | POsl 2.11 + PRyl 460 (Testimonies) | 4-ce | [#958] vh299 |
Lev 16.33f | POxy 1225 [pl 5] = Princeton, Theological Seminary 12 (roll)(sp/punct) | 4-ce | [#947] vh048 t033 LDAB 3185 AlandAT23 |
Dt 28.8 & 11 | Manchester, John Rylands Libr., P.Gr.460 [ Edition: C.H.Roberts, Two Biblical Papyri in the John Rylands Library Manchester, Manchester 1936; Fragment of a leaf of a Florilegium or Testimonium. O.Osloessnsis II No.11 is on the same leaf. | early 4th ce | [#958] |
Ps 1-4 | PChBeat 15 (with Phileas of Thmouis, apology) [K. Aland, Repertorium I 0207 + II, KV83; K. Treu, Archiv 32 (1986), p.91 no.710a] | 4-ce | LDAB 3530 [A.Pietersma, P.Chester Beatty 15, Cahiers d'Orientalisme 1984] (Hamilton) |
Ps 9 | PWien Rain 28 = PVindob 39786 (sp, marks, KS) [back blank; amulet?] | 4-ce | [#2086?] vh105?(5th c) t068? |
Ps 50 | PLaur 03 54 [= Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana II/39] (pl 51 and on CD-ROM; R.Pintaudi) [K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.92 no.152a] | 4-ce | LDAB 3164 (Hamilton) |
Ps 88.4-8, 15-18 | PDuke inv 740 (punct marking stichoi, sections, KS QS) | 4-ce | LDAB 3162 [N.Gonis, Archiv 46 (2000), pp.14-15, pl 1 + 3] (Hamilton) |
Ps 92 | PParis Louvre (lead tablets) | 4-ce | vh205 |
Ps 146 |
PParis Louvre MND 552 H-L (sp, marks, KS) | 4-ce | vh239 |
Cant 5-6 | PLitLond 209 (with Apol Aristid) (sp/punct) [t 4ce] | 4-ce | [#952] vh269 t175 |
Dan 1.17f Q' | PLitLond 211 Theodotion (roll?) (uncontracted QS) (parchment, reused in book binding) [Jewish?] [H.I. Bell in E.A.W. Budge, Coptic Biblical Texts in the Dialect of Upper Egypt (1912), p.xiv-xv.] [t 4ce, "not a codex"] | 4-ce | [#925] vh319 t210 LDAB 3493 |
4th c. |
Gen 5-6 | POxy 1073 = PLitLond 200 (Latin parchment; 2 cols?; plate) | 4ce | t003 |
Gen 9-15, 17-44 | PChBeat 4 (2col, blanks, paragr, KS) | 4ce | [#961] vh008 t005 |
Gen 13.6-8, 10 | PMich inv 2724 (= 131) (parchment; QS) | 4ce | [#832] vh011 |
Gen27-28 | St.Catherine's (Charlesworth ASOR 1981) | 4ce | |
Gen 31 | POxy 1167 (QS) | 4ce | [#945] vh021 t015 |
Gen 34.21-22 and 25 | Cairo, Egyptian Museum SR 3805 (9) [pl p.194] (parchment, 2 col) [Archiv 43 (1997), p.108] | 4ce | LDAB 3157 [A. Hanafi, in G.Pugliese-Caratelli e.a. (edd.), Roma e l'Egitto nell'Antichita Classica (1992), p.191-196] |
Gen 37-38 | PMunch 610 [103] (parchm 2col) | 4ce | [#935] vh024 t017 |
Gen 41 | PHambIbscher 5 (parch)(sp/punct [rare]) | 4ce | [#997] vh028 t020 |
Ex 4-7 | Schoyen 187 (blanks, paragr, QS) | 4ce | [#866] |
Ex 5-7 | PBerlin 11766 + 14046 (parch; sp/punct, KS [Treu pl]) | 4ce | [# ] vh032 t023A |
Ex 29 | PMilan Vogliano 1.22 RUniv (parch) | 4ce | [#972] vh039 t028B |
Ex 34.18-20 | PBerlin 16990 = BKT 8.24 [Treu, pl] (parchment)[Schubart 5/6ce!](see Ex 5 MS?) | 4ce? | [#978] vh041 t029A |
Lev 22.3 | Frags from Sinai 15 (parch) | 4ce | [#931] t034 |
Lev 27 | POxy 1351 (parch, 2col; blank) | 4ce | [#954] vh050 t035 |
Nm 6 | Marble plaque Thess (Samaritan; Heb/Gk) | 4ce | [Wevers, no number] vh053 (Tov) |
Dt 2-3 | PRyl 1 (reused doc dated 293)(sp/punct, KS; 2col?) | 4ce | [#920] vh055 t038 |
Jsh 4-5 | POxy 1168 (parch; sp/punct, KS) | 4ce | [#946] vh061 t042 |
Jdg 20.22 | Mt. Sinai fragment p.2 (parchment) | 4ce | [#???] t046 |
1Sm 18.8-25 | PWien 187 (parch; pl) | 4ce | [#???] vh065 t047 |
1Chr 25, 2Chr 4 | Sinai, Monastery St. Catharina, New Collection 1, 1B1, 1A1 (reused as book binding) [P.Nicolopoulos, Ta nea euremata tou Sina, 1998, p.86 no.1 with pl.45] [C. Römer, Archiv 43 (1997), p.109] | 4ce | LDAB 3190 [ D. Digbassanis, Proceedings 18th Congress of Papyrology, Athens (1988), p.75-79; photos] |
Ps ?? | Milano, Università Statale degli Studi di Milano, T.Mil. Vogl. inv.5 (wood sheet, school text?) | 4ce | LDAB 3172 [cf. S.Bucking, Akten 21 Kongr. Berlin 1997, p.136] |
Ps 1 | PTaur [Turin] 27 (pl, chi-rho) | 4ce | [#2116] vh084 |
Ps 1 | POxy 1779 (sp/punct, KS, non-stich) | 4ce | [#2073] vh090 t058 |
Ps 3-67 | PVindob/Wien 9907-9972 (Gk-Sah, pl) | 4ce | [#1220] vh096 |
Ps 11-13 | PRainer 4.6 (parch, stich) | 4ce | [#2087] vh110 |
Ps 14 | White Marble | 4ce | [#2012] vh111 |
Ps 17-18 | BKT 8.5 = PBerlin 11682 (roll? liturg) | 4ce | [#2059] vh117 t075B |
Ps 18 | PVind/Wien = StPal 9.6 | 4ce | [#2037] vh120 t077 |
Ps 28-29 | PBerlin 5875 = BKT 8.7 (stich) | 4ce | [#2045] vh131 t082 |
Ps 30-55 | PLeipzig 39 (reused roll, after 338)(paragr, KS, stich, ##on Pss) | 4ce | [#2013] vh133 t083 |
Pss 31,26,2 | PChestBeat 14 (sp/punct, KS) | 4ce | [Tov] |
Ps 33-34 | PBodmer 9 (pl, with Apol Phileas) [t 4ce?] | 4ce | [#2113] vh138 t087A |
Ps 34 (excerpt?) |
PVind/Wien 26205+26607 = PRanier 4.9 (recto only; sp/punct, KS, stich?) | 4ce | [#2091] vh141 t089 |
Ps 35-36 | PBerlin 6747 + 6785 = BKT 8.8 | 4ce | [#2046] vh142 t090 |
Ps 36 | PFlor = PSI 14.1371 (KS, stich) | 4ce | [#2064] vh143 t091 |
Ps 39-41 | PBour 2 = PSorbonne 827 (corrs) | 4ce | [#2050] vh145 t093 |
Ps 72-78 | PChestBeat 13 (sp/punct, KS) | 4ce | [Tov] |
[Ps 73 + 111] | PBiblUnivGiss 4.34 (roll)[see below, Ps 111] | 4ce | [#see below] t116A,127 |
Ps 77 | PVindob gr 35781 = Wien, Papyrussammlung Nationalbibliothek, G. 35781 (stich) [K.Treu, Archiv 26 (1978), p.153 no.175a] | 4ce | LDAB 3194 [K.Treu, Jahrb. Osterr. Byz. Gesellsch. 23 (1974), p.4-6] |
Ps 103-105 | PBerlin 16390 = BKT 8.22 (parch)[t 4/5ce] | 4ce | [#2060] vh214 t140A=146A |
Ps 111 + 73 | PGiss 4.34 (roll, liturg or amulet?) | 4ce | [#2056] vh220 t127,116A |
Ps 117.26-27 | Wien, Private collection Fackelmann 10 = PRainer Cent. pl.47 (parchment from book binding, not a codex; amulet?) [Treu, Archiv 31 (1985), p.60 no. 222b] | 4ce | LDAB 3191 [K. Niederwimmer, P.Rainer Cent. 25] |
Ps 117-118 | Ostrakon Kortenbeutel Gk-Copt (limestone) | 4ce | [#2107] vh222 t149 |
Ps 150 | PColumbia 11 294 (T.Teeter) = New York, Columbia 97 (prayer on other side with KS) [P.Mirecki, BASP 38 (2001), pp.138-139] | 4ce | LDAB 3476 |
Job 1-2 | PFlor = PSI 10.1163 (KS)[pl] [t or 3/4ce?] | 4ce | [#955] vh272 t177 |
Cant 5-6 | PBerlin 18196 (parch, stich, Treu pl) | 4ce | vh270 |
WisdSol 4 | POxy 4444 (parchment, blanks/sections, KS, stichoi) | 4ce | [#] LDAB 3179 [I.A.Sparks, Journal for the Study of Judaism 3 (1972), p.149-152] |
WisdSol 17.5-20 | PCologne 5849 [P.Ko%ln 04 167 (C.Ro%mer), pl 2-3] (parchment, pagination, stichometric) [K. Treu, Archiv 30 (1984), p.122 no. 278a] | 4ce | LDAB 3167 |
Jonah 1-4 | PSI 10.1164 + PBerlin/BKT 8.18 (parch) [t 4/5ce?] | 4ce | [##956,975] vh289 t190 |
Isa 42 etc! | POslo 11 frg 1 (sp/punct, KS; testimonia?) | 4ce | [#958] vh299 t199 |
Jer 5-6 | PGenev 252 (sp/punct, KS, pagination) | 4ce | [# ] vh305 |
Jer 17-47 | PSorbonne 2250 ( mg notes; text) | 4ce | [#817] vh308 t204A |
Jer 18 | PBarc 5 [Aegyptus 45 (1965) 70ff pl] | 4ce | [#984] vh309 t204 |
Ezk 33-34 | PAnt 10 (parchment; sp/punct, KS, txtcrit) | 4ce | [#988] vh316 t208 |
4th c. late |
"OT" | Rome Bibl Vat 1209 Codex Vaticanus (colophons) | 4+ce | [#B] |
"OT" | London BM Codex Sinaiticus (sectioning, rubification) (colophon comparison with Vaticanus) | 4+ce | [#S] |
4th/5th c |
Octateuch | Leiden, Paris, etc. Codex ? | 4/5ce | [#G] |
Gen 13.3-9 | BKT 8.2 = PBerlin 16353 (parchment) | 4/5ce | [#959] vh010 t006A |
Gen 38.23 | StudPal 9.2 = PVindobG 39769 (parch, 2 col?) | 4/5ce | [#949] vh025 t018 |
Gen 41 | PErlangen 1 (inv 2) (sp/punct. QS) | 4/5ce | [#996] vh027 t019A |
1Sm 22-24 | PFeinberg 1 [t 5ce?] | 4/5ce | [# ???] vh066 t049 |
1Sm 24 - 2Sm 1 | PYale 2183, Beinecke 544 (parchment; sp/punct, paragr, KS) | 4/5ce | [#?] vh067 t047A |
2Sm 15-16 | PStrasb 911 + 1027-1028 | 4/5ce | [#???] vh068 t048 |
Ps 15-16 | Monchen Gr. 333 = Mu%nchen Gr. 333 (reused roll, now a codex) [K. Treu, Archiv 35 (1989), p.107 no.112b] | 4/5ce | LDAB 3207 |
Ps 28 | Freiburg, Universitätsbibliothek H4 (wood; practice letters?) [Brashear-Hoogendijk, Enchoria 17 (1990), p.46 n.30] | 4/5/6ce | LDAB 3219 [Kosack, Alltag im Alten Aegypten, p.47] |
Ps 32 | PRanier 4.24 = PVindob gr 29274 (sp/punct, KS; plus school exercises, Coptic; partly paginated, xi-rho) | 4/5ce | [#2090] vh136 t085 |
Ps 68-70 | POxy 845 (stichometric) | 4/5ce | [#2042] vh168 t112 |
Pss 72-89 | PVindob G 39775a-b = StudPal 9.9-10 | 4/5ce | [#2039] vh171 t115 |
Ps 83-84 | POxy 2386 (roll, then reused for a letter?) (sp, marks, KS, stich) | 4/5ce | [#2070] vh 181 |
Ps 118.22-40 | Wien, Private collection Fackelmann 11 = PRainer Cent 26, pl.48 (parchment from book-binding) [Treu, Archiv 31 (1985), p.60 no. 223a] | 4/5ce | LDAB 3213 [K. Niederwimmer, P.Rainer Cent. 26] |
Ps 141 | Leningrad cod gr 4 (parch) | 4/5ce | t160 |
Prv 7.3-13 | PMich inv 768 (3.134) (wax tablet) | 4/5/6ce | vh255 t166 |
Ode 8 (Dan 3) | Madrid, Fundación Pastor, P.Matr. bibl. 2 [Stud. Pal. 18] (not codex) [K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.93 no.247b] | 4/5ce | LDAB 3205 [J. O'Callaghan, Stud. Pap. 18 (1979), p.13-16] |
Cant 2 + 5 | PDamasc 7 (parchment, palimpsest; ektheis, stichoi [Tov]; now lost) | 4/5ce | [#?] vh 268 t174A (K.Treu, Damascus] |
Sir 26-28 | Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana III/424 [P.Laur. 3 pl.LII; cd-ROM, Papiri letterari della Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana] (parchment) [K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.93 no.280a] | 4/5ce | LDAB 3201 [P.Laur. 03 55 (R.Pintaudi)] |
Sir 29.13-26 | P.Rainer Cent. 27 [pl 48] = Wien, Private collection Fackelmann 12 (parchment from book-binding, miniature codex) [Treu, Archiv 31 (1985), p.60 no. 280b] | 4/5ce | LDAB 3214 [K. Niederwimmer] |
Wisd 1 | StudPal 9.4 = PVindob G 39770 | 4/5ce | [#950] vh276 t179 |
Zach 12 | PGrenf 1.6 (parch)[vh 5ce] | 4/5ce | [#923] vh291 t192 |
Isa 6.3 | PatrolOrient 18.3 p.437 [t 4-6ce, "doubtful whether codex"]] | 4/5ce? | t194 |
5th c & later | |||
Gen 36 |
PBerlin 17035 [ed Treu] (parchment;
Symmachus?) |
5/6ce |
[#831] vh022 |
Gen 37.3-4 and 9 | Geneva, Bibl. Publ. et Univ., 99 [side 1] [side 2] (parchment, 2col; punct, ekthesis, UIWN) [J. Nicole, Rev. Phil. 28 (1904), p. 65-68; identified by A.Rahlfs, Nachr. Akad. Go%ttingen 1911, pp.263-266] (Samaritan?) | 5/6ce |
[in Wevers, but unnumbered] vh023 LDAB 3270 |
Deut, Jsh | Washingtonensis (parchment 2col) [t 6ce] | 5/6ce | [#W] t037 |
Deut 24-29 | PGiessen 13+19+22+26 [side 1] [side 2] (parchment 2col, now lost or illegible) (sp/punct, KS QS, possibly Samaritan?) [P. Glaue - A. Rahlfs, Nachr. Akad. Göttingen, (1911), p. 167-200 = Mitteilungen 1, 2, p. 31-64; E. Tov, Rev. Bibl. 78 (1971), p.355-383] | 5/6ce | vh058 t040 LDAB 3273 |
1Kgs 21, 2Kgs 23 | Codex Cambridge 12.184 + 20.50 = Taylor-Schlechter 2.89.326 (Aquila) (parchment palimpsest [Heb liturgical text over, 11ce]; sp/punct, paleo-Heb tetragr) | 5/6ce | [#?] vh074 t050 LDAB 3268 |
Ps 21 | Cambridge Univ, Taylor-Schechter 12.182 (parchment palimpsest underwriting; Hexapla cols 2-5 [trimmed bifold: side one, inside fold]; PIPI tetragram) | 7ce | [#2005] vh123 t078 |
Ps 90-103 | Cambridge, University Library Taylor-Schechter Collection 12.186 + AS.78.412; 12.187; 12.188 [pl] (parchment palimpsest [Heb over]; tetragram) [C. Taylor, Hebrew Greek Cairo Genizah Palimpsests, (1900), p. 51-85; description : descr. : N. Tchernetska, Pap. Flor. 031 (2000), p.737] | 5/6ce | [#2006] vh203 LDAB 3469 |
Ps 143-144 | Cambridge, University Library Taylor-Schechter Collection 16.320 (parchment, palimps [Heb over]; Heb tetragramm) [J.H.A. Hart, Journ. Theol. Stud. 4 (1903), p. 215-17] | 6ce | [#2006] vh236 LDAB 3314 |
text | details | date | IDs, further information |
?? | JEA 11(1925) 241-46 (Gk-Copt extracts) | 3/4ce | |
"OT" | Rome Bibl Vat 1209 Codex Vaticanus (colophons) | 4+ce | [#B] |
"OT" | London BM Codex
Sinaiticus (sectioning, rubification)
comparison with Vaticanus) |
4+ce | [#S] |
Octateuch | Leiden, Paris, etc. Codex ? | 4/5ce | [#G] |
Gen 1-35 | PBerlin fol 66 I/II (paragr, KS) [t 3/4ce] | 3+ce | [#911] vh004 t001 |
Gen 1.1-5 LXX & A' | PAmherst 1.3 (excerpts?) (QS; with Hebs; pl) | 4-ce | [#912=U2] vh003 (early 4th) t001B (3/4ce) |
Gen 2-3 | POxy 1007 [pl] = PLitLond. 1991 (parchm; ZZ tetragr, QS) | 3+ce | [#907] vh005 t002 LDAB 3113 |
Gen 3-38 | PFouad 266a (roll)(sp, blanks) [Zaki Aly - L. Koenen, Three rolls of the Early Septuagint, 1980] | 1bce | [#942] vh056a LDAB 3450 AlandAT3 [K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.91 no.5a] |
Gen 5-6 | POxy 1073 = PLitLond 200 (Latin parchment; 2 cols?; plate) | 4ce | [Latin] t003 |
Gen 9-15, 17-44 | PChBeat 4 (blanks, paragr, KS) | 4ce | [#961] vh008 t005 |
Gen 13.3-9 | BKT 8.2 = PBerlin 16353 (parchment) | 4/5ce | [#959] vh010 t006A |
Gen 13.6-8, 10 |
PMich inv 2724 (= 131) (parchment; QS) | 4ce | [#832] vh011 |
Gen 14 (quote?) | PLitLond 228 = BrMus 212 | 3ce | [# = U3] |
Gen 14 | PYale 1\r and \v (sp, mid dots, abbrev number) [ed=vh 1+ce; t2/3ce] | 2ce | [#814] vh012 t007 LDAB 3081 |
Gen 14-27 | POxy 656 (sp, blanks, dots, blank tetra) | 2/3ce | [#905=U4] vh013 t009 LDAB 3094 |
Gen 16 | POxy 1166 (roll)(space/punct, KS; Jewish?) [restored col] | 3ce | [#944] vh014 t010 |
Gen 19 | PBerlin 17213 (space/punct, cf tetragr [Treu plate]) | 3-ce | [#995] vh015 t011A |
Gen 24-46 | PChBeat 5 (sp,paragr, ekthesis, KS) | 3+ce | [#962] vh007 t011 [3/4ce] |
Gen 26/Dt 28 | POsl 2.11 + PRyl 460 (Testimonies) | 4-ce | [#958] vh299 |
Gen 27-28 | PBerlin Eg 9778 (parchm) | 3/4ce | [#903] vh017 |
Gen 27-28 | St.Catherine's (Charlesworth ASOR 1981) | 4ce | [#???] |
Gen 31 | POxy 1167 (QS) | 4ce | [#945] vh021 t015 |
Gen 34.21-22 and 25 | Cairo, Egyptian Museum SR 3805 (9) [pl p.194] (parchment, 2 col) [Archiv 43 (1997), p.108] | 4ce | [#???] LDAB 3157 [A. Hanafi, in G.Pugliese-Caratelli e.a. (edd.), Roma e l'Egitto nell'Antichita Classica (1992), p.191-196] |
Gen 36 |
PBerlin 17035 [ed Treu] (parchment; Symmachus?) | 5/6ce | [#831] vh022 |
Gen 37-38 | PMunch 610 [103] (parchm 2col) | 4ce | [#935] vh024 t017 |
Gen 37.3-4 and 9 | Geneva, Bibl. Publ. et Univ., 99 [side 1] [side 2] (parchment, 2col; punct, ekthesis, UIWN) [J. Nicole, Rev. Phil. 28 (1904), p. 65-68; identified by A.Rahlfs, Nachr. Akad. Go%ttingen 1911, pp.263-266] (Samaritan?) | 5/6ce | [Wevers unnumbered] vh023 LDAB 3270 |
Gen 38.23 | StudPal 9.2 = PVindobG 39769 (parch, 2 col?) | 4/5ce | [#949] vh025 t018 |
Gen 41 | PHambIbscher 5 (parch)(sp/punct [rare]) | 4ce | [#997] vh028 t020 |
Gen 41 | PErlangen 1 (inv 2) (sp/punct. QS) | 4/5ce | [#996 (not in Wevers)] vh027 t019A |
Gen 46-47 | PLitLond 202 = BM P 2557 (sp/punct, Jewish?) | 3/4ce | [#953] vh030 t022 |
Ex 4 | PCollHorsley (Deissman Nachlass)(KS) | 2/3ce | [HorsleyArchPapyrusf 30 (1993) 35ff [Hamilton]] |
Ex 4-7 | Schoyen 187 (blanks, paragr, QS) | 4ce | [#866] |
Ex 5-7 | PBerlin 11766 + 14046 (parch; sp/punct, KS [Treu pl]) | 4ce | [#??? ] vh032 t023A |
Ex 8/Dt 29 | PBaden 56b = PHeid Gr 8 (sp at 8.11, KS) | 2+ce | [#970] vh033 t024 |
Ex 9-10 | PBodl gr bibl f 4 [3-6 ce] (parch) (sp/punct, KS) | 3/4ce | [Spottorno-Marcos Emerita 44 (1976) 385ff (Hamilton, Tov)] |
Ex 20.10-22 | POxy 4442\r and \v (blanks, dicolon, QS) [pl 2-3] [D.Colomo, Atti del XXII Congresso di Papirologia (Firenze 1998), Firenze 2001, pp.269-277] | 3-ce | [#???] LDAB 3118 [Hamilton, Tov] |
Ex 22-23 | PHarris 2 166 (1985) (blanks, paragr) | 3ce | [#???] LDAB 3104 |
Ex 28 | 7QLXXEx (roll) [check dating; LDAB 000 (confused?)] | 2/1bce | [#805] vh038 LDAB 3456 AlandAT18 |
Ex 29 | PMilan Vogliano 1.22 RUniv (parch) | 4ce | [#972] vh039 t028B |
Ex 31f | POxy 1074 (plate recto) [ed 2/3ce] | 3-ce | [#908] vh040 t029 |
Ex 34.18-20 | PBerlin 16990 = BKT 8.24 [Teru, pl] (parchment)[Schubart 5/6ce!](see Ex 5 MS?) | 4ce? | [#978] vh041 t029A |
Ex 34-35 | PBerlin 14039 (parch; sp/punct, KS [Treu]) | 3/4ce | [#???] vh042 t029B |
Ex 40 | PRein 2.59 = PSorbonne 2166 =PReinach 2.59 | 3ce | [#1000] vh043 t031 |
Ex 40 | POxy 1075 (roll, space/punct, KS) | 3ce | [#909] vh044 |
Lev 2-5 | 4QLXXLev\b Jerusalem, Rockefeller Museum (roll)(sp, blanks, paragr, IAW) | 1bce | [#802] vh046 LDAB 3452 AlandAT22 |
Lev 10 | PSchoyen 2649 (sp) (Hamilton) | 2+ce | [#???] |
Lev 16.33f | POxy 1225 [pl 5] = Princeton, Theological Seminary 12 (roll)(sp/punct) | 4-ce | [#947] vh048 t033 LDAB 3185 AlandAT23 |
Lev 19.16-19, 31-33 | PHeid 290 ([K]S QS)[pl 1 in PHeid 4; K. Treu, Archiv 34 (1988), p.69 no.48a] | 3ce | [#858] LDAB 3112 |
Lev 22.3 | Frags from Sinai 15 (parch) | 4ce | [#931] t034 |
Lev 26 | 4QLXXLev\a ("leather" roll)(blanks) [check dating; LDAB 000] | 2/1bce | [#801] vh049 LDAB 3454 |
Lev 27 | POxy 1351 (parch, 2col; blank) | 4ce | [#954] vh050 t035 |
Nm - Dt | PChBeat 6 (2col; sp sects, para?, KS)[edd 2ce] | 2/3ce | [#963] vh052 t036 |
Nm 3-4 | 4QLXXNu ("leather" roll)(sp) | 000 | [#803] vh051 t036A LDAB 3455 |
Nm 6 | Marble plaque Thess (Samaritan; Heb/Gk; Tov) | 4ce | [Wevers, no number] vh053 |
Deut, Jsh | Washingtonensis (parchment 2col) [t 6ce] | 5/6ce | [#W] t037 |
Dt 1-6 | Chester Beatty Libr., P. Chester Beatty VI [Edition: F.G.Kenyon, The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri, Fasc甃AGreek?甃AEnglish?V. London 1935 (Facsimile-Edition Dublin 1958). Cf. also A.Pietersma, Vetus Testamentum 24(1974), 113-118] | 2 ce | [#963] |
Dt 2-3 | PRyl 1 (reused doc dated 293)(sp/punct, KS; 2col?) | 4ce | [#920] vh055 t038 |
Dt 10-33 | PFouad 266c (roll)(sp) [Zaki Aly - L. Koenen, Three rolls of the Early Septuagint, 1980] | 1+bce | [#847] vh056c LDAB 3453 Aland01; [K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.91 no.55a] |
Dt 11.4 | 4QLXXDeut = 4Q122 ("leather" roll) [E. Ulrich, Studies J.W. Wevers (1984), p.71-82 = Disc. Jud. Desert 09 122] | 2bce | [#819] LDAB 3458 [K. Treu, Archiv 31 (1985), p.59 no.55b] |
Dt 17-33 | PFouad 266b (roll)(sp, blanks, paragr, Heb tetragr, stichometric in 32) [Zaki Aly - L. Koenen, Three rolls of the Early Septuagint, 1980] | 1bce | [#848] vh056b t037A LDAB 3451 Aland01 = AT27 [K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.91] |
Dt 23-28 | PRyl 458 (roll)(sp, high dot) [C.H.Roberts, Bull. J.Rylands Library 20 (1936), pp.219-245] | 2bce | [#957] vh057 t039 LDAB 3459 |
Deut 24-29 | PGiessen 13+19+22+26 [side 1] [side 2] (parchment 2col, now lost or illegible) (sp/punct, KS QS, possibly Samaritan?) [P. Glaue - A. Rahlfs, Nachr. Akad. Göttingen, (1911), p. 167-200 = Mitteilungen 1, 2, p. 31-64; E. Tov, Rev. Bibl. 78 (1971), p.355-383] | 5/6ce |
[Wevers: collated without Rahlfs number] vh058 t040 LDAB 3273 |
Dt 28.8 & 11 | Manchester, John Rylands Libr., P.Gr.460 [ Edition: C.H.Roberts, Two Biblical Papyri in the John Rylands Library Manchester, Manchester 1936; Fragment of a leaf of a Florilegium or Testimonium. O.Osloessnsis II No.11 is on the same leaf. | early 4th ce | [#958] |
Dt 29 | Heidelberg, Univ. Bibl., Inv. Pap. Graec. No.8 [ Edition: Fr. Bilabel, Griechische Papyri (Urkunden, Briefe, Schreibtafeln, Ostraka etc..) with 2 tables. Ver鰂fent璴ichungen aus den badischen Papyrus-Sammlungen. Heft 4. Heidelberg 1924, 24-27. | 2 ce | [#970] |
Jsh 4-5 | POxy 1168 (parch; sp/punct, KS) | 4ce | [#946] vh061 t042 |
Josh 9-11 | PSchoyen 2648 (sp, blanks, KS & nom sac, page numbers) | 2/3ce | [DeTroyer via Hamilton] |
Jdg 1 | PSI 2.127 (ed 5ce, t 3-ce) | 3ce | [#968] vh062 t043 |
Jdg 20.22 | Mt. Sinai fragment p.2 (parchment) | 4ce | [#???] t046 |
1Sm 18.8-25 | PWien 187 (parch; pl) | 4ce | [#???] vh065 t047 |
1Sm 22-24 | PFeinberg 1 [t 5ce?] | 4/5ce | [# ???] vh066 t049 |
1Sm 24 - 2Sm 1 | PYale 2183, Beinecke 544 (parchment; sp/punct, paragr, KS) | 4/5ce | [#???] vh067 t047A |
2Sm 15-16 | PStrasb 911 + 1027-1028 | 4/5ce | [#???] vh068 t048 |
1Kgs 21, 2Kgs 23 | Codex Cambridge 12.184 + 20.50 = Taylor-Schlechter 2.89.326 (Aquila) (parchment palimpsest [Heb liturgical text over, 11ce]; sp/punct, paleo-Heb tetragr) | 5/6ce | [#?] vh074 t050 LDAB 3268 |
1Chr 25, 2Chr 4 | Sinai, Monastery St. Catharina, New Collection 1, 1B1, 1A1 (reused as book binding) [P.Nicolopoulos, Ta nea euremata tou Sina, 1998, p.86 no.1 with pl.45] [C. Römer, Archiv 43 (1997), p.109] | 4ce | LDAB 3190 [ D. Digbassanis, Proceedings 18th Congress of Papyrology, Athens (1988), p.75-79; photos] |
2Chr 24 | PLondChrist 3 = PEgerton 4 (parch, space/punct; KS) | 3ce | [#971] vh075 t051A |
2Chr 29-30 | PBarc 3 (pl) [ed 2ce, t 3ce) | 2/3ce | [#?] vh076 t051 |
Esth 4 | PLitPalauRibes inv 163 (Barcelona) [pl 5] (palimpsest, newer script Arabic) [K. Treu, Archiv 32 (1986), p.97 no.77a] | 3/4ce | LDAB 3128 [S. Daris, Aegyptus 66 (1986), pp. 106-107 = P.Lit. Palau Rib. 4] (Hamilton) |
Esth 8-9 | POxy 4443 (roll, sections, ekthesis, [Hamilton]) [full size column] | 1/2ce | [#??] LDAB 3080 |
Ps ?? | Milano, Università Statale degli Studi di Milano, T.Mil. Vogl. inv.5 (wood sheet, school text?) | 4ce | LDAB 3172 [cf. S.Bucking, Akten 21 Kongr. Berlin 1997, p.136] |
Ps 1 | PSI 1989 = Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli' 1989 (not codex; "Christian") | 2+ce | [D. Limongi, P.Omagggio XX congr. (1992), no.1] LDAB 3085 (Hamilton) |
Ps 1 | PLaur 140 [Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana II/34] (roll? school text?) (KS, stich, "syllabification") [Cribiore 295; K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.92 no.85a] | 3/4ce | LDAB 3136 [R. Pintaudi, ZPE 38 (1980), p.259-260 = P.Laur. 04 140] (Hamilton) |
Ps 1 | PTaur 27) (pl, chi-rho) | 4ce | [#2116] vh084 |
Ps 1 | POxy 1779 (sp/punct, KS, non-stich) | 4ce | [#2073] vh090 t058 |
Ps 1-4 | PChBeat 15 (with Phileas of Thmouis, apology) [K. Aland, Repertorium I 0207 + II, KV83; K. Treu, Archiv 32 (1986), p.91 no.710a] | 4-ce | LDAB 3530 [A.Pietersma, P.Chester Beatty 15, Cahiers d'Orientalisme 1984] (Hamilton) |
Ps 2 | PLitLond 204 (KS, non-stich)(t 3ce?) | 3ce | [#2051] vh092 t060 |
Ps 3-67 | PVindob/Wien 9907-9972 (Gk-Sah, pl) | 4ce | [#1220] vh096 |
Pss 7-8 | POxy 1226 (KS, stichs)(t 3-ce) | 3ce | [#2025] vh099 t065 |
Ps 8.2-9 [|], 9.7-17[--] |
PMich inv 22 [or 3.133] (blanks between stich) [or 4ce] | 3ce | [#2067] vh101 t065A |
Ps 9 | PWien Rain 28 = PVindob 39786 (sp, marks, KS)[back blank; amulet?] | 4-ce | [#2086?] vh105?(5th c) t068? |
Pss 10-34 | PLitLond 205 = BrMus pap 37 | 4/5ce? | [#U] vh108 |
Ps 11-13 | PRainer 4.6 (parch, stich) | 4ce | [#2087] vh110 |
Ps 11-14 | PLitLond 207 (roll, then reused)(KS, stichs music?) | 3/4ce | [#2019] vh109 t072 [Pack 1245] |
Ps 14 | PBarc inv 2 = Montserrat, Abadia de Montserrat II/2, (formerly Fundacion San Lucas Evangelista 2) [see K. Treu, Archiv 34 (1988), p.70 no.112a] | 2-ce | ([Hamilton])[Roca-Puig 1985] Proc. XVIIIth Congr. Athens, I, p.363 LDAB 3082 |
Ps 14 | White Marble | 4ce | [#2012] vh111 |
Ps 15-16 | Monchen Gr. 333 = Mu%nchen Gr. 333 (reused roll, now a codex) [K. Treu, Archiv 35 (1989), p.107 no.112b] | 4/5ce | LDAB 3207 |
Ps 17-18 | BKT 8.5 = PBerlin 11682 (roll? liturg) | 4ce | [#2059] vh117 t075B |
Ps 17-118 | PBodmer 24 (sp, punct, paragr, KS)(t 3/4ce) | 3+ce | [#2110] vh118 t075a |
Ps 18 | PVindob/Wien = StudPal 9.6 | 4ce | [#2037] vh120 t077 |
Ps 19 | PRyl add 3.1 (liturgical?) | 3/4ce | [#] vh121 |
Ps 21 | Cambridge Univ, Taylor-Schechter 12.182 (parchment palimpsest underwriting; Hexapla cols 2-5 [trimmed bifold: side one, inside fold]; PIPI tetragram) | 7ce | [#2005] vh123 t078 |
Ps 21-23 | PUG(enova) 1 (sp/punct, paragraphos, KS; pl) | 3/4ce | [#] vh125 |
Ps 28 | Freiburg, Universitätsbibliothek H4 (wood; practice letters?) [Brashear-Hoogendijk, Enchoria 17 (1990), p.46 n.30] | 4/5/6ce | LDAB 3219 [Kosack, Alltag im Alten Aegypten, p.47] |
Ps 28-29 | PBerlin 5875 = BKT 8.7 (stich) | 4ce | [#2045] vh131 t082 |
Ps 30 | PBonnColl P147v (stichometric) | 3/4ce | [Tov(Hamilton)][Shelton ZPE 25 (1977) 159ff pl] |
Ps 30-55 | PLeipzig 39 (reused roll, after 338ce)(paragr, KS, stich, ##on Pss) | 4ce | [#2013] vh133 t083 |
Pss 31,26,2 | PChesterBeat 14 (sp/punct, KS) | 4ce | [Tov] |
Ps 32 | PRanier 4.24 = PVindob gr 29274 (sp/punct, KS; plus school exercises, Coptic; partly paginated, xi-rho) | 4/5ce | [#2090] vh136 t085 |
Ps 33-34 | PBodmer 9 (pl, with Apol Phileas) [t 4ce?] | 4ce | [#2113] vh138 t087A |
Ps 34 (excerpt?) |
PVindob/Wien 26205+26607 = PRanier 4.9 (recto only; sp/punct, KS, stich?) | 4ce | [#2091] vh141 t089 |
Ps 35-36 | PBerlin 6747 + 6785 = BKT 8.8 | 4ce | [#2046] vh142 t090 |
Ps 36 | PFlor = PSI 14.1371 (KS, stich) | 4ce | [#2064] vh143 t091 |
Ps 39-41 | PBour 2 = PSorbonne 827 (corrs) | 4ce | [#2050] vh145 t093 |
Ps 43 | PHarris 31 = Birmingham, Selly Oak College Libr.1821 [G.D. Kilpatrick, Journ. Theol. Stud. 50 (1949), p.176-177] (roll or sheet, amulet?) [t 4ce] | 3/4ce | [#2108] vh148 t095A LDAB 3198 AlandAT67 |
Ps 48-49 | PBodl 5 = Proc Br Acad 43 (1964), 229 (pl)(stich, no abbrevs; notes) [t 2/3ce] | 2+ce | [#2082] vh151 t097A? |
Ps 50 | PLaur 03 54 [= Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana II/39] (pl 51 and on CD-ROM; R.Pintaudi) [K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.92 no.152a] | 4-ce | LDAB 3164 (Hamilton) |
Ps 67-68 | PVindob/Wien 26035B = Rainer 4.12 (QS, stich; notes) | 3ce | [#2094] vh165 t110 |
Ps 68-70 | POxy 845 (stichometric) | 4/5ce | [#2042] vh168 t112 |
Ps 68, 80 | PVindob 39777 = StudPal 11.114 = PWien Rainer 18 (parch roll; Symmachus?) (paleo-Heb tetragr, QS) [C. Wessely, Me/langes Chatelain, p.224-229] [t 4ce and 3/4ce (listed twice)] | 3/4ce | [#xx] vh167 t111B,113 LDAB 3492 |
Pss 72-89 | PVindob G 39775a-b = StudPal 9.9-10 | 4/5ce | [#2039] vh171 t115 |
Ps 72-78 | PChesterBeat 13 (sp/punct, KS) | 4ce | [Tov] |
[Ps 73 + 111] | PBiblUnivGiss 4.34 (roll)[see below, Ps 111] | 4ce | [#see below] t116A,127 |
Ps 77 | PVindob gr 35781 = Wien, Papyrussammlung Nationalbibliothek, G. 35781 (stich) [K.Treu, Archiv 26 (1978), p.153 no.175a] | 4ce | LDAB 3194 [K.Treu, Jahrb. Osterr. Byz. Gesellsch. 23 (1974), p.4-6] |
Ps 77 | PAlex 240 = PSI 921 (QS, stich) | 3ce | |
Ps 77 | PSI 8.921 (recto = dated 143/44 ce) | 2/3ce | [#2054] vh174 t117 |
Ps 79 | PBerlin 8630 = PRhodos (lead roll, magical; dated 1-4 !!) | 3ce | [#2004] vh177 |
Ps 81-82 | PAntinop 7 (KS, non-stich[?]) [t 2/3ce] | 2+ce | [#2077] vh179 t120 |
Ps 82-83 | POxy 1352 (parch; sp/punct, KS, corrs, numbers) | 3/4ce | [#2049] vh180 t121 |
Ps 83-84 | POxy 2386 (roll, then reused for a letter?) (sp, marks, KS, stich) | 4/5ce | [#2070] vh181 t122 |
Ps 88.4-8, 15-18 | PDuke inv 740 (punct marking stichoi, sections, KS QS) | 4-ce | LDAB 3162 [N.Gonis, Archiv 46 (2000), pp.14-15, pl 1 + 3] (Hamilton) |
Ps 90-103 | Cambridge, University Library Taylor-Schechter Collection 12.186 + AS.78.412; 12.187; 12.188 [pl] (parchment palimpsest [Heb over]; tetragram) [C. Taylor, Hebrew Greek Cairo Genizah Palimpsests, (1900), p. 51-85; description : descr. : N. Tchernetska, Pap. Flor. 031 (2000), p.737] | 5/6ce | [#2006] vh203 LDAB 3469 |
Ps 92 | PParis Louvre (lead tablets) | 4-ce | vh205 |
Ps 101 | PHarris frags from Mt.Sinai p.4 (parch) | 4ce | t138 |
Ps 103-105 | PBerlin 16390 = BKT 8.22 (parch)[t 4/5ce] | 4ce | [#2060] vh214 t140A=146A |
Ps 111 + 73 | PGiss 4.34 (roll, liturg or amulet?) | 4ce | [#2056] vh220 t127,116A |
Ps 117.26-27 | Wien, Private collection Fackelmann 10 = PRainer Cent. pl.47 (parchment from book binding, not a codex; amulet?) [Treu, Archiv 31 (1985), p.60 no. 222b] | 4ce | LDAB 3191 [K. Niederwimmer, P.Rainer Cent. 25] |
Ps 117-118 | Ostrakon Kortenbeutel Gk-Copt (limestone) | 4ce | [#2107] vh222 t149 |
Ps 118 | PLeipzig 170 (KS, stich)[t 3ce; CHR 2ce] | 2/3ce | [#2014] vh224 t151 |
Ps 118.22-40 | Wien, Private collection Fackelmann 11 = PRainer Cent 26, pl.48 (parchment from book-binding) [Treu, Archiv 31 (1985), p.60 no. 223a] | 4/5ce | LDAB 3213 [K. Niederwimmer, P.Rainer Cent. 26] |
Ps 120 (119) | PBarc inv 10 (parchment) [R. Roca-Puig, Estrena de Nadal. Salm 119 (120), 7, segons la versio dels Setanta. Pergami de Barcelona, Inv. n° 10, Barcelona 1975] | 3+ce | LDAB 9893 (Hamilton) [Roca Puig; Treu AFP 26 (1978) 153] |
Ps 141 | Leningrad cod gr 4 (parch) | 4/5ce | t160 |
Ps 143-144 | Cambridge, University Library Taylor-Schechter Collection 16.320 (parchment, palimps [Heb over]; Heb tetragramm) [J.H.A. Hart, Journ. Theol. Stud. 4 (1903), p. 215-17] | 6ce | [#2006] vh236 LDAB 3314 |
Ps 143-148 |
PFlor = PSI 8.980 (lines between, KS)[ed 3ce] |
3/4ce | [#2055] vh238 t162 |
Pss 144-145 | PBerol inv 21265 (KS, stich) [BKT 9, pl.72] | 3-ce | (Hamilton) [Ioannidou; Gronewalf ZPE 115 (1997) 130] LDAB 3102 |
Ps 146 |
PParis Louvre MND 552 H-L (sp, marks, KS) | 4-ce | vh239 |
Ps 150 | PColumbia 11 294 (T.Teeter) = New York, Columbia 97 (prayer on other side with KS) [P.Mirecki, BASP 38 (2001), pp.138-139] | 4ce | LDAB 3476 |
Ode 8 (Dan 3) | Madrid, Fundación Pastor, P.Matr. bibl. 2 [Stud. Pal. 18] (not codex) [K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.93 no.247b] | 4/5ce | LDAB 3205 [J. O'Callaghan, Stud. Pap. 18 (1979), p.13-16] |
Job 1-2 | PFlor = PSI 10.1163 (KS)[pl] [t or 3/4ce?] | 4ce | [#955] vh272 t177 |
Job 9 | PChBeat 18 (Hamilton) [Pietersma] | 3ce | |
Job 33-34 (magic?) | PBerlin 11778 = BKT 8.17 (sp, blanks, dots, KS) [t 3ce, "not a codex"] | 3-ce | [#974] vh275 t178A |
Job 42 | POxy 3522 (roll, paleo tetragr, sp) | 1ce | [#??] LDAB 3079 |
Prv 2-3 | PAntinop 9 (spacing, punct; notes; txtcrit interest) [t 3ce?] | 3+ce | [#987] vh252 t164 |
Prv 7.3-13 | PMich inv 768 (3.134) (wax tablet) | 4/5/6ce | vh255 t166 |
Prv 5-20 \ | |
WSol 11f } | PAntinop 8 (KS, stichs; notes; txtcrit) | 3ce | [#928] vh254 t165 |
Sir 45 / | |
Wisd 1 | StudPal 9.4 = PVindob G 39770 | 4/5ce | [#950] vh276 t179 |
WisdSol 4 | POxy 4444 (parchment, blanks/sections, KS, stichoi) | 4ce | [#] LDAB 3179 [I.A.Sparks, Journal for the Study of Judaism 3 (1972), p.149-152] |
WisdSol 17.5-20 | PCologne 5849 [P.Ko%ln 04 167 (C.Ro%mer), pl 2-3] (parchment, pagination, stichometric) [K. Treu, Archiv 30 (1984), p.122 no. 278a] | 4ce | LDAB 3167 |
Sir 26-28 | Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana III/424 [P.Laur. 3 pl.LII; cd-ROM, Papiri letterari della Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana] (parchment) [K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.93 no.280a] | 4/5ce | LDAB 3201 [P.Laur. 03 55 (R.Pintaudi)] |
Sir 29 | PFlor 531 | 3/4ce | [#] vh281 t180A |
Sir 29.13-26 | PRainer Cent 27 [pl 48] = Wien, Private collection Fackelmann 12 (parchment from book-binding, miniature codex) [Treu, Archiv 31 (1985), p.60 no. 280b] | 4/5ce | LDAB 3214 [K. Niederwimmer] |
Sir 36, 46 | PChBeat 11 (pagination)[t 4ce] | 3/4ce | [#964] vh282 t181 |
Cant 2 + 5 | PDamasc 7 (parchment, palimpsest; ektheis, stichoi [Tov]; now lost) | 4/5ce | [#] vh 268 (K.Treu, Damascus] t174A |
Cant 5-6 | PBerlin 18196 (parch, stich, Treu pl) | 4ce | vh270 t175A |
Cant 5-6 | PLitLond 209 (with Apol Aristid) (sp/punct)[t 4ce] | 4-ce | [#952] vh269 t175 |
Qohelet | PHamb bil 1 (with Coptic)(sp, marks, QS) | 3ce | [#998] vh263 |
Qohel 3 | PMed [Milan] 1.13 (sp, punct, QS, stich, pl) | 3ce | [#989] vh264 t172 |
Qohel [Eccles] 6.3-5, 8-11 |
PMich inv 27 [3.135] (stich format, punct at end of stich, continued line indents; PNS, vars) [t 3/4ce] | 3ce | [#989 ?] vh265 t172 |
Tob 12 | POxy 1594 (parch, txtcrit) [t 3ce] | 3+ce | [#990] vh082 t186 |
Tob 12.6-11 | Firenze, Capovilla 46 [ed M. Manfredi, Paideia Cristiana, Studi M. Naldini II (1994), p.175-181 (no plate?)] | 3ce | LDAB 3110 [C.J.Wagner, Polyglotte Tobit-Synopse, Abhandl. Akad. Wiss. Göttingen, Philolog.-histor. Klasse III 258, MSU 28, Göttingen 2003, pp.175-181] |
Jdth 15 | Cairo Ostrakon 215 | 3+ce | [#999] vh080 |
MPrs-A | Nahal Hever hand A ("leather" roll[s], two hands, A and B)(sp, blanks, paragr, ekthesis, paleo tetra) [D. Barthe/lemy. Les devanciers d'Aquila (1963); B. Lifshitz, Isr. Explor. Journ. 12 (1962), p.201-207; E.Tov, R.Kraft, P.Parsons, The Greek Minor Prophets Scroll from Nahal Hever, Disc. Jud. Desert 08] [Parsons 1+bce?] | 000 | [#943a] vh285 LDAB 3457 |
MPrs-B | Nahal Hever hand B ("leather" roll[s], two hands, A and B)(sp, blanks, paragr, ekthesis, paleo tetra) [see above] | 000 | [#943b] vh285 LDAB 3457 |
MPrs | PWash Freer (punct, paragr, KS; txtcrit)[t 4ce] | 3+ce | [#W] vh284 t187 |
Hos 2-8 | PLond BM Eg 10825 = BM inv 10924 + 2584 (Hamilton)(reused roll; Gk-Cop liturg?) [t 3ce] | 3/4ce | [#] vh286 [Bell & Thompson JEA 11 (1925) 241-46] t188 |
Jonah 1-4 | PSI 10.1164 + PBerlin/BKT 8.18 (parch) [t 4/5ce?] | 4ce | [##956,975] vh289 t190 |
Zach 12 | PGrenf 1.6 (parch)[vh 5ce] | 4/5ce | [#923] vh291 t192 |
Isa 6.3 | PatrolOrient 18.3 p.437 [t 4-6ce, "doubtful whether codex"]] | 4/5ce? | t194 |
Isa 6.10(q) | POxy 406 (pl, quote)[t 3/4ce?] | 3+ce | vh1152 t194a |
Isa 8-60 | PChBeat 7 + PSI
1273 + (various locations) (space/punct, KS) [t 3ce] [Cavello-Degni
2ce?] |
3-ce | [#965] vh293 t195 |
Isa 19 | PFir 8 (space/punct) | 3ce | |
Isa 23 | PLibrCong 4082B | 3+ce | [#] vh295 |
Isa 23 | PPrinc Garrett/Bell 2G ... (Hamilton) | 2/3ce | [on web] |
Isa 36-37 | PBerlin 6772 = BKT 8.20 (palimps?) [vh=t 4ce] | 2/3ce | [#902] vh297 t197 |
Isa 38 | PVindob/Wien Rainer 8024 | 3ce | [#948] vh298 t198 |
Isa 42 etc! | POslo 11 frg 1 (sp/punct, KS; testimonia?) | 4ce | [#958] vh299 t199 |
Isa 48 | PAlex 203 (roll)(blank, KS; Treu let, pl; Jew?) | 3/4ce | [#] vh300 t198A |
Isa 49 | PBerlin 13422 = BKT 8.21 (roll? final page of codex?) | 3/4ce | [#904] vh301 t200 |
Isa 58.6-9 | Milano, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, PMed 71.84 [ K. Treu, Archiv 28 (1982), p.96 no.1146a (no plate?)] | 3ce | LDAB 3117 [S. Daris, Aegyptus 58 (1978), pp. 106-109] |
Jer 2-3 | PBerlin 17212 (space/punct, KS, mg notes [Treu pl]) | 3ce | [#837] vh303 t201a |
Jer 4-5 | PChBeat 8 (ed 2ce or 2/3ce; t 4ce)(sp, dots, dicolon, KS) [t 4ce, Kenyon 2/3ce, vh 2+ce]] | 3ce | [#966] vh304 t202 |
Jer 5-6 | PGenev 252 (sp/punct, KS, pagination) | 4ce | [# ] vh305 |
Jer 17-47 | PSorbonne 2250 ( mg notes; text) | 4ce | [#817] vh308 t204A |
Jer 18 | PBarc 5 [Aegyptus 45 (1965) 70ff pl] | 4ce | [#984] vh309 t204 |
Jer 41f | PVindob G 19891 (Hamilton) | 3/4ce | [Treu 1974] |
EpJer/Bar6 | 7QLXX EpJer (roll) | 2/1bce | [#804] vh312 LDAB 3460 AlandAT144 |
Ezk-Dn-Est | PChBeat 9 = SIFC 12 (1935) 109f Aphroditopolis (+ various other locations) (sp, dots, strokes, blanks, paragr, KS; page nos, corrs, notes) [t 3ce; eds 2ce] | 3-ce | [#967] vh315 t183/207A |
Ezk 5-6 | PBodl = PGrenf 1.5? (KS, hexapl signs) | 3/4ce | [#922] vh314 t207 |
Ezk 33-34 | PAntinop 10 (parchment; sp/punct, KS, txtcrit) | 4ce | [#988] vh316 t208 |
Dan 1 OG | P(private) ed Schwartz | 3ce | vh318 |
Dan 1++ [Thucydides, Historiae, 06.1.1-2.6 + sententiae + Daniel 1 + Susanna] | PBodmer 46 [Papiri Letterari Greci 5, pl 4] [cf. K. Treu, Archiv 30 (1984), p.122 no. 317a] | 3/4ce | LDAB 4120 [Carlini 1975, 1981 B.Gagnebin, Genava NS 20 (1972), p.12; A.Carlini, A & R NS 19 (1974), p.87-88; J.Bingen, Chron d'Eg. 53 (1978), p.177; Koerner 102; Typology, p.81 n.4] (Hamilton) |
Dan 1.17f Q' | PLitLond 211 Theodotion (roll?) (uncontracted QS) (parchment, reused in book binding) [Jewish?] [H.I. Bell in E.A.W. Budge, Coptic Biblical Texts in the Dialect of Upper Egypt (1912), p.xiv-xv.] [t 4ce, "not a codex"] | 4-ce | [#925] vh319 t210 LDAB 3493 |
Dan/Bell 20f Q' | Bodl gr bib d 2 (P) (parch palimpsest [over 3/4ce Gk homily + Lat grammar]) | 4/5ce | [#921] vh323 t213 |
OTHER | (Chronological) | ||
EpEnoch? | Qumran cave 7
frgs 4.1, 8, 12 [Epistle of Enoch? = "1 Enoch" 103] (papyrus roll) --
see also reconstruction
notes and frg 8 alone [E.A.Muro] |
1bce? | |
ExodParaph? | 4Q127 (Greek paraphrase of Exod?) | 1+bce | |
?? | 4Q126 (unidentified Greek, skins) | 1+bce | |
?? | 7Q4 (roll) [O'Callaghan, Biblica 53 (1972), pp.91-100 suggests this is 1 Tim 3.16 - 4.3] | 000? | LDAB 7341 |
?? | Qumran cave 7 frg 5 (unidentified controversial "Mark" frg, papyrus roll) [O'Callaghan's identification with Mark 6.52-53, accepted by C.P.Thiede, Aegyptus 74 (1994), p.123-124, and A. Malnati, Pap. Lupiensia 8 (1999), pp.170-176 is unlikely: S.Enste, ZPE 126 (1999), pp.189-193; "Kein Markustext in Qumran. Eine Untersuchung"] | 000? | vh1094 LDAB 6820 |
?? |
Qumran cave 7 frgs 6
(roll) |
000? |
unident | 7Q19 (roll) [C.P.Thiede, Aegyptus 74 (1994), p.123-128 suggests this is a christian text] | 000? | LDAB 7340 |
prayer | PFouad 203 (roll; amulet?) [no image yet] | 1/2ce | vh911 LDAB 4436 [Benoit, RevBibl 59(1951) 549-565] |
Solomon's judgment | POxy 2944 (E.Turner) (miniature roll, 3 cols) | 1/2ce | LDAB 4502 |
magic text? | PHarris 55 = PGM 2.77 [D.Jordan in : P.Mirecki - M.Meyer, Magic and Ritual in the Ancient World (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 141), 2002, pp.28-29; pl] (blank verso) | 2ce | vh1076 LDAB 4599 |
SibOr 5.484f | POsl 2.14 [S.Eitrem - L.Amundsen, Symb. Osl. 5 (1927), p. 38; W. Cro%nert, Symb.Osl. 6 (1928), p.57-58, pl] (roll? doc txt on verso) | 2ce | vh581 LDAB 4797 |
Ahikar | PBerlin inv 11628 [Schubart pl] (roll; reused verso for account) | 2/3ce | vh583 |
love charm | [A.S.Hunt, JEA 15, 1929, pp. 155-157 = PGM 2.32a] | 2/3ce | LDAB 5121 |
potter's oracle | PSI 08 982 (G.Vitelli) = CPJ 03 520 [G.Cavallo e.a., Scrivere libri e documenti nel mondo antico, Mostra di papiri Firenze 1998, tav. 28 = item 33] (roll? on verso of name list) [L.Koenen, in A.Blasius - B.U.Schipper, Apokalyptik und A%gypten, OLA 107 (2002), pp.162-163] | 2/3ce | LDAB 5250 |
Philo, Ebrietate, etc. | PSI 011 1207 (G.Vitelli)+ P. Oxy. 09 1173 (A.S.Hunt) + P.Oxy. 011 1356 (B.P.Grenfell - A.S.Hunt) + P.Oxy. 018 2158 (E.Lobel) + P.Haun. 01 8 = Oxford, Bodleian Library, c 74 (P)/1-4 + Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana + Oxford, Ashmolean Libr.+ (5) Kopenhagen, Univ. 322 [P.Haun. I, pl.IV; G.Cavallo e.a., Scrivere libri e documenti nel mondo antico, Mostra di papiri Firenze 1998, tav. 40; CPF IV.2, pl.85] [t 3ce] | 2/3ce | vh696 t243 LDAB 3540 [J.R. Royse, BASP 17 (1980), p.155-165] [K.Treu, Archiv 31 (1985), p.63] |
Jannes & Jambres |
PVindobGr 29828+29456 [pl in Pietersma ed] (verso of papyrus roll ["gnostic" text on recto, 3-ce]; no spacing, nomina sacra uncontracted) | 3ce |
vh1068 |
Jannes & Jambres | PMich 4925 (verso of papyrus roll ["comedy" text on recto, 2/3ce], no details) [Koenen, BASP 16 (1979) 114 (the recto)] | 3ce |
Philo, Heres, etc. | Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Suppl. Gr. 1120 [Turner pl.2] (2col; sp, mg marks; KS QS) | 3ce | vh0695 t244 LDAB 3541 |
onomasticon | POxy 2745 [pl] Onomasticon of Hebrew Names [D.Rokeah, JTS 19 (1968), p.70-82] (3 cols of a papyrus roll; IAW represents Hebrew YW/YA names) | 3/4ce | vh1158 LDAB 3503 |
onomasticon | PHeid 1359 = PHeidelberg 1 5 Onomasticon of Hebrew Names (papyrus roll/sheet; IW and IAW represent Hebrew YW/YA names) | 3/4ce | vh1136 LDAB 5520 |
OdeSol 11 | PBod 11 (strokes, blanks, pagination) [same MS as 3 Cor, Jude, Melito, 1-2Pet, hymn][ed 3ce, t 4ce] | 3/4ce | vh569(138) |
martyrology? | Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Suppl. Gr. 1294 [Weitzmann, Ancient Book Illumination, pl.51; B.Legras, Lire en Egypte d'Alexandre à l'Islam, 2002, pl.IV] (roll, 4cols, illustrated) | 3/4ce | vh856 LDAB 4508 |
Paris "magic" texts | Paris, Bibliothe/que Nationale, Suppl. Gr. 574 [L'art copte en Egypte. 2000 ans de christianisme (Paris, 2000), p.58; H.-D. Betz, The "Mithras Liturgy", pp.228-243] (several texts) [C. Wessely, Denkschr. Wien. Akad. 1888, p.27-208; K. Preisendanz, PGM 01 IV; Neugebauer-Van Hoesen, Astr. Pap. Ostr. 126; E. Heitsch, Griech. Dichterfragmente I, p.181 LIX.3, 4, 6, 7 and 9-14; H.-D. Betz, The "Mithras Liturgy", Studien und Texte zu Antike] | 3/4ce | vh0580+1074 LDAB 5564 |
Moses magic text? |
PLugdBat 2 W = Leiden Rijksmuseum
van Oudheden J 395 (PGM 13) |
3/4ce |
vh1071 |
magic prayer | PGM 2.22b = Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung P. 13895 (amulet?) | 4ce | LDAB 5598 |
magic charm | PLaur 04 149 (R.Pintaudi) = Suppl. Mag. 02 91 [pl. 106; CD-ROM, Papiri letterari della Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana, 3.508] (sheet/amulet?) | 4ce | LDAB 5646 |
EpEnoch + ps-Ezek | PChBeat 12 + PMich 5552 (pagination in diff hand) ["1 Enoch" 97-107 and ps-Ezek, Melito] | 4ce | vh578+579 t222 |
ApclElij ++ | PSI 1.7 (Florence) [same MS has ProtJacobi; also similar to ActJn vh604] | 4ce | vh568+600 |
6 Ezra 16 | POxy 1010 [pl] (parch) | 4ce | vh574 |
SibOr 5.498ff | PFlor 389 [pl] (parch) | 4ce | vh582 t238 |
Jannes & Jambres |
PChBeat 16 [pl Pietersma ed] (papyrus
codex; occasional spacing, punct; odd nomina sacra KOS, QOS, ANQPOS) |
liturgical fragments | POxy 2068 (A.S. Hunt) (2col of a roll, verso blank) [G.D.Kilpatrick, Greek Rom. Byz. Stud 5 (1964) 222 n.14 "Jewish"] | 4ce | vh966 LDAB 5714 |
AstronEnoch | POxy 2069.3+5 ["1 Enoch" 77-78, perhaps by same scribe as vh577] | 4+ce | vh576 |
AstronEnoch | POxy 2069.1-2+4 ["1 Enoch" 85-87, perhaps by same scribe as vh576] | 4+ce | vh577 |
ApclBar 12-14 | POxy 403 (corrections) | 4/5ce | vh573 |
Philo, Deo + Hermetica | Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung P. 17027 [K. Stahlschmidt, Aegyptus 22 (1942), p.161-176] | 4/5ce | vh697 t245 LDAB 3542 |
magic charm | PWashUniv 02 75 (Z.M.Packman) = St Louis (MO), Washington University 242 [Suppl. Mag. 70] (amulet) | 4/5ce | LDAB 5837 |
amulet against fever | StudPal 020 292 = Wien, Papyrussammlung Nationalbibliothek, G. 8034 (PGM 2.47) (parchment, amulet sheet) | 4/5ce | vh 1050 LDAB 5860 |
magic formula | PSI 01 29 (L. Cammelli) = PGM 2.35 [G.Cavallo e.a., Scrivere libri e documenti nel mondo antico, Mostra di papiri Firenze 1998, tav. 32; cd-ROM, Papiri letterari della Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana] (amulet sheet) | 4/5ce | LDAB 5955 |
medical magical? | POxy 1384 = PGM 02 47 = Glasgow University Library (sheet? amulet?) | 5ce | vh0584 LDAB 3237 [Pack 2410] |
AscIsa 2-4 | PAmherst 1 (pagination, corrections) | 5/6ce | vh572 |
prayer amulet | POxy 1152 (Princeton Seminary) = PGM 6a [Wessely, AMC 2, p.403-404 pl] (amulet sheet) | 5/6ce | vh960 LDAB 6150 |
Philo | Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung P. 21342 [W. Brashear, Proc. XXth Int. Congr. Kopenhagen, p.290 no.7, pl] | 6/7ce | LDAB 3543 |
early gospels | see vh 585-602 (and canonical section) | ||
early Paul | see lists of MSS (ChBeat 2, Trobridge, etc.) | ||
style fancy | elaborate calligraphy | ||
style plainer | fairly plain calligraphy | ||
"biblical uncial" style | developed style in 3rd-4th centuries | ||
hanging | tendency for letters to hang from upper (imagined) horizontal (compare Tobiad document [Zenon papyri]) | ||
spacing | compare 2ce fragment of G.John | ||
sectioning & paragraphing | organization of sections (see also G.Thomas [3ce], Alexandrinus [5ce]) | ||
tetragramm | Semiticized presentation of tetragrammaton | ||
as KURIOS | Greek representations of tetragrammaton | ||
in "Magic" | representations of tetragrammaton on amulets, etc. | ||
nomina sacra | developed approaches to sacred and frequent names/terms | ||
//created 12 July 1999, Robert A. Kraft (supplemented 27se2001, 22ap2004)//