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--- P I E R R E   J O R I S

The monument to the dead

pleases too much, a paradox

that tries to show a tiny

sliver of the pain - Leid,

in German, not Lied -

while over here a decadent

and incompetent black

bourgeoisie is unable to

produce leaders and

intellectuals. Fakefilmers

roam Berlin with nothing

in their cameras. It is

certain that who wants to

save their own land has

to save the whole world.

But the road there leads

over the national televisions.

Hitler didn’t know how

to drive, ride a horse, not

even how to make a child

and needed all the know-

how deposited in the

bourgeoisie. Buildings he

could draw but not build.

© crossconnect, inc 1995-2005 |
published in association with the |
university of pennsylvania's kelly writers house |