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Caroline Bergvall's books include FIG (GoanAtom, 2)(2005), GoanAtom, 1: Doll (2001) and Eclat (1996). Other work has appeared in magazines and anthologies in the U.K. and North America. Bergvall has developed audiotexts, collaborative performances and installations with artists in galleries and at festivals, including the sound-text installation Say: "Parsley" at the Liverpool Biennial (2004) and Little Sugar for TEXT Festival (Manchester, 2005). Her critical work is chiefly concerned with context-led writing and performance text practices. Bergvall is cofounder of the conversation seminars for writers and text-based artists, Partly Writing (www.partlywriting.com).
Jules Boykoff is the author of Once Upon a Neoliberal Rocket Badge (Edge Books, 2006), The Suppression of Dissent: How the State and Mass Media Squelch USAmerican Social Movements (Routledge, 2006), Philosophical Investigations Inna Neo-Con Roots-Dub Styley (Interrupting Cow Press, 2004), and Exit, a collaborative chapbook with Kaia Sand (The Tangent Press, 2002). Along with Max Boykoff, Kaia Sand, and Neal Sand he edits The Tangent, a zine of politics and the arts. He lives in Portland, Oregon and teaches political science at Pacific University.
Jackie Clark was published in small college zines when she was an undergraduate at William Paterson College in New Jersey. She is now a MA candidate for Creative Writing at The City College of New York and she works at a public library developing programs for young adults.
Bill Davis's work can be found in many private collections as well as the permanent collections of the Ukrainian Museum of Photography, The University of Louisville Photographic Archives, Cone Editions Press- Vermont, and The Czech Guild of Art & Ceramic Design.
Paul Gibbons has work published or forthcoming in FIELD, The Modern Review, The American Poetry Journal, The Massachusetts Review, Rhino, Zone 3, and Tar Wolf Review. He teaches at the Rio Arriba County Adult Detention Center, also known as "The County Jail," in Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico.
Leonard Gontarek's most recent book of poems is Zen For Beginners. A new book, Deja vu Diner, will be published by Autumn House Press in Spring 2006. He was a 2004 Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Poetry Fellow. He was awarded poetry prizes from Mudfish Magazine and Mad Poets Society in 2005. His work has appeared in Field, Volt, Fence, Exquisite Corpse, and most recently The American Poetry Review and The Best American Poetry 2005.
Ed Higgins's poems have appeared in Yankee, Commonweal, Bellowing Ark, Organic Gardening and Farming, Oregon English, Paper Wasp, Northwest Medical Team's Bulletin, Windhover, The Mennonite, Penwood Press, FacultyShack, and The New Pantagruel, to name a few. He and his wife live on a small farm in Yamhill, Oregon, with a menagerie of animals including two emus named To & Fro. He teaches creative writing and literature at George Fox University.
Laura Hope-Gill is the Gail Godwin Chair of Creative Writing at Christ School in Arden, North Carolina. Currently a working writer in Asheville, NC, her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Tidepools, 13th Moon, Illuminations, Going Down Swinging, The Cold Mountain Review, The Awakenings âJournal, Spillway, and others.
Donald Illich's poetry has been published in Fourteen Hills, The Iowa Review, and The New Zoo Poetry Review, and is forthcoming Roanoke Review, The Innisfree Poetry Journal, Pinyon, Cold Mountain Review, HUBBUB, Naked Knuckle, and The Sulphur River Literary Review. He has also published fiction on the online edition of Pindeldyboz.
David Koehn's work has been published in a wide range of journals including New York Quarterly, ZYZZYVA, Bitter Oleander, NER, Painted Bride, Chain, Alaska Quarterly, Three Candles, McSweeney's, and Diagram. Currently he lives outside San Francisco, CA and participates with a group of San Francisco Poets in a workshop called Thirteen Ways. He also writes for The Great American Pin-up, a team blog he started to discuss art, aesthetics, and poetics.
Christopher Locke's poems and prose have appeared in The Literary Review, The Southeast Review, Poetry, Connecticut Review, West Branch, Atlanta Review, and Exquisite Corpse among others and on National Public Radio's Morning Edition. His third collection of poems, Possessed, won the Editor's Choice Award in Main Street Rag's National Chapbook Competition.
Nicholas Manning is a Paris-based poet who graduated from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia with a B.A in Comparative Literature and French. He then received a scholarship to the École normale supérieure, where he is currently working towards a PhD dissertation on the subject of rhetoric in contemporary French and American poetry. His poems have appeared, or are soon to appear, in the following literary journals : Free Verse, Fascicle, Aught, Shampoo, Dusie, BlazeVOX, Manifold, eratio, Stylus, MiPOesias, Blue Fifth Review, CipherJournal, The Rose & Thorn, Snow Monkey, Centoria, Fire, and Imago.
J Ida Marie is a lawyer who lives in Montclair, New Jersey with her son. Her work has appeared in The Berkeley Fiction Review and The Green Hills Literary Lantern.
Clay Matthews's work is published or forthcoming in Black Warrior Review, H_NGM_N, Backwards City Review, Good Foot, Spinning Jenny, Drunken Boat, DIAGRAM, Forklift, Ohio, and elsewhere. Recently, his poems have been selected for inclusion in Best New Poets 2005 and were selected as finalists for Drunken Boat's Panliterary Awards. His chapbook, Muffler, is forthcoming from H_NGM_N B_ _KS in fall of 2005. He currently serves as associate editor for the Cimarron Review while pursuing a Ph.D. at Oklahoma State.
Corey Mesler is the owner of Burke's Book Store, in Memphis, Tennessee, one of the country's oldest (1875) and best independent bookstores. He has published poetry and fiction in numerous journals including Rattle, Pindeldyboz, Quick Fiction, Black Dirt, Thema, Mars Hill Review, Poet Lore, Ghoti, H_NGM_N, Slant, and others. A short story of his was chosen for the 2002 edition of New Stories from the South: The Year’s Best. His first novel, Talk appeared in 2002. His second, We are Billion-Year-Old Carbon, is forthcoming.
Alix Ohlinis the author of The Missing Person, a novel (2005) and Babylon and Other Stories (forthcoming in 2006). Her stories have appeared in Best New American Voices 2004, Best American Short Stories 2005, and on NPR's Selected Shorts. She teaches creative writing at Lafayette College in Easton, PA.
Cesare Pavese 1908-50, Italian novelist, poet, and translator. A major literary figure in postwar Italy, Pavese brought American influence to Italian literature through his translations. His major works include Il Compagno [the comrade] (1948), Tra Donne Sole (1948; tr. Among Women Only, 1953), and La luna e i falò (1950; tr. The Moon and the Bonfire, 1952).
Bob Perelman has had 15 volumes of poetry published, most recently The Future of Memory (Roof Books) and Ten to One: Selected Poems (Wesleyan University Press). His critical books are The Marginalization of Poetry: Language Writing and Literary History (Princeton University Press) and The Trouble with Genius: Reading Pound, Joyce, Stein, and Zukofsky (University of California Press).
Daniel Rounds's poems are published or forthcoming in Fish Drum Magazine, 3rd Bed, and good foot. He is a PhD candidate in Sociology at UCLA where he studies the political economy of development, social theory, and social movements.
Judith Schaechter has lived in Philadelphia since graduating in 1983 from the Rhode Island School of Design Glass Program. She has exhibited widely, including in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia. She is the recipient of many grants, including two National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships in Crafts. Her work is in the collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Corning Museum of Glass, The Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian Institute, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and numerous private collections. Judith has taught at The Pilchuck Glass School in Seattle, Rhode Island School of Design, The Pennsylvania Academy, and The University of the Arts.
Sarah Scheckter studied literature, languages, and film at Swarthmore College. She currently works as a freelance writer and editor, and teaches adult literacy, in Philadelphia.
Hal Sirowitz is the former Poet Laureate of Queens, New York. He was the Kerry Prize poet at The University of Pennsylvania's Kelly Writers House in 2005. He has written four books of poetry: Mother Said (which was translated into nine languages), My Therapist Said, Father Said, and Before, During, & After, from Crown and Soft Skull Press. He has poems in both of Garrison Keillor's poetry anthologies.
Jack Smith is the senior fiction editor for The Green Hills Literary Lantern, published by Truman State University. He has previously published fiction in The Southern Review, In Posse Review, The North American Review, and Night Train, among others. In addition, his reviews have been published in The Missouri Review, Pleiades, The Texas Review, Prairie Schooner, and The Georgia Review, among others.
Kenny Tanemura is an MFA Poetry candidate at the University of Arizona, currently on a one-year deferral to teach ESL at Berlitz-San Francisco. He is the author of a new chapbook, Through the Fissure (overhere press, 2006), and his poems have appeared in The Seattle Review, The Sonora Review, The Red Rock Review, and Toes. His essays, reviews and interviews have appeared in Asian Week, The San Francisco Bay Guardian, The East Bay Express, and Hyphen.
Kevin Varrone is the author of two chapbooks, g-point Almanac (6/21-9/21) (ixnay press 2000), and g-point Almanac (9/21-10/19) (duration press' e-chapbook series, 2004. www.durationpress.com). His first full length collection will be published by Instance Press in 2006. He teaches at Temple University and University of the Arts.
CJ Spataro is a 2005 Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Fellowship recipient. Her work has been both a finalist and won second place in the Philadelphia City Paper Fiction Contest, and she has had two stories presented at the InterAct Theatre’s Writing Aloud. Her short fiction can be found at Buck’s County Review and Hackwriters.com. Currently, she is the fiction editor and co-publisher of Philadelphia Stories Magazine.
Susan Thomas has published work in Iowa Review, Mississippi Review, and Crazyhorse. Her collection, State of Blessed Gluttony, from Red Hen Press, 2004, was the winner of the Benjamin Saltman Prize. She is a recipient of the Iowa for Poetry Award from Iowa Review and the Ann Stanford Prize from University of Southern California.
G. C. Waldrep's first book of poems, Goldbeater's Skin, won the 2003 Colorado Prize and will appear in December from CLP/University of Colorado Press. His poems have appeared in Poetry, Gettysburg Review, Seneca Review, Conduit, Black Warrior Review and other journals. He lives in North Carolina.
© crossconnect, inc 1995-2006
published in association with the
university of pennsylvania's
kelly writers house