
Perhaps the Most Important Point Here

Diane Williams

I wish I want to say this eight times a day. We have the coat. We have the head. We have the hair. I think what you have here, what we have here, is an opportunity to be happy which we have always had even if we have a plain piece.
Tell her, listen, you tell her to put the black lipstick on. I just want her to kiss the tip of the dick, that's all. I told her, I said, "Now it would seem to me, not from what you say, but by how you say it, you don't want to do this. You think this is a game? Get over there," I said.
She is very angry with me you know. She used to keep giving me only her opinions on topics, not often enough, not nearly enough. Guess who's not going to be here any more.
Over there I used to see her, or I would look over there and see a detailed and comprehensive view of her.
I have just returned from over there where I gave the houseman an upright pearl for pick=up and some correspondence to send out for me. The houseman inquired if he could put the pearl on its side and I said forthrightly, "I would rather you did not," which I got away with.
Have I not lifted up forever what was cast down and have I not thrown pieces around as if these were people?

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