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Buck Buchanan (formerly published as Buck McCrary) received his Master's in English Literature from the University of South Florida. He's written hundreds of poems, three novels and is currently compiling a collection of short stories.
Toni de Bonneval works as an institutional historian, recent publications include stories in Carolina Quarterly, Other Voices and Ascent. Her stories are forthcoming in West Branch, Crone's Nest, and Nebraska Review.
Nate Chinen currently works as Assistant Coordinator at the Kelly Writers House and writes jazz reviews for the Philadelpia City Paper. He recently completed his undergraduate work in poetry at the University of Pennsylvania.
Jessica Chiu is a Biological Basis of Behavior major at the University of Pennsylvania.
Richard Cumyn is a contributing editor at The Blue Moon Review. His two books of short-stories are The Limit of Delta Y Over Delta X (Goose Lane Editions) and I Am Not Most Places (Beach Holme Publishing). Recent stories have appeared on-line in Eclectica and The Mississippi Review.
Linh Dinh is the editor and co-translator of Night Again: Contemporary Fiction From Vietnam (Seven Stories Press 1996). He has published poems, short stories and translations in Sulfur, American Poetry Review, Threepenny Review, Denver Quarterly, Manoa and New Observations, among other journals. New work is forthcoming in New American Writing.
Annette Earling is managing editor of CrossConnect and publishes an occasional column in the Philadelphia City Paper.
Christopher Fielder lives and writes in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Robert Klein Engler lives in Chicago. His books of poetry, Shoreline and Medicine Signs, are published by Alphabeta Press. He was the recipient of an Illinois Arts Council Literary Awards for his poem "Three Poems for Kabbalah," which appeared in Fish Stories Collective 2.
David Graham teaches English at Ripon College in Wisconsin, where he also coordinates the Writing Program. His poems have been collected in 4 print editions, most recently *Second Wind* (Texas Tech University Press).
Kimiko Hahn won the American Book Award in 1996 for her last book of poems entitled The Unbearable Heart. She also received the Theodore Roethke Poetry award for her previous book, Earshot, as well as fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the New York Foundation for the Arts. Her other books include Air Pocket and We Stand Our Ground. She is currently a professor of poetry writing and literature at Queens College/CUNY.
Jeannette Harris is the Publisher and Editor of O Shenandoah! Country Rag.
Ray Heinrich lives and writes in Washington D.C., his work appeared in the first print volume of CrossConnect.
Stanley Jenkins' stories have appeared in Amelia, 32 Pages, Eclectica and in the upcoming Blue Moon Review.
Joel B. Kaylor is an independent interior renovations contractor based in Philadelphia. He has an MFA in Ceramic Arts from the University of Puget Sound and has taught and exhibited extensively on both coasts. His current project is helping to organize the annual Show for Lesbian and Gay Artists opening June 5 at the Highwire Gallery in downtown Philadelphia.
Scott Kramer is a poet, performer and producer who recently received his M.A. in English from Northern Arizona University. Kramer's poems have appeared in the first web issue and the first print issue of XConnect Kramer is a freelance writer who resides in Philadelphia.
Robert Lehmann has had fiction published in Gypsy, Vietnam Big Book, Barking Spider, JCAMI, Anathema. and Pif.
Teresa Leo is a staff writer at the University of Pennsylvania. Her work has appeared in the American Poetry Review, Philadelphia Inquirer and elsewhere.
Jennifer Linden is an artist, illustrator and graphic designer who lives and works in Philadelphia.
James Brian Livingstone is a 44 year old medical doctor, who practices emergency and family medicine with a smidgeon of allergy consultation work added in for good measure. He has been published in a number of literary magazines including the Poetry Cafe, the Astrophysic's Partner Tango Speaks, and Eclectica Magazine.
John McCalla is a freelance writer who lives and works in Philadelphia. His work has been published in many sources, including the New York Times and the Philadelphia City Paper. He authors a weekly column in the Philadelphia Daily News.
John Murphy is currently exhibiting in the Group Identity Show at the Philadelphia Art Alliance through March 22nd and at the Main Line Art Center in Ardmore, PA, where he was awarded the Bogash and Heicklin Award for his works in paper.
John Norton has recently completed a novella "Re: marriage" and is working on a hypertext narrative "Nondisclosure Statements." His book of prose poems and sketches The Light at the End of the Bog (San Francisco: Black Star Series, 1989, 1992) won an American Book Award.
Charles O'Hay is the recipient of a 1994-95 fellowship in poetry from the Pennslyvania Council on the Arts. His work has appeared in American Poetry Review, West Branch, Brooklyn Review, New York Quarterly among others. His most recent chapbook, Curio was published by Kali Momma Press.
Aaren Yeatts Perry is the recipient of a 1990 Writing Fellowship from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. He has worked for ten years as a Philadelphia-based poet, writer, and cultural activist. He teaches poetry in elementary and middle schools in the region. He is Technical Director of mainstage productions at the Painted Bride Art Center. He has published recently in The Blue Guitar, The Painted Word, Painted Bride Quarterly, Long Shot Review, and other magazines. His book, Poetry Across the Curriculum, will be published by Allyn and Bacon in 1997.
Sue Scalf's latest collection is South by Candlelight, just published by Elk River Review Press and nominated for a Pulitizer. She has three other university and small-press collections. Recent work appears in The Chattahooche Review.
Ruth Knafo Setton has received a number awards, including NEA US/Mexico Creative Artist Fellowship, PEN Syndicated Fiction Project Award and two Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Fellowships among others. Her work has been widely published in journals and anthologies, including Mediterraneans, International Quarterly, Tikkun, New Directions for Women, Changing Images of Women in American Jewish Fiction, Sephardic-American Voices: Two Hundred Years of Literary Legacy. She teaches World Women's Literature, Creative Writing and Jewish Literature at Lafayette College. She has just completed her first novel, Suleika.
Barbara Tran's poems have been published in Antioch Review, Columbia Review, Pequod, Seneca Review, Southern Poetry Review, among other journals, and the anthologies Premonitions: A Collection of Contemporary Asian American Poetry and On A Bed Of Rice: Asian American Erotica.
© crossconnect 1995-1998
published in association with the
university of pennsylvania
kelly writers house