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--- M A R E K   L U G O W S K I

dear mitten i did my homework.

looked through the panes of other people's marriages saw everyday saw radiance we fixed our expectations took aim...

cool talk unfolds lonely leanings miss you miss you kiss you -- we stroke each other architecturally a kiss you miss you glass design clearing a way of seeing

kid names already picked out -- they are exotic and lovely still kids will poo -- I just hope not in that too puky pink or puky baby blue infant fluff does not have to revolt aren't we doing this for a good reason?

astonishing how little there is to say for the load to be taken off our shoulders not a lot got exchanged -- rather -- lots revealed thank you o swifts of instant recognition

i presume pornography will stand down to decommission then recycle or is this another utopia?

i am excercising again always marveled at madonnas with wide-eyed brats in arms at bus stops at the cashier's how can they i'd be worn out little piglet who's yer daddy?

can't shake the inevitability of it all we are two time capsules with stuff inside them nudged into a rattle of a bottle

mouthing the label: "don't you just long for that tiny hand to clutch your little finger?"

the woman whose feet are resting on a turtle which itself rests on an elephant which works hard and rests off and on is now laboring at taking two she just shook out two --

the two glisten in the palm of her open hand uncombined still slightly apart but destined to be taken together

two at bedtime for the rest of her life

here we come my sweat pea lean-to medicine here we come

© crossconnect 1995-2000 |
published in association with the |
university of pennsylvania's kelly writers house |