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--- A N D R E W   E P S T E I N

Three Changes on the Face of Things

I. Earliest Messages

The sun slants across the brick The coffee is a pillar of heat Pigeon doesn't think not to stand in water Distant sirens say "go on, go on" to morning I liked the warm clamp of sleep but Wake up to six million options still

It's today I love you

II. Morning Replies from KG

The sun is a pillar of heat The coffee spills across the brick Plane soars east over water Approaching subways screech in morning "get on, get on" I clutch the cold pole of support Touched by hands of six million New Yorkers It's today I love you

III. I Love the Poem You Read to Me Before Sleep

I love the poem you read to me Before sleep, it's today The sun is a pillar of coffee Heat spills across the brick Plane soars east over that verse I don't remember From last night to morning Distant sirens clamp, the warm of sleep Approaching subways the cold pole of support I clutch the hands of six million options New Yorkers say "go on, go on" Wake up I love you it's today

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university of pennsylvania's kelly writers house |