Linh Dinh
Proverbs, Aphorisms and Figures of Speech
Vietnamese Proverbs
The tailor eats rags
The artist eats paints
Buffulo shit
After many days
Turns to mud
Inundated with books
He still thinks
Of the vagina
As ugly as a ghost
Still plenty good enough
To sleep with a woman
Argue with a smart man
Can't win
Argue with a stupid man
Can't stop
The dead man argues
With his pallbearers
Dead three days
Shows up in the market
Dead three days
Shows up in the forest
Plant his whiskers
On her chin
Yes yes I know your wife
She is cross-eyed
And sells sticky rice
In front of the temple
Yes Yes I know you
You're the opium addict
With the bruised lips
With rice in the shed
And a swinging hammock
And clothes on my back
Why shouldn't I nap
After a meal?
A sharp voice across the field
She will kill her husband
Ruin her son
She worries about the crook of her knees
And about the curliness
Of her pubic hair
She whores in nine different neighborhoods
Keeps her reputation in one
With three wives and seven mistresses
He sleeps in the stable at night
With his head on a broom
He swung his stick
In an empty garden
He laughed
Before the joke
He bends his back
Said the sky's too low
Rich at dawn
Poor at dusk
The rich eat
The poor smoke
His eyes are rich
His hands are poor
The rich have easy manners
The poor lie
Man not quite
Monkey not quite
Old hair old teeth
Old gums old ears
Old penis
Young testicles