Bob Perelman

"If an issue is oversimplified--"Are you for the family or against
it?"--that's demagogic. But our society is full of complicated people.
It's possible for a person
to be Catholic, gay, anti-abortion, pro-free speech, etc. Art can convey
some of that complexity."
"Poetry Man", an interview
"Must Works of Art Reflect Only Marketplace
Values?", an essay
"Under the reign of purely economic motives, there is no way anyone
would want to produce something unless it could be sold
Clark DeLeon
Just quit his job at The Philadelphia Inquirer
"For 23 years I sat at the same sloppy-topped gun-metal
gray desk which sat front-to-front and side-to-side with other
identical gun-metal gray desks in a large cluttered
newsroom... It was hard to feel like a bigshot in such a
democratically depressing environment."
The Last Column,

Al Filreis
The backlash against e-text rests on a fundamental false distinction:
books provide an experience of
authority characterized by, as Sanders puts it, the "meandering
flow of ideas," while electronic text
provides an experience of authority characterized by a mere
"summary of rules."
On Frets about the Death of the
Adam Corson Finnerty
Stoll takes on the "virtual library" in
strong and direct terms: "the bookless library is a dream, a
hallucination of online addicts, network neophytes, and library-
automation insiders."
Silicon Snake Oil, a review
Raina Von Waldenburg
"... a place where one can experience dichotomous feelings simultaneously.
There is no redundancy in his telling of the contradicting emotion."
Loaded Contradiction: James Wright's
Technique, an excerpt