The International Organization for
Septuagint and Cognate Studies

Programme of IOSCS Congress, 29-31 July 2010

Thursday 29 July

Plenary session (chair J. Lust):
L. Greenspoon, “The 72” in the “Naught Decade”:  Septuagint Studies, 2000-2009

Session A: Women’s books (chair J. Dines)
E. Kellenberger, Die Pluriformität der griechischen Fassungen von «Susanna» als Frage nach dem Charakter des Überlieferungsprozesses
N. LaMontagne, Septuagint Ruth as a Narrative
M. V. Spottorno, Beyond Genre and Style: Notes on the Greek Esther

Session B: Job and Proverbs (chair B. Wright)
M. Cimosa & G. Bonney, Job's wives in the Septuagint, in the Testament of Job and in early Christian interpretation
J. Cook, The Provenance of Old Greek Job
L. Cuppi, Regarding the Origin of the Addition Found in Prov.LXX 1.7

Session C: History (chair M. van der Meer)
Dov Gera, Onias III and the Legitimacy of Judas Maccabeus
N. Hacham, Between Meshuva and Moshava: On the Status of Diaspora Jews in the Restoration Period According to the Septuagint and other Jewish Hellenistic Authors
R. Kugler, Uncovering Echoes of LXX Legal Norms in Hellenistic Egyptian Documentary Papyri

Friday 30 July

Session A: Reigns I (chair S. Kreuzer)
Z. Talshir, The Miscellanies in 3Kgdms 2 and the Composition of the Book of Kings
P. Torrijano, Different distribution of agreements between LXXL and Medieval Hebrew Variants in kaige and no-kaige section of III-IV Regnorum
J. Trebolle, Different distribution of agreements between LXXL readings and variants of the Aramaic, Syriac and Vulgate versions in kaige and no-kaige sections of III-IV Regnorum
J. Robker, The Greek Framework of Kings: Indicators of Translation and Redaction

Session B: Isaiah (chair A. Van der Kooij)
W. de Angelo Cunha, LXX Isaiah 25:6-8 and the Issue of Coherence
E. Dafni, Hermeneutik und Theologie in der Septuaginta  der Sogenannten Jesaja-Apokalypse (Jes. 24-27)
A. Ngunga, Πνεῦμαin the Septuagint of Isaiah
R. de Sousa, The Righteous King in LXX Isa 32:1-8

Session C: Lexicon I (chair M. Karrer)
H. Ausloos, Hapax Legomena, the Septuagint and Hebrew Lexicography
P. Danove, The Usages of dídomi in the Septuagint: Its Interpretation and Translation
H. Debel & E. Verbeke, The rendering of Hebrew Hapax Legomena in LXX Ecclesiastes
P. Spitaler, “Biblical Greek” in the LXX? The case of dōrean

11h00 Coffee break

Session A: Jeremiah (chair C. Dogniez):
G. Walser, Jeremiah 38:31–34 (MT 31:31–34); The History of the Two Versions and their Reception
C.-B. Amphoux, A. Sérandour, Le vocabulaire de Jérémie et 2 R (4 Rg) 17,7-20

Session B: Style (chair E. Bons):
J. Dines, Did LXX Pentateuch serve as a style-setter for LXX Minor Prophets?
Deborah Gera, Speech in the Book of Judith

Session C: Codices (chair N. Fernandez Marcos):
M.-C. Fincati, Some paleographical remarks on the Ambrosian Hexateuch (A 147 inf.)
D. Nielsen, Restoring the Pentateuch to Codex Sinaiticus: Or, Evaluating the Textual Integrity of Localized Manuscripts

12h30 Lunch break

Session A: Lexicon II (chair H. Ausloos)
J. Joosten, The Historical and Theological Dictionary of the Septuagint – A Sample Entry
D. M. Moffitt, P.Duk.inv. 727 R: A 3rd Century B.C.E. Legal Dispute with some Προσήλυτοι in the Fayyum and Its Significance for the Term’s Usage in the LXX
T. Muraoka, What after the Lexicon?

Session B: Daughter versions (chair M. Peters):
A. Forte, From Göttingen to Beuron: Joseph Ziegler’s Septuagint edition of Sirach and the Latin Bible
A. Kharanauli, Das Fragment der georgischen Jesaja-Übersetzung und sein Wert für die LXX-Textkritik
E. Perttilä, Greek Variants Behind Coptic Readings in 1Samuel 31?

Session C: The Twelve (S. Olofsson):
G. M. Eidsvaag, The Rendering of Geographical Names as an Indication of the Translator’s Location
W. E. Glenny, Ephraim dwelt in Egypt
E. Bons, Stallions, oxen and mares – Some remarks on the animal imagery in Amos 6,7.12

16h00 Tea break

Session A: Hexapla (chair J. Krivoruchko)
R. Ceulemans, Theodoret of Cyrrhus and Other Sources on “Those Around α′ and/or σ′”
M. van der Meer, Θρησκεία, terra incognita and terra devastata. The Land of Israel according to the Old Greek of Isaiah, Symmachus and Eusebius of Caesarea
A. Salvesen, A rabbinic Symmachus?

Session B: Hexateuch (chair L. Greenspoon)
R. Hiebert & N. Dykstra, Designing a New Septuagint Commentary: SBLCS and WATER
D. Büchner, Some remarks on the language and topical content of Leuitikon 5-7
S. Sippilä, Some peculiar place names in the LXX of Joshua

Business meeting (all members)

Saturday 31 July

Session A: Reigns II (chair Z. Talshir)
N. Fernández Marcos, Translating the Historical books
J.-H. Kim, Vom hellenistischen Kleinrollensystem zum Kodex: Beobachtungen zur Textgestalt der griechischen Samuel- und Königebücher
S. Kreuzer, Lukian redivivus or Barthélemy and beyond?
M. Meiser, Der Tempelbaubericht 3Kgt 6,1-22 – Vom Umgang der Übersetzer mit einer schwierigen hebräischen Vorlage

Session B: Linguistics (chair J. Joosten)
Ph. Le Moigne, Aisate kai agalliasthe kai psalate (Ps 97.4) : Esquisse d’une grammaire de la modalité volitive dans la Septante des Psaumes
A. Voitila, Auxiliary Verb Constructions in LXX
R. Wirth, Der Umgang des Samuelübersetzers mit den griechischen Tempora
K. Tenhunen, The Hebrew לas a dativus ethicus or “reflexive” and its renderings in the Septuagint Pentateuch

Session C: New Testament (chair J. Cook)
M. Karrer, Die Rezeption der Septuaginta im entstehenden Christentum. Das Wuppertaler Forschungsprojekt
W. Kraus, Die Aufnahme der Verheißung des Neuen Bundes im Hebräerbrief
U. Schmid, Old Greek and New Testament Versions of the Mosaic Law: The Intersection of Oral and Written Tradition
G. Steyn, Text variations between the Torah quotations in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew in comparison with the intertexts of the Septuagint and Philo of Alexandria

11h00 Coffee break

Session A: Hymnic texts (chair A. Voitila)
S. Olofsson, The non-dependence of the Psalms’ translator in relation to the translators of the Pentateuch
C. Dogniez, Les odes ajoutées au Psautier dans la Septante comme actes de langage

Session B: Patristics (chair R. Hiebert)
E. Gallagher, The Hebrew Bible in Patristic Biblical Theory
T. Kauhanen, Using Patristic Evidence: A Question of Methodology in the Textual Criticism of the LXX

Session C: Textual criticism (J. Trebolle Barrera)
A. Piquer, Hebrew Bible(s) and Greek Witnesses? A First Look at the Makeup of 2Kings for the Oxford Hebrew Bible
J. Koulagna, Les mots wattehi lo sokenet dans 1 Rois 1,2

12h30 Lunch break

Plenary session (chair J. Aitken)
J. Krivoruchko, How Constantinopolitan is the Constantinople Pentateuch?

Panel on origins of LXX (chair A. Aejmelaeus)
A. Aejmelaeus, The Septuagint and Oral Translation
J. Aitken, The social status of the Jewish translators in Egypt
K. De Troyer, The Hebrew Text(s) Underlying  the Septuagint
A. van der Kooij, The Septuagint and Scribal Culture