The International Organization for
Septuagint and Cognate Studies

IOSCS General Business Meeting
Chicago, IL — Nov 18, 2012

1. Motion: That the Minutes of the General Business Meeting, November 21, 2011 in San Francisco, CA be approved.

            Moved: Kristen de Troyer
            Second: Nathan Lamontagne
            Passed: Unanimously

2. Presentation of Reports (Attached; Approved by Exec Committee):

President (Jan Joosten)
Treasurer (Dirk Büchner)
JSCS Editor (Siegfried Kreuzer)
SCS Editor (Wolfgang Kraus)

Project Reports:
SBLCS (Rob Hiebert)
Hexapla (Peter J Gentry)
Septuaginta Deutsch (Wolfgang Kraus)
Historical and Theological Dictionary of the Septuagint (Jan Joosten)

3. Dirk Büchner, Treasurer, noted per motion in Executive Committee, that $1,708.52 in Royalty Monies received from OUP ($762.51 on 01/07/11 and $946.01 on 04/01/12) will be transferred from the General Account into the NETS account.

4. Thanks for Exemplary Service:

  • The president wished to extend special thanks in public to Glenn Wooden (who requested to be relieved as Editor of BIOSCS) for his careful work in producing three successive issues of the Bulletin (2008-2010)
  • The president extended sincere thanks to Eberhard Bons and Cameron Boyd-Taylor, who are completing their terms as Members-at-Large.

5. The president passed on the Nominating Committee Report, approved by the Executive as a recommendation to the membership. The nominating committee consisted of Ben Wright, Alison Salvesen and Cécile Dogniez. They nominated the following as members-at-large:

a. Hans Ausloos
b. Reinhart Ceulemans
c. Anneli Aejmelaeus

MOTION:            That the full slate of nominations be accepted as presented (attached).

            Moved: Kristin de Troyer
            Second: Rob Hiebert
            Passed: Unanimously

6. The executive committee appointed Siegfried Kreuzer to succeed Glenn Wooden as the editor of JSCS.

MOTION: That the recommendation of the Executive Committee be ratified by the general membership.

            Moved: Ben Wright
            Second: Martin Karrer
            Passed: Unanimously

Motion to Adjourn

            Moved: Peter Gentry
            Second: Claude Cox

Respectfully submitted:
Peter J Gentry, Secretary