PSCO Presentation: 10 September, 2020
“Religious Practices of Jews in the Late Antique Mediterranean Diaspora:
The Evidence from Recalcitrant Sources”
Ross Kraemer (Brown University)
Check back later for more information about this presentation.
We welcome Ross Kraemer, who is well known to long-time partcipants of PSCO.
She is Emerita Professor of Religious Studies and Judaic Studies at Brown University.
She specializes in early Judaism, early Christianity, and other religions of the Greco-Roman Mediterranean.
Much of her research focuses on aspects of women's religions in the Greco-Roman world,
particularly those of Christian and Jewish women.
Her interests also extend to questions of theory and method in the academic study of religion and to
the study of women and religion cross-culturally and trans-historically.
Before going to Brown in 2000, she taught at the University of Pennsylvania.
All are welcome!
The PSCO seminar will begin at 6:30 pm and end at 8:00 pm.
We will meet in Zoom. For Zoom links, register by emailing