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Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins
an Interdisciplinary Humanities Seminar |
PSCO MinutesSome Bibliography on Angels and Demons in Late AntiquityCompiled by Sarah L. Schwarz, University of PennsylvaniaCampbell Bonner, "Demons of the Bath," in Studies Presented to F. Ll. Griffith (London, 1932), pp. 204-8. Peter Brown, "Sorcery, Demons, and the Rise of Christianity," in Mary Douglas, ed., Witchcraft Confessions and Accusations (London, 1970). Franz Cumont, "Les Anges du Paganism," Revue de lHistoire des Religions 72 (1915): 159-82. D. N. Dumville, "Biblical Apocrypha and the Early Irish: A Preliminary Investigation," Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 73 (1973): 299-238. A.-J Festugiere, Les Moines DOrient, vol. 1 (Paris, 1961), esp. chap. 1 "Le Moine et les Demons," pp. 23-39. G. F. Hill, "Apollo and St. Michael: Some Analogies," Journal of Hellenic Studies 36 (1916), pp. 134-162. Cyril Mango, Byzantium: The Empire of New Rome (London, 1980), chap. 7 "The Invisible World of Good and Evil," pp. 151-165. ------, "St. Michael and Attis," Deltion tes Christianikes Archaiologikes Hetaireias (1986), pp. 39-62. Jacques Mercier, Ethiopian Magic Scrolls (New York, 1979). Michael A. Morgan, Sepher Ha-Razim = The Book of the Mysteries (Chico, CA, 1983). Carol Newsom, The Angelic Liturgy at Qumran (Scholars Press, 1985). Olga Rojdestvensky, Le Culte de Saint Michel et le Moyen Age Latin (Paris, 1922). Christopher Rowland, The Open Heaven: A Study of Apocalyptic in Judaism and Early Christianity (New York, 1982). A.R.R. Sheppard, "Pagan Cults of Angels in Roman Asia Minor," Talanta 12/13 (1980/81): 77-101. Gedaliahu Stroumsa, "Form(s) of God: Some Notes on Metatron and Christ," HTR 76 (1983): 269-88. Frank Trombley, "Paganism in the Greek World at the End of Antiquity: The Case of Rural Anatolia and Greece," HTR78 (1985): 327-52. For related materials, consult other PSCO presentations and discussions on the topic for the 1987-1988 seminar, "Principalities and Powers: Demons and Angels in the World of Late Antiquity". |