PSCO Presentation
"Ritual Transformations"
Susan T. Stevens, Randolph Macon Woman's College
1 March, 2001
The Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins will meet Thursday,
1 March, 7-9 p.m. in the second second floor Lounge of
Logan Hall at the
University of Pennsylvania.
Susan T. Stevens will discuss ritual transformations by focusing on the context
of her Bir Ftouha excavations in Carthage. She will explore how temples
became churches and how daily household items served as ritual objects.
Stevens' research has taken her to Carthage every summer since 1988 to
excavate and work at the National Museum. A past president of the
Byzantine Studies Conference, she has spent this past year in residence
at the American Academy in Rome. A brief biography is
Suggested Reading
Liliane Ennabli, Carthage: Une Metropole Chretiennes du 4 a la fin
du 7 siecle: Etudes d'Antiquites africaines, CNRS 1997, "Les Monuments"
S. Stevens, A. V. Kalinowski, N. vanderLeest, "The Early Christian
pilgrimage complex at Bir Ftouha, Carthage:Interim Report," Journal of
Roman Archaeology 11(1998) 371-83.
We will gather for supper at 6:10 pm in Houston Marketplace, the
basement of Houston Hall (next to Logan Hall). The Marketplace offers an
inexpensive a la carte variety cuisine buffet. For those who do not know
the location, we will be leaving from the Logan Lounge at 6:00 p.m.
For more information contact one of the co-chairs,