PSCO Presentation: 11 November, 2004

"Heaven on Earth: Helios and the Zodiac Cycle in Ancient Palestinian Synagogues" (Illustrated)
Jodi Magness, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

THE SECOND MEETING OF THE 2004-05 YEAR will be held on Thursday, 11 November 2004, from 7:30-9:30 pm in Room 402, Logan Hall at the University of Pennsylvania. Please note the change of time and location, due to a need for special projection equipment for Jodi's presentation. Room 402 is at the top of the main stairs (and elevator) in Logan Hall. If you must leave at the normal 9 pm concluding hour, we will understand.


Persons wishing to dine with other participants prior to the seminar should meet at 6:15 pm at Logan Hall, Second Floor Lounge (southeast of Locust Walk and 36th Street Walk) or go directly to the Food Court in the basement of Houston Hall (just east of Logan, along Spruce Street), where an international variety of food choices is available at reasonable prices and plenty of table space for us to appropriate.