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International Organization for
IOSCSThe International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS) is a nonprofit, learned society formed to promote international research in and study of the Septuagint and related texts. By the term Septuagint is meant the ancient translations of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek, including both the translation of the Pentateuch and that of the other books of the “Alexandrian Canon.” By the term cognate studies is meant the study of the ancient translations made from the Septuagint (“daughter versions”) and the so-called apocryphal and pseudepigraphical literature circulating around the turn of the era. MembershipIndividuals and institutions with an interest in the Septuagint and related materials are welcome as members in the IOSCS. For more information about membership, please follow this link. IOSCS Links
Journal![]() The IOSCS publishes an annual journal. Through issue 43, this publication was known as the Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (BIOSCS). With issue 44 (2011), the name became Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (JSCS). Articles submitted to the journal are double-blind peer-reviewed by multiple scholars. To safeguard the integrity of the peer-review process, the names of reviewers are not published or made known. The current Editor is Siegfried Kreuzer, Protestant University Wuppertal/Bethel, Wuppertal, Germany. All current members and subscribers receive the Journal. Follow this link to become a subscriber or to renew your subscription. The first 43 volumes of our Journal are available online in PDF form. Septuagint and Cognate Studies (SCS) Monograph SeriesUnder the auspices of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), the IOSCS publishes a monograph series, refereed by its Editor (a member of the Executive Committee) in consultation with other scholars at the Editor's invitation. The current editor is Wolfgang Kraus, and the editorial board is composed of Karen Jobes, Rob Hiebert, Siegfried Kreuzer, Philippe Le Moigne, and Arie van der Kooij. Critical Editions of Septuagint or Old Greek TextsIn response to questions about the best available critical editions of the Septuagint or Old Greek for use in scholarly discussion and development, including electronically based research, the Executive Committee of the IOSCS offers recommendations. Septuagint Translations AvailableNew translations of the Septuagint into modern languages have become available in recent years. Translation into EnglishA New English Translation of the Septuagint (edited by Albert Pietersma and Benjamin G. Wright) is available from Oxford University Press. Translation into GermanSeptuaginta Deutsch: Das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Übersetzung (edited by Wolfgang Kraus and Martin Karrer) is available from the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. Translation into Spanish
The four volumes of La Biblia griega — Septuaginta
have been published by Ediciones Sígueme of Salamanca: Translation into FrenchThe nineteen volumes of La Bible d’Alexandrie (edited by Marguerite Harl, Gilles Dorival, Olivier Munnich and Cécile Dogniez) have been published by Les Editions du Cerf, Paris. Also see the related website, Le Carnet de recherches La Bible d’Alexandrie: Version grecque des Septante. The Septuagint in RomanianA critical edition of the first Romanian translation of the Septuagint, by Nicolae Spătarul Milescu (1636-1708), has been published: The Old Testament — The Septuagint: Nicolae the Spathar Milescu’s Version (Ms. 45 from the Library of Cluj Branch of Romanian Academy), edited by Eugen Munteanu (coordinator), Ana-Maria Gînsac, Ana-Maria Minuţ, Lucia-Gabriela Munteanu, Mădălina Ungureanu (The University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Printing Press, Iaşi, 2016). The Septuagint in ItalianThe fourth and final volume of La Bibbia dei Settanta, edited by Paolo Sacchi, Luca Mazzinghi, and Paolo Lucca was published in 2019 by Editrice Morcelliana (Brescia). Projects of the IOSCSThe following projects are conducted under the auspices of the IOSCS.
The John William Wevers Prize in Septuagint StudiesThe International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS) offers an annual prize of $500 to be awarded to an outstanding paper in the field of Septuagint studies. The prize has been named in memory of John William Wevers to honor his many contributions to the field of Septuagint studies. More information is available. The deadline for this year's submissions is September 1. Useful Resources on the Internet
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2022 Septuagint International Congress in StellenboschThe second Septuagint international congress will take place from the 30th of September through to the 2nd of October 2022 at the Department of Ancient Studies, University of Stellenbosch. It is organised by Johann Cook, Martin Roesel and Wolfgang Kraus, who have invited over 20 speakers to address aspects of a theology of the Septuagint. It will be presented in a hybrid format so that more people can attend and participate. If you have any questions, email Johann Cook. For more information, see the program (PDF). Summer Course at Trinity Western UniversityThe Associated Canadian Theological Schools of Trinity Western University and the John William Wevers Institute for Septuagint Studies are pleased to co-sponsor a three-credit course entitled “Exploring the Septuagint Pentateuch.” Class sessions will be live-streamed via Zoom by Fellows of the Wevers Institute during the week of May 16-20, 2022. The course can be audited or taken for credit. See the flyer (PDF) and syllabus (PDF). Feel free to spread the word far and wide. Grinfield Lectures on the Septuagint 2021–22The second series of the Grinfield Lectures have begun (February 2022). James K. Aitken, Professor of Hebrew and Early Jewish Studies at the University of Cambridge, is giving three lectures on the theme, "The Septuagint and the History of the Book". See current details and the event flyer. IOSCS Congress in ZurichThe next IOSCS congress will take place on Aug. 5-7, 2022 in Zurich, right before the IOSOT Congress (8-12). The call for papers is now out and can be accessed here: https://www.iosot2022.uzh.ch/en/ioscs2022.html The main theme will be 'The Septuagint and Literary Culture,' encompassing questions of history, textual and literary development, cultural context, and (history of) interpretation. Questions concerning the IOSCS congress can be sent to Alison Salvesen (alison.salvesen@orinst.ox.ac.uk) or Marieke Dhont (md790@cam.ac.uk). 2022 SBL International Meeting in SalzburgThe 2022 SBL International Meeting will be held in beautiful Salzburg, Austria on July 17-21). Several IOSCS members are involved including Kristin De Troyer, who is organizing the meeting, and Tuukka Kauhanen, chair of the Septuagint Studies program unit. This year, there will be two thematic joint sessions:
Details concerning the call for papers can be found here. The deadline for submissions was February 1, 2022. 2021 John W. Wevers Annual Prize in Septuagint StudiesThe IOSCS is pleased to announce that the 2021 John W. Wevers prize for an outstanding paper in LXX studies goes to Maximilian Häberlein for his paper “‘Superfluous Lines?’ Minuses of OG Job in the Context of Alexandrian Scholarship.” Maximilian is a PhD student at the University of Würzburg working under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Barbara Schmitz. We congratulate Maximilian for this achievement. Wevers Institute YouTube ChannelThe John William Wevers Institute for Septuagint Studies now has a YouTube channel. People can subscribe to it and be automatically notified when new content is made available. Septuaginta: A Reader’s Edition PublishedA new reader’s edition of the Septuagint became available in November 2019. Edited by William Ross and Gregory Lanier, it includes the entire Septuagint (the text is that of Rahlfs-Hanhart). To facilitate reading, each page is annotated with lexical information. More information is available from Christian Books. La Biblia griega, Spanish TranslationEdiciones Sígueme of Salamanca has published the final volume of their Spanish translation of the Septuagint: La Biblia griega. Septuaginta. IV. Libros proféticos (Salamanca: Sígueme 2015). Latest Göttingen EditionsThe Göttingen edition of the Psalms of Solomon, edited by F. Albrecht, was published in 2018, and the Göttingen edition of Ecclesiastes, edited by P. Gentry, in 2019. An additional volume on the Psalms of Solomon (Greek text, German translation and commentary) was published in 2020, and the Textual History of Ecclesiastes will be published in 2022. Several other volumes are in preparation (see the Report on the Göttingen Septuagint). Resources from GöttingenIn 2020, a new long-term Academy project was established: “Die Editio critica maior des griechischen Psalters” (Academy of Sciences and Humanities Göttingen). This project, which is dedicated to the edition of the Greek Psalter (Psalms and Odes), has launched a new platform for the “Göttinger Septuaginta“, on which all resources of the former Göttinger Septuaginta-Unternehmen (1908—2015), including the Rahlfs catalogue of LXX manuscripts, will be made available within the upcoming years. Septuaginta Deutsch Commentary PublishedThe German Bible Society has published Septuaginta Deutsch’s commentary on the Septuagint. See 2011 press release. The Commentary is currently available only as a digital download (PDF). Septuaginta Deutsch. Erläuterungen und Kommentare zum griechischen Alten Testament, vol. I and vol. II, ed. by Martin Karrer and Wolfgang Kraus (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2011). More News and AnnouncementsFor previous news and announcements, please consult our news archive. |