The International Organization for
Septuagint and Cognate Studies

IOSCS Congress
Leiden, 30-31 July 2004

Friday 30 July

Session 1     9.00 - 10.40 (pres. J. Lust)

0 Lust J. (Leuven), Welcome and Introduction

1 Schorch S. (Bielefeld), The Septuagint and the Vocalisation of the Hebrew Text of the Torah.

2 Tov E. (Jerusalem), The Rabbis and Greek Scripture.

3 Fernandez Marcos N. (Madrid), Some Pitfalls of Translation Greek.

Session 2     11.10 – 12.40 (pres. B. Wright)

4 Aussedat M. (Paris), Le regroupement des livres prophétiques dans la LXX d'après le témoignage des chaînes exégétiques.

5 Munnich O. (Paris), Les relations entre les textes O et L d'Isaïe-Septante.

6 Greenspoon, L. (Omaha), The kaige Recension: The Life, Death, and Post-Mortem Existence of a Modern — and Ancient — Phenomenon.

Lunch          12.40 – 14.40

Session 3     14.40 – 16.10

A. (pres. J. Joosten)

7 Vd Meer M. (Leiden), The Provenance of Greek Joshua.

8 Polak F. (Tel Aviv), The Minuses of the LXX on Joshua. Classification and Comparison.

9 Schaper J. (Tübingen), Translating 2 Macc for NETS.


B. (pres. N. Fernandez Marcos)

10 Cimosa M. (Roma), Greek Text Used by John Chrysostom.

11 Cook J. (Stellenbosch), The Translation of a Translation as Bible Translation.

12 Van der Louw T. (Groningen), Approaches in Translation Studies and their Use for the Study of the Septuagint.


Session 4     16.30 – 17.30
Panel: DTS (Descriptive Translation Studies) and LXX
(pres. A. Aejmelaeus)


13 Pietersma A. (Toronto), Introduction, A New Archimedean Point for Septuagint Studies?


14 Toury G. (Tel Aviv), A Handful of Methodological Issues in Descriptive Translation Studies: Would they be applicable to the study of the Septuagint?


15 Boyd-Taylor C. (Toronto), The Syntax of Empty Word-Forms in Septuagintal Greek — Hebrew, Koine or Something Betwixt and Between?

Session 5     17.50 – 18.50
Panel: DTS and LXX
(pres. A. Pietersma)


16 Fraade S. (Yale), Locating Targum in the Textual Polysystem of Rabbinic Pedagogy.


17 Joosten J. (Strasbourg), Language as Symptom: The Social Background of the Seventy.


18 Wright B. (Lehigh), The Letter of Aristeas: A Witness to the Reception History of the Septuagint.

Session 6     20.30 – 21.30
Panel: DTS and LXX: 
Discussion (pres. A. Pietersma)

20.30-20.40: Restatement of arguments by panelists

20.40-20.50: Discussion among panelists

20.50-21.30: General discussion

Saturday 31 July

Session 7     9 – 10 (pres. L. Greenspoon)

19 Aejmelaeus A. (Helsinki), David's Return to Ziklag.

20 Auwers J.-M. (Louvain), Le traducteur Grec, a-t-il érotisé ou allégorisé le Cantique des Cantiques.

Session 8     10.30 – 12.30

A. (pres. C. Dogniez)

21 Van Den Eynde S. (Leuven), Are Jael (Jdg 5:24) and Mary (Luke 1:42) blessed above or among women?

22 Vonach A. (Innsbruck), The Queen of Heaven in Jer 7:18-MT and 44:17.18.25-MT and the different translations in the LXX.

23 Hauspie K. (Leuven), en with Dative Indicating Instrument in the Septuagint of Ezekiel.

24 Cox C. (Hamilton), The Historical, Social, and Literary Context of the Translation of OG Job.


B. (pres. K. Jobes)

25 Sollamo R. (Helsinki), The Use of the Enclitic Personal Pronouns in the Greek Psalter.

26 Cordes A. (Münster), Literarische Interpretation im griechischen Psalter.

27 Ausloos, H. (Leuven), eiV to teloV 'to the end' in the Psalm Titles in MT and LXX.

28 Smith J. (Toronto), The Meaning and Function of the Word allhlouia in the OG Psalter.


Lunch      12.30 – 14

Session 9     14 – 14.40

A. (pres. R. Sollamo)

29 Austermann F. (Gelnhausen), ‘Gerechte und Frevler’ in verschiedenen Septuaginta-Büchern und die Frage nach der theologischen Interpretation der Übersetzer.

30 Dafni E. (Frankfurt), Ebed-Jahwe-Lieder nach der Septuaginta.



B. (pres. T. Muraoka)

31 Voitila A. (Helsinki), Re-arranged Items between Verses in the Sapientia Iesu Filii Sirach.

32 Spottorno V. (Madrid),Traces of a Non-Masoretic Text in the Antiochene Revision.



Session 10   15 – 17        
Hexapla Panel
(pres. P. Gentry)Hexapla Panel

33 Gentry P. (Louisville), Establishing Critical Texts of the LXX and of the Three: Aspects of Interrelationship and Interdependence in Ecclesiastes.

34 ter Haar Romeny B. (Leiden), Editing the Hexaplaric Fragments of Genesis: New Material, New Choices.

35 Salvesen A. (Oxford), The Role of the Three in Modern Philological Commentaries on the Bible: the Case of Exodus.

36 Verwijs P. (Claremont), The Syro-Hexapla Translation of Amos 1:3-2:16.

Conclusion     17.15 …

Business Meeting followed by Fare-Well Drinks
