This is a comprehensive alphabetic Index, including editions of ancient sources, bibliography of modern literature, key to abbreviations, and selected internet sites.

Most subjects have entries in "wikipedia" -- search them at ; also use web searching programs such as for additional information or for electronic versions. See also the "electronic tools and resourcves" entry below. Many of the published articles are available online through JSTOR and similar projects.

Subjects mentioned in titles of books and articles are not necessarily indexed unless they are of particular relevance.

[[Still needed:


AB = Anchor Bible
ABMC = Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center
abbreviation(s) -- 27 48 65 (&nn.15-16) 67 (&n. 26) 79 164 165 166

Abimelech -- 131 n.4 
Abraham -- 16 18 21 54 110 113 129 176 185 193 210 213-216 243 247 n.10

Acts, NT book of -- 29 111 124 180 188

Acts of Philip 77-79 (Philip vs. Aristarchus) -- 182 n.6

A.D. = anno Domini (see CE = Common Era)
(protoplast) -- 100 209 210

Adam (modern author, with Burchard) -- 206 n. 6

Adam and Eve, books of -- 12 14 16 21 (& n.38) 23 30 (& n.72) 33 39 n.7 46 (& n21) 48 104 (& n .12) 111 121 129

Adler, William (Bill)  -- vii 238 n.3

Aesop -- 55 n.38

Agourides, S., Apocalypse of Sedrach," in OTP 1.606 -- 5 n.4 (Elisha ben Abuya) -- 89
Ah.iqar -- 10 15 55 n.38 60
Albeck, H.

Albigenses -- 21

Alexander, Philip J. -- 104

Alexandria(n) (see also Clement, Cyril, Dionysius, Philo) -- 16 47 113 119 184 218 237 ch.14 ch.15
Allenbach, J.

Allison, Dale C.

Allogenes -- 21
Altercatione Ecclesiae et Synagogae, De -- 156
Ambrose -- 71 n.32
Analecta Bollandiana
(publication series)  – 121 n.21

analogy, argument from -- 38-39 44 51 56 58-60 90 120 183 245
Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center at Claremont – 8 n.11

angel(s), angelology -- 16 18 26 126 135(Malachi) 139(Eremiel) 140 141 143 145 154 164 189 192 209
Angerstorfer, I.

Anglo-Saxon (see ANSAX-L) -- 24 (&n.49)

anointed, anointing -- 70 (&n.30)

ANSAX-L  = Anglo-Saxon Scholarly Electronic Discussion List


AOT (see H. F. D. Sparks, The Apocryphal Old Testament [1984]) – 10 n.14, and passim

aphorism -- 79
Apocalypses (see also Revelation)

apocrypha(l) -- 9-11 16 30 n.72 39 n.7 43-44 62 96 99 146 177 180 184 186-188

apostles -- 47 88 89 n.16 151 134 n.12 161 177 188
Apostolic Constitutions [ed.  F. X. Funk (Paderborn: Schoeningh, 1905; reprinted Turin: Erasmus, 1960)] – 16 30

Apostolic Fathers – 13 n.21 [Grant series]

Apostolic teachings -- 184

Apostolic Tradition -- 17

APOT [= R. H. Charles, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament (2 vols.; Oxford: Clarendon, 1913)] – 10 14 n.24 95 n.5 96 99 100 103 215

Aquila (Greek translation/translator of Jewish scriptures) – 63 66 67 69 n.28 70 n.31 82 111 173 176 187 193

Aquila – see Dialogue of Timothy and Aquila

Arabic -- 5 23 25 26

Aramaic -- 5 6 44 62 70 113 118 120 129 167 174 190

archives, ancient -- 42
archive(s), electronic (see also HUMANIST, IOUDAIOS, ORION, PSCO) -- 8 n.11
Archontics -- 21 32 n.77
Aristarchus -- 182 n.6
Aristeas, Letter of (Pseudo) -- 10 15 39 n.7 64 n.12 194
Aristotle, Aristotelian -- 202 n.9 203 228 n.40

arithmology, arithmetic -- ch.13
Arius, Arians -- 21
Ark of the Covenant -- 176 178 179 187 n.26 190 191

Armenian (see also Lipscomb, Stone) -- 5 23 26 57 n.41 129 246

ascetic(ism) (see also celibacy) -- 13 41 47 54 57 189

Aseneth (Asenath) -- 18 32 n.78 36 n.4 41 n.11 42 n.12 54 n.36 55 57 n.41 111
Asia Minor -- 52 n.32 113 257
assume, assumptions -- 12 23 32 37 38 49 55 57 69 76 80 81 84 (&n.4) 86 87 n.11 90 102 103 105 118-120 123-125 133 140 149 n.3 152-154 158 160 164 219 228 n.41 238 247 248

assumption, Ezra's -- 143
Assumption of Isaiah -- 40
Assumption of Moses -- 17 23 39 n.7 96
astronomy, astronomical
-- 22 n.43 41 209 216 223 230
(4th century Christian leader) – 15 16  

·         Easter letterof 367 – 21 32 (&n.77)  

·         Quaest 98, ad Antiochum – 191

Ps-Athanasius (Synopsis scripturae sacrae {TLG 2035.071} PG 28 page 309 line 6) -- 178

Athena -- 222 224 226 (&n.29) 230 234

Attridge, Harry, in OTP -- 104
athletes -- 32 126

Augustine -- 57 n.41 71 n.32 89 n.13

AV = Authorized Version of the English Bible, also known as the King James Version [KJV] -- 155  

A-Z  = Dialogue of Athanasius and Zacchaeus  [The Dialogues of Athanasius and Zacchaeus and of Timothy and Aquila, ed by F.C.Conybeare (Anecdota Oxoniensia, Classical Series 8; Oxford: Clarendon, 1898)] -- 173 175 177 183
'Azer -- 131



Baird, J. Arthur, et al., "The Computer Bible" (published by Biblical Research Associates, College of Wooster, Ohio) -- 6 n.7

Ball, C. J. , The Ecclesiastical or Deuterocanonical Books of the OT commonly called the Apocrypha (Variorum Reference Edition; London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, n.d. [post 1888]) -- 151 154 n.11 155

balsam -- 204 (&n.14) 206

baptism -- 12
barbarian -- 58 220 221 223 230
Barberini text of Habakkuk 3
-- 68 111
Bardaisan (or Bar Daisan, also known as Bardesanes) -- 20 (&n.36)
Bardy, Gustave
, Les trophées de Damas: controverse judéo-chrétienne du VIIe siècle (Patrologia Orientalis 15:2. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Companie, 1920): 189-275 [19-105] -- 173 n.2 Bar Kokhba -- 88 193
Barlaam and Josaphat -- 55 n.38
Barnabas, Epistle of [Kraft, Barnabas and the Didache = volume 3 of The Apostolic Fathers: A New Translation and Commentary (ed. R.M. Grant; New York: Nelson, 1965)] -- 13 n.21 30 n.67 103 n.10 261 n.2

Baron, Salo W. [wikipedia], A Social and Religious History of the Jews (18 vols.; 2d ed.; New York and Philadelphia: Columbia University Press and the Jewish Publication Society, 1952-1983) 5.209-85 -- 25 n.53

Barthélemy, Dominique -- 29 n.64 [in quoted material, from Runia] Baruch, book(s) of -- 16 39 n.7 129 177 180 182
Basilides -- 19
Batiffol, Pierre [wikipedia Dutch], "Le Livre de la Prière d'Aseneth," in Studia patristica: Études d'ancienne littérature chrétienne, vol. 1.2 (Paris: Leroux, 1899-90), 1-115 -- 36 (&n.4)
Bauckham, Richard,
“The Apocalypses in the New Pseudepigrapha,” JSNT 26 (1986) 97-117 -- 93 n.2
Bauer, Renate
, Adversus Judaeos: Juden und Judentum im Spiegel alt- und mittelenglischer Texte (Münchner Universitätsschriften 29; New York: P. Lang, 2003) -- 175
Bauer, Walter [wikipedia], Rechtgläubigkeit und Ketzerei im ältesten Christentum (Tübingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1934); 2nd ed., reprinted and  supplemented by Georg Strecker (Tübingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1964); English translation, Orthodoxy and Heresy in Early Christianity (ed. R. A. Kraft and G. Krodel; Philadelphia: Fortress, 1971; also available online at -- 13 n.19 19 n.34 23 n.44 84 n.5 170 n.42 

B.C.  = before Christ (see BCE = Before the Common Era)

BCE = Before the Common Era
Ben-Shammai, H.
, with Y. Erder "The Connection of Karaism with the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Apocryphal Literature," Cathedra 42 (1987) 53-86 (Hebrew) -- 25 n.53

Ben Sira (see also Sirach) -- 30 (& n.70) 48 n.28 59 130 146 216
Bensly, Robert Lubbock [wikipedia], ed., The Fourth Book of Ezra (Texts and Studies 3.2; Cambridge: CUP, 1895) -- 36 n.4 151 n.5

Bergren, Theodore A.

Bertrand, D. A., La vie grecque d'Adam et Eve (Paris: A. Maisonneuve, 1987) -- 30 n.72
BETL = Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium
Biblia Patristica: Index des citations et allusions bibliques dans la litterature patristique (7 vols. thus far; ed. J. Allenbach; Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1975–) -- 17 n.30
Biblia Sacra Vulgata (see also Vg, Latin translations) Biblia Sacra iuxta Vulgatam versionem (Stuttgart: Privilegierte Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1975; new edition Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1994), ed. R. Weber with B. Fischer et al.--150 n.5
(see also canonical) --25 n.52 30 40 n.9 44 48 n.28 56 64 65 69 72 n.34 86 96 102 103 129 130-132 146 147 160 162 175 177 180 181 203 215 224 230 233 242-245
Biblical Antiquities of Pseudo-Philo (see also LAB) -- 55 n.38
Biblical Research Associates, see J. Arthur Baird et al. (published by Biblical Research Associates, College of Wooster, Ohio) -- 6 n.7
Bickerman, Elias J.
[wikipedia German], The Jews in the Greek Age (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988) -- 9 n.12
Biggs, Frederick M.
, et al., "Apocrypha," in Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture: a Trial Version, ed Biggs, T. D. Hill and P. E. Szarmach (Binghamton NY: Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1990) -- 24 n.49
Bij de Vaate, A. J.
, with J. W. van Henten, "Jewish or Non-Jewish? Some Remarks on the Identification of Jewish Inscriptions from Asia Minor," Bibliotheca Orientalis 53 (1996) 16-28 -- 52 n.32
= Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
BJS = [??]
Blake, Robert Pierpont [wikipedia], Epiphanius De Gemmis, in Studies and Documents 2, ed.  K. and S. Lake (London: Christophers, 1934) 186-189 and 275 -- 138 n.13
blood -- 72 154 193 253
Blumenkranz, Bernhard

B-M = Brooke and McLean, Larger Cambridge Septuagint [ed. A. E. Brooke, N. McLean, and H. St J. Thackeray (Cambridge: CUP, 1906-1940); see also LXX/OG] -- 62 n.5

BO = Bibliotheca Orientalis
Boccaccini, Gabrielle

Bohairic Coptic -- 73-74 [Psalms]

Bollandist Fathers -- 121 n.21 125
Bonwetsch, Nathanael, ed., Die Apokalypse Abrahams. Das Testament der vierzig Märtyrer (Studien zur Geschichte der Theologie und Kirche; Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1897) -- 112 n.9

Book of the Secrets of Enoch (see also Enoch) -- 39 n.7
Books of Adam and Eve (see also Adam) -- 39 n.7
Borborite gnostics -- 21
Borgen, Peder  -- 237 n.1

Bosporus (Cimmerian) -- 87 n.11
Bowersock, Glen W.
[wikipedia], Martyrdom and Rome (Cambrdige: CUP 1995) -- 41 n.11 55 n.38

Box, George Herbert -- 215

Boyarin, Daniel [wikipedia]

Bradbury, Scott, Severus of Minorca: Letter on the Conversion of the Jews (Oxford: OUP, 1996) -- 54 n.36
Brandt, W.
, Elchasai: ein Religionsstifter und sein Werk (Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1912) --19 n.33
Bratke, E.
, ed., Evagrii Altercatio Legis inter Simonem Judaeum et Theophilum Christianum, CSEL 45 (1904) -- 173 n.2
Braun, Oscar, "Ein Brief des Katholikos Timotheos I uber biblische Studien des 9. Jahrhunderts," Oriens Christianus 1 (1901) 299-313 (online at -- 25 n.52 72 n.36

Brock, Sebastian P. [wikipedia]

Brooke, A. E. (see B-M, Cambridge Septuagint, LXX/OG)

Brooks, George -- 203 n.9 
Brown, M. P.
, The Authentic Writings of St. Ignatius (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1963) -- 30 n.66
Brown, R. E. -- 97
Browning, R.
, Medieval and Modern Greek (London: Hutchinson University Library, 1969) -- 123 n.24
Brunner, Theodore
[see also TLG] -- 237 n.1
Bundy, David
, "Pseudepigrapha in Syriac Literature," SBL Seminar Papers 1991 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1991) 745-765 -- 23 n.45

Burchard, Christoph -- 55 n.38 201 n.6

Burkitt, Francis Crawford [wikipedia, biography], Jewish and Christian Apocalypses (London: Milford, 1914) 76 -- 14 (&n.25) 15




Caesarea -- 17 218 252
Cairo Geniza -- 26 48 n.28
Capella -- 219 n.7 229
calendar, calendric -- 22 n.43 55 n.37 105 110 121 144 145 221 n.16
Callahan, Allen -- 49 n.1

Cambridge Septuagint, Larger (see B-M, LXX/OG)

Cameron, Ron, with Arthur J. Dewey (trans) The Cologne Mani Codex (P.Colon. inv. nr. 4780) "Concerning the Origin of his Body" (SBL Texts and Translations 15: Early Christian Literature Series 3; Missoula: Scholars, 1979) -- 20 n.37

canon(ical) (see also biblical, deutero-canonical, apocryphal) -- vii-viii 12 38 62 99 102-103 105 146 154 170 178 (&n.3) 261 n.3

Canticles (or Song of Songs, Song of Solomon; see also Jewish scriptures) -- 18 n.32 47 (&n.25) 65 n.15 187

catalogue(s), cataloging -- 8 n.11
Catalogue of 60 Books
-- 16

Cathar(i) -- 21 85
CATSS =  Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint Studies [online] -- 6 n.7 199 n.1

cave discoveries -- 25 n.52 26 72 149
of Treasures
-- 30 n.72
= Catholic Biblical Quarterly
CD-ROM [ TLG & PHI] -- 6 n.7
= Centro Editoriale Dehoniano (Bologna)
CEJL = Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature
celibacy (see also ascetic) -- 57 189 n.33 203
Celsus -- 18
censorship -- 22
Center, Ancient Biblical Manuscript at Claremont CA -- 8 n.11
Center for Millennial Studies
at Boston University ( -- 26 n.54
Center, Orion
, at the Hebrew University-- 12 n.18
Chabot, J.-B.
, “L’Apocalypse d’Esdras,” Revue Sémitique d’épigraphie et d’histoire ancienne 2 (1894)  333-346 -- 145 n.20
Chapman, Honora H.,
online publication “`A Myth for the World’: Early Christian Reception of Infanticide and Cannibalism in Josephus, Bellum Judaicum 6.199-219”  ( -- 194 n.39
Chadwick, Henry
[wikipedia], Priscillian of Avila: The Occult and the Charismatic in the Early Church (Oxford: Clarendon, 1976) -- 21 n.39
-- 219 n.7 227 n.33 229 n.55
-- 139 228 n.40 238 n.3
Chalon, G.
, L’Edite de Tiberius Julius Alexander: Étude historique et exégétique (Bibliotheca Helvetica Romana 5; Olten: Graf, 1964) -- 246 n.9

Charles, Robert Henry [see also APOT; wikipedia]

Charlesworth, James H. [see also OTP; wikipedia] -- vii

chiliast -- 85
Christ/Messiah (see also Messiah)

Christian(s)  passim (see also classical Christianity)

Christianization-- 35 n.3 42 n.12 44 n.16 52 n.33 122 162 (de-Christianization)
christos -- 66 67 (&n.25) 70
Chronicon Paschale (see Paschal Chronicle) [
wikipedia], ed.  Ludwig A. Dindorf (Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae 9; Bonn: Weber, 1832) 304-305 -- 136 137 n.9 141 175 180 194 

Chronicles (Jewish scriptural books) -- 135 187

chronography -- 22 n.43 41 54 59 105 136 137 nn.10-11

Chrysostom, Dio -- 202 n.9
Chrysostom, John
-- 7 n.9 (Wilken) 54 n.36

circularity -- 37 (&n.5) 51 57 152
circumcision -- 86 252
civil -- 86 239 252
classic(al) --59
Cleland, James T. -- 101-102
Clem(ent of) Alex(andria)
--17-19 53 75 135 137 138 141 226 n.32

Clement of Rome

Clementine Latin Vulgate -- 155
Clementines, pseudo
-- 59
Classical Greek
-- 123 n.24 202 n.7
Classical Christianity
(see also Christianity) -- 13 15 24 50 59 83 85 90 91
Classical Judaism
[see also Rabbinic Judaism] -- 10 26 n.
53 50 83 85 86 88 90 91

codex, codices (see also Mani Codex, Nag Hammadi Codex, Psalter Codex) -- 13 67[2 Macc]  75 n.40[NT]  122 177 181 190[T-A] 195 261
Cohen, Kenneth -- 129

Cohen, Shaye J. D. -- 85 n.8 86 n.9

Cohn, Leopold [wikipedia] -- 235

Cohn, Norman [wikipedia], The Pursuit of the Millennium (3d ed.; New York: OUP, 1970) -- 26 n.54

Collins, John J. -- 104

Cologne Mani Codex [wikipedia] -- 19 n.33 20 n.37 21 n.38

Colson, F. H. -- 241 243 246

Combat of Adam and Eve -- 30 n.72
commentary -- 38 47 n.24 203 224 218 232


composite (texts, quotations) -- 39 76-79 182
composition(s) -- 15 18 30 38 40 42 45 46 54 55 82 113 (&n.14) 116 119-120 125 129 142 207
computer technology -- 8 n.11
ConBNT =
Coniectanea Noetestamentica
concordance(s) -- 6 (&n.7)

conservative -- 12 235

continuities -- 41 (&n.11) 43 49 60 89 90 125 145 194 210 227 253 261

Conybeare, Frederick C. [wikipedia] -- 47

Coptic -- 5  23 24  109-112 115 118 

corruption (textual) -- 28 n.62 57 82 n.46 191
Cosmas Indicopleustes
-- 180
covenant -- 12 85 n.8 86 n.9 139 142 143 151 176-179 186-190
Cragie, W. A. , introduction to the first English translation of TAbr in the supplementary volume to the “Ante-Nicene Library” series (American ed. = “Ante-Nicene Fathers,” vol. 10) in 1897
-- 112 n.10

CRINT = Compendium rerum iudaicarum ad novum testamentum

cross, crucifixion -- 48 63 65 66 71-73 184-186 191 250
= Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum [wikipedia]

CSHB = Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae

cult(ic) -- 12 134 137 142 146 221 257 258
= Cambridge University Press

curse(d) -- 71 73 168

cycle (of texts and/or traditions)

Cynics -- 85
Cyprian -- 53 191
Cyril of Alexandria -- 7 n.9 178 184
Cyril of Jerusalem  -- 16

Cyrus -- 69 132 133 135 136 (&nn.7-8) 139 141


Damascus Document -- 48 n.28 59
Dan, Yose (Joseph)

Daniel son of Ezra -- 139 141
Daniel, book of (see also Apocalypse of Daniel, Hippolytus) -- 5 n.4 70 84 n.3 105 111 131 132 (&n.5) 135 181

Daniélou, Jean [wikipedia]

Dante -- 22
Davies, William D. -- 97

Davila, James R. [wikipedia] , The Provenance of the Pseudepigrapha: Jewish, Christian, Or Other? (Leiden: Brill, 2005) -- 4 n.3 32 n.78 46 n.22 104 n.12

dead, death -- 63 151 155 184 221 245 253
Dead Sea
Scrolls (= DSS; see also Qumran, Orion Center) -- 11 n.15 12 n.18 25 n.53 26 (&n.53) 36 39 43 48 51 199 n.1

de Bruyne, Donatien

Dechow, Jon -- 129 n.1

Declerck, J. H., Anonymus dialogus cum Iudaeis saeculi ut videtur sexti (Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca 30. Turnhout: Brepols, 1994): 3-111 -- 174
default -- 9 36-37 51-57

definition(s) -- 31 37 38 43 (&n.14) 50 (&n.29) 83-84 86-91 97-99 201 n.6 224 242
de Jonge, Marinus -- 35 n.1 104

de Lange, Nicholas R. M. [wikipedia], Origen and the Jews (Cambridge: CUP, 1976) -- 7 n.9 18 n.32

Delcor, Mathias, Le Testament d’Abraham: introduction, traduction du texte grec et commentaire de la recension greque longue suivi de la traduction des testaments d’Abraham, d’Isaac et de Jacob d’après les versions orientales (SVTP 2; Leiden: Brill, 1973) -- 112 n.8 115 (&n.20)

demon(ic) -- 32 88 n.12 126 168 185
Denis, Albert-Marie

deutero-canonical (see also canonical) -- 9 15 28 62 99 131 132
Deuteronomy, book of [Deut, Dt] -- 177 178-179 183 187 (&n.26)

de Vaux, Roland [wikipedia], "A propos des manuscrits de la mer Morte," Revue biblique 57 (1950) 417-429 -- 25 n.52

Devreesse, Robert [wikipedia], Introduction a l’étude des manuscrits grec (Paris: Klincksieck, 1954) -- 122 n.22
Dewey, Arthur J., (trans.) with  Ron Cameron, The Cologne Mani Codex (P.Colon. inv. nr. 4780) “Concerning the Origin of his Body” (SBLTT 15; Early Christian Literature Series 3; Missoula: Scholars, 1979) --20 n.37

Dialogues (see also A-Z, S-T, T-A, Justin, Papiscus) -- 41 57 n.41 64 n.11 ch.10

diaspora -- 9 n.12 87 n.11 114 
(see also Two Ways)-- 30 40 45
Di Lella, Alexander A.

Dindorf, Ludwig A. (see also  Chronicon Paschale) -- 137 nn.9-11

Dio Chrysostom -- 201-202 (nn.6&9)

Diodorus Siculus -- 201 n.5 (Bibliotheca Historica 19.98-99)
Dionysius of Alexandria
-- 18 19
Dionysius of Halicarnassos
-- 227 n.36 (AntiqRom

-- 49 261
DiTommaso, Lorenzo, A Bibliography of Pseudepigrapha Research 1850-1999 (JSPSup 39; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001
) -- ix (&n.3) 10 n.14 22 n.40 40 n.10  41 n.11 109 n.2 129  n.2 144 n.16
diversity (see also discontinuity, pluralism)
-- 12 79 81 85-86 n.8 88 91 93 97 101 120 141 146 162
docetics -- 85
Doresse, Jean, The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics (New York: Viking, 1960; reprinted, Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 1986) 20 -- 17 n.31
Drijvers, Han J. W.
, Bardaisan of Edessa (Assen: Van Gorcum, 1966) 209-12 -- 20 n.36
dualism (see also gnosticism)
-- 13 23 n.44 86 n.8
Duen. = Duensing, Hugo, "The Fifth and Sixth Books of Esra," in W. Schneemelcher's edition of Hennecke's NT Apocrypha (trans. ed. R. McL. Wilson; Philadelphia: Westminster, 1965), 689-95 -- 152 n.6 155 [Weinel-D]
Duke University
-- vii 3 10 35 n.2 95 102
Dulaey, Martine, “La notice de Pline sur les esséniens (HN 5, 17, 73),” Helmantica 38 (1987) 283-293 (also published in Pline l’Ancien, témoin de son temps: Conventus Pliniani Internationalis, 22-26 Oct. 1985, ed. J. Pigeaud and J. Oroz Reta [Salamanca and Nantes: Universidad pontificia de Salamenca, 1987]) -- 200 n.3 201 nn.6-7

Dunn, James D. G. [wikipedia]

Dupont-Sommer, André, ed with M. Philonenko, La Bible: écrits intertestamentaires (Paris: Gallimard, 1987) -- 10 n.14



Earp, J. W., Loeb Classical Library volumes (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press) on Philo, edited and translated by G. H. Whitaker and F. H. Colson (vols. 1-5, 1929-1934) and by Colson alone (vols. 6-10, 1935-1962), with indices by J. W. Earp (in vol. 10) and two supplementary volumes by Ralph Marcus (1953) -- 237 n.1 243

Ebionites -- 43 (Gospel of) 65 (&n.18) 89 (&n.13)

Ecclesiastes, book of (see also Qohelet) -- 187
ecumenical -- 101
ed. = edited by, editor
edition(s), ancient
-- 114 122 181 235-236 256 (&n.6)

educator, education -- 41 124 164 261
Efroymson, David P.

Egypt(ian) -- 5 17 n.21 23 (&n.44) 41 n.11 47 71 74 76 87 n.11 110-115 119 120 119 144 n.17 152 n.6 168 178 200 n.4 211 n.2 ch.14 ch.15
Ehrhard, Albert [wikipedia Dutch and German], Die altchristliche Litteratur und ihre Erforschung von 1884-1900: vol. I, Erste Abteilung, Die vornicänische Litteratur (Freiburg im Br.: Herder, 1900) -- 113 (&n.11)

Ehrman, Bart D. [wikipedia]

Eissfeldt, Otto [wikipedia], "Der gegenwartige Stand der Erforschung der in Palastina neu gefundenen hebraischen Handschriften," Theologische Litteraturzeitung 74 (1949) 597-600 -- 25 n.52
= Early Judaism and its Modern Interpreters, ed. by R. A. Kraft and G. W. E. Nickelsburg (Fortress/Scholars Press, 1986) -- 3 n.2 9 n.12 10 n.14 12 n.18 22 n.40

Eldad and Modad -- 16

elect(ion) -- 48 68 86 n.9 146
electronic resources -- 8 n.11
Elephantine -- 60 87 n.11

Elijah -- 139  213

Elisha ben Abuya -- 89
Elksai (Book of) and Elkesaites -- 19-20 (&nn.33,35)
Elliott, J. Keith [profile], The Apocryphal New Testament: A Collection of Apocryphal Christian Literature in an English Translation Based on M. R. James (Oxford: OUP, 1993) -- 95 n.6

Emmaus (Nicopolis) -- 69 n.28
Emerton, J. A., "Odes of Solomon," in AOT -- 104

EMML = Ethiopian Monastic Manuscript Library -- 23 n.47
Enc(yclopedia of) Jud(aism) -- 25-26 n.53
Encyc(lopaedia) Judaica (Berlin 1928ff) -- 113  n. 11
Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem 1971ff) -- 113 n.14
Encyclopedia Iranica [] -- 20 n.37
Encyclopedia of Islam -- 25 n.51

endure, endurance -- 57 79 89 n.16 
-- 200-207

Enoch -- 129 209-210 ch.12
Enoch, books ascribed to
-- 16-21 39 96 137 ch.9 261

Enochic outlook -- 85 (&n.6)
-- 21 n.38

Epiphanius -- 8 n.9 16 32 42 58 141 146 175-176 183 187 n.25 192 193

ps-Epiphanius, Testimonies , ed. Robert Hotchkiss, SBL Texts and Translations series (1974) -- 177 179 Erder, Y., with H. Ben-Shammai, "The Connection of Karaism with the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Apocryphal Literature," Cathedra 42 (1987) 53-86 (Hebrew) -- 25 n.53

eschatology, eschatological (see also apocalyptic) -- 12 13 50 n.29 88 (&n.12) 125 126 159 160 215
Esdram = Esdras = Ezra -- ch.7
Esdras literature
(see also Ezra)

Essene, Essenism -- 85 (&n.6) 114 116 153 ch.11
Esther, book of -- 65 n.14 111 187

ethics, ethical -- 13 38 41 45 126
Ethiopic --
Euripides, frg 839 -- 223 n.22

Eusebius -- 51 53 58 136 175 

Evans, Kass -- 238 n.3 246 n.8
Eve (see also Adam) -- 21 (Gospel of Eve)
Ex = Exodus, book of -- 179 187 (&n.26)
excerpt -- 43 47 (&n.24) 51 53 56 58 72 n.35 76 n.42 180 195 206 n.18 224
exegesis, exegetical -- 7 n.9 18 178 215 217 n.3 219 224 230 257
exile(s) -- 130-132 136 n.8 138 142 143 209
Exodus (event) -- 139 206 n.18
expansions -- 93 97 100 102 118
exploration -- 13 n.20 57 n.41 90 177 179
Ezek = Ezekiel, book of  -- 16 187
Ezer/'Ezrah -- 131

Ezra and Ezra literature (see also Esdras, Esdram) -- 16 48 (&n.27) 54 63 96 100 ch.7 261


fabrication -- 64
facsimile -- 11
faith, faithfulness
Falasha (see also Ethiopic) -- 145
Favonius Eulogius, commentary on Scipio -- 219 n.7 229 n.50

fear -- 68 73 99 155 212
Feldman, Louis H.

Filaster -- 19
Fitzmyer, Joseph A. [wikipedia], The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications and Tools for Study (rev. ed.; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990) -- 12 n.18

flesh -- 73
Flusser, David [wikipedia]

Focillon, H., The Year 1000 (New York: Harper & Row, 1971) -- 26 n.54
-- 86 205
forgery -- 14 31 46 154 n.12
formula -- 51 73 76 156 160 164 n.7 179 180
Frankfurter, David, Religion in Roman Egypt: Assimilation and Resistance (Princeton: University Press 1998) -- 23 n.44
-- 22 n.43 54
fragments -- 7 n.9 15 16 n.28 23 39 44 n.16 48 n.27 51 95 97 99 109 156 191 206 n.18
Frerichs, Ernest S., Judaisms and their Messiahs at the Turn of the Christian Era (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987), edited by Jacob Neusner, William Scott Green, and Ernest S. Frerichs -- 84 n.4
Frey, J.-B.
, article for the Dictionnaire de la Bible, suppl. 1 (1928) 33-38 -- 113 n.10
Ludwig,  four-volume Griechische Christliche Schriftsteller edition of Clement of Alexandria (Griechische Christliche Schriftsteller 12, 15, 17, 39) begun by O. Stählin in 1905 (Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs), and partly revised by Ludwig Früchtel (1960) and Ursula Treu (1970-1985) -- the 4th ed. of volume 2 appeared in 1985 -- 17 n.30
Fuglseth, Keare
, see Borgen, Philo Index [1999] -- 6 n.7



Gafni, I., "Josephus and 1 Maccabees," in L. H. Feldman et al. (eds) Josephus, the Bible and History (Leiden: Brill, 1989) 116-131 -- 44 n.18

Gager, John G. [wikipedia]

Galileans -- 32 n.78

garment -- 74
GCS = Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte (Berlin: Akademie­Verlag)

Gebhardt, Otto von [wikipedia], "Die Ascensio Isaiae als Heiligenlegende," Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Theologie 21 (1878) 330-353 -- 30 n.68
Ps-Gelasian Decree -- 16
Gen = Genesis, book of  (see also Commentary, Philo) -- 177-178 187 224 242 (Joseph)
genre -- 41 n.11 52 175 203 n.9
gentile(s) -- 9 n.12 28 n.61 70 137 140 149 n.1 158 168 182
geographical -- 5 n.5 49 119 203 n.10 204
Georgian -- 24 138 (&n.13)
Gibson, E. Leigh, "Jewish Antagonism or Christian Polemic: The Case of the Martyrdom of Pionius," JECS 9 (2001) 339-358 -- 54 n.36
Gignac, Francis Thomas, A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods (2 vols.; Testi e documenti per lo studio dell’antichita 55; Milano: Istituto Editoriale Cisalpino-La Goliardica 1976-81) -- 6 (&n.6)
Gilbert, W. S. (and Sullivan, Arthur) [wikipedia], "H. M. S. Pinafore" (1878) [wikipedia] -- 261 (&n.1)

Ginzberg, Louis [wikipedia] -- 11-12 (&n.16)

Giversen, S., ed. Manichaica Selecta: Studies Presented to Professor Julien Ries on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday (ed. A. van Tongerloo and S. Giversen; Louvain: International Association of Manichaean Studies, 1991) -- 21 n.38

Gk = Greek (especially in ch.6)
gloss (textual) -- 8 62 64 68 n.27

Gmirkin, Russell -- 202 n.9 207

gnosis, gnostic -- 13 17 19 21 24 84 85 192 211
God -- 85 n.8 86 n.9 87 n.11 and passim

Goehring, James E., with Birger Pearson (eds), The Roots of Egyptian Christianity (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986) -- 23 n.44

Goodenough, Erwin R. -- 237-248

Goodman, Martin [wikipedia]

Goranson, Stephen -- 200 n.3 201 n.6 203 n.10

Gospel(s) (see also Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) -- 44 95 124 160 176 177 184 185 188 192 193
Gothic-- 24
Göttinger Septuaginta-Unternehmens (see also LXX/OG, B-M, Septuagint; see the details at -- 40 n.9 62 n.4 65 (&n.17) 74 n.39 76 n.41 78 182
Grabbe, Lester L., Judaism from Cyrus to Hadrian (2 vols.; Minneapolis: Fortress, 1992) -- 9 n.12

Greek -- passim, and the following sub-topics

Green, William Scott; Judaisms and their Messiahs at the Turn of the Christian Era (Cambridge: CUP, 1987), edited by Jacob Neusner, William Scott Green, and Ernest S. Frerichs -- 84 n.4

Greenfield, Jonas C.; Solving Riddles and Untying Knots: Biblical, Epigraphic, and Semitic Studies in Honor of Jonas C. Greenfield (ed. Z. Zevit, S. Gitin, and M. Sokoloff ; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995) -- 48 n.27

pseudo-Gregory of Nyssa -- 69
Gregory Maximus -- 71 n.32
Gutschmid, Alfred von [wikipedia], "Die Apokalypse des Esra und ihre spätern Bearbeitungen", ZWT 3 (1860) -- 152 n.6



Hab = Habakkuk, book of -- 16 180-182

Habakkuk, prophet -- 180
hagiography -- 22 24 31 38 41 45 54 57 105 121 126 215
halakhic -- 39
Halkin, FrançoisBibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca (3 vols.; 3rd ed; Bruxelles: Société Bollandistes, 1957) -- 22 n.41 121 n.21
Hall, Robert G.,
"The Ascension of Isaiah: Community Situation, Date, and Place in Early Christianity," JBL 109 (1990), 289-306 (see also JBL 113 [1994], 463-484) -- 46 n.21
Hall, Stuart G.
, Melito of Sardis, On Pascha and Fragments (ed. S.G. Hall; Oxford: Clarendon, 1979) -- 7 n.9
Halperin, David J.,
"Origen, Ezekiel's Merkabah, and the Ascension of Moses," Church History 50 (1981) 261-275 -- 18 n.32
Hanson, Richard P. C.,
Allegory and Event: A Study of the Sources and Significance of Origen's Interpretation of Scripture (London: SCM Press, 1959) -- 18 n.32
Hare, Douglas R. A.
[wikipedia], in OTP 2.379-84 -- 31 n.73
Harlow, Dan,
"The Christianization of Early Jewish Pseudepigrapha: The Case of 3 Baruch," Journal for the Study of Judaism 32 (2001) 416-444 -- 35 (&n.3) 41 n.11
harmonization (textual) -- 27-28 54 75 132 146
Harnack, Adolf von [wikipedia] -- 15 36 47 175

Harrelson, Walter -- 97
Harrington, Daniel J. [profile]

Hay, David M.,  review in Studia Philonica Annual 1 (1989) 127-128 -- 93 n.2
healing -- 74 205 n.17 209
heaven(ly) -- 27 106 140 143 145 ch.9 227-228 231-234 240
Hebrew (or Aramaic) texts, see Biblia Hebraica3, ed.  R. Kittel and P. Kahle (Stuttgart, 1954)
pseudo-Hecataeus -- 59
Heliopolis/Leontopolis -- 87 n.11

hellenic -- 17
hellenism, hellenistic -- 5 85 99 116 119 122 123 124 194 221
Hennecke, Edgar

Henrichs, Albert [profile]

Herbert, Maire, (ed with Martin McNamara) Irish Biblical Apocrypha: Selected Texts in Translation (Edinburgh: Clark, 1989) -- 24 n.48

Hermas, Shepherd of -- 105
Hermetic Corpus -- 59

heretic(s), heretical -- 16 18 21 24 58
hero(ic) -- 4 31 126
Herod the Great -- 88 203 n.9 251

Herod King of Chalcis -- 250-251

Herodium -- 200
Herodotus -- 58
Herzer, Jens [wikipedia German]

heterodox(y) -- 8 15 19 24 32 59
Hexapla (see Origen; also Quinta, Sexta, Septima) -- 17-18 56 70 n.31 77 82 111 181
Hilgenfeld, Adolf [wikipedia], Messias Judaeorum: libris eorum paulo ante et paulo post Christum natum conscriptis illustratus (Leipzig: Sumpto Fuesiano, 1869) -- 152 n.6

Hill Monastic Library -- 8 n.11 23 n.47

Hill, Thomas D. (see Biggs)
Hillel -- 88
Himmelfarb, Martha [profile] -- 129 n.1

Hippolytus -- 58 

history -- 22 (&n.43) 54 59 89-91 135 145
History of the Rechabites -- 55 n.38 104
HMML = Hill Monastic Manuscript Library -- 23 n.47
Hollander, Harm W., with M. de Jonge, The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: A Commentary (Leiden: Brill, 1985), Introduction ##8-9 -- 4 n.3
homily, homiletic
-- 18 31 38 41 54 124-126
horoscope -- 105
Horsley, Gregory, with John A. L. Lee a new Moulton-Milligan lexicon to the NT -- 6 n.7
Horsley, Richard A.,

Horton, F. L., The Melchizedek Tradition: A Critical Examination of the Sources to the Fifth Century A.D. and in the Epistle to the Hebrews (Cambridge: CUP, 1976) -- 20 n.35

Hos = Hosea, book of -- 77 n.43 159 180-182

Hotchkiss, Robert -- 129 n.1 179

HTR = Harvard Theological Review
Hubler, Noel
-- 238 n.3

Hughes, John, Bits, Bytes, & Biblical Studies (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1987) -- 6 n.7
Hulen, A. B.,
"The 'Dialogues with the Jews' as Sources for the Early Jewish Argument against Christianity," JBL 51 (1932)  58-70 -- 173 n.2
Humanist online discussion group -- 6 n.7

Humbert, J.,
La disparition du datif en grec (du Ier au Xer siècle) (Collection Linguistique 23; Paris: Champion, 1930) -- 124 n.26

Humm, Alan -- 238 n.3

Hunayn b. Ishaq (809-874 CE) -- 25 n.51

Hurtado, Larry W. [profile]

Hutchesson, Ian -- 203 n.10
hymn(s) -- 22 n.43 38 41 54 (&n.36) 65 79 80
Hystaspes -- 17 135-136



Ialdabaoth -- 21
IBYCUS Computer -- 237 n.1

Ignatius (of Antioch) -- 30 (&n.66) 111
imagine, imaginations -- 53 57 58 60 69 70 80 84 n.4 86 146 160 207 215 226 n.32
Institute for Antiquity and Christianity at Claremont -- 218 n.3
Institute for Modern Greek Studies [online] -- 123 n.24

Internet (for searching, e.g. -- ix 8 nn.9&11 9 n.12 35 n.1 41 n.11 45 n.19

interpolation -- 8 29 49 61 64 (&n.13) 81 82 154 n.12

interpretation -- 41 46 47 63 95 135 165 n.9 192 194 209-216 217 219 244
interest (see also motivation) -- 4 5 8 19 n.33 20 n.35 22-25 29 32 36-38 40 45 47 n.24 48-57 64 66-70 72 73 85 86 101 103 120 125 126 129 130 135 139 145 146 150 153 156 160 161 171 173 179 183 192 194 195 199 202 n.9203 205 217 218 219 221 n.15 225 235 238

intuition -- 58 73 82
Inv(entiones) Nom(inum) -- 138 140-141

Ionian -- 223 n.19

IOUDAIOS online discussion group -- vii 65 n.16 109 n.1

Irenaeus -- 32 58 137

Irish -- 24

Isaiah (prophet) -- 63 n.10 (death) 72 (death) 129
Isaiah, writings associated with

Isidore -- 17
Isis -- 60
Islam and Muslim -- 25 32 57 n.41 131 n.4 141
Israel -- 43 63 73 98 130 131 138-145 157 159 166 169 178 185 244
itacism -- 67 (&n.25)


Jacob (patriarch) -- 21 110 157 159 164 n.4 172 185 210 213 214 243 244 250
Jacob, Testament of -- 96

Jacobs, Andrew S. [profile], "The Disorder of Books: Priscillian's Canonical Defense of Apocrypha." Harvard Theological Review 93 (2000) 135-159 -- 21 n.39
Jaffee, Martin S.
, Early Judaism: Religious Worlds of the First Judaic Millennium (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997; Press of the University of Maryland, 2006\2)] -- 85-86 nn.8-9

James, Montague Rhodes [wikipedia] -- 11-12 14 15 103

Jambres (or Jannes) and Mambres -- 16 18 205
Jamnia -- 32
Jannaris, A. N. [bio-sketch], An Historical Greek Grammar, Chiefly of the Attic Dialect as Written and Spoken from Classical Antiquity Down to the Present Time. Founded upon Ancient Texts, Inscriptions, Papyri and Present Popular Greek (London: MacMillan, 1897) -- 123 n.24

Jannes (see also Jambres) -- 18 205
JAOS = Journal of the American Oriental Society
JBL = Journal of Biblical Literature [wikipedia]

JECS = Journal of Early Christian Studies [wikipedia]

Jeremiah -- 41 129 138 n.13 146
Jer = Jeremiah, books associated with -- 63

Jericho -- 25 n.52 69 n.28 187 200 202 n.7 203 204 nn.11&14 206 

Jerome -- 8 n.9 16 42 62 68 (&n.27) 69 141

Jerusalem -- 5 n.4 8 n.12 16 25 n.52 37 nn.5-6 42 74 131-132 135-137 138 n.13 140-145 166 176 194 200 203-204 206 246 252 255
Jerusalem Bible -- 149 n.4
Jervell, Jacob, "Ein Interpolator interpretiert. Zu der christlichen Bearbeitung der Testamente der Zwölf Patriarchen," in C. Burchard, J. Jervell, and J. Thomas, Studien zu den Testamenten der Zwölf Patriarchen (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 36; Berlin: Töpelmann, 1969) 30-61 -- 4 n.3

Jeshu (Yeshu) -- 50 n.30
Jeshua (associate of Nehemiah) -- 130-135

Jesus (see also Jeshu, Joshua) -- 19 26 27-29 42 43 44 n.17 45 48 50 (&nn.29-30) 53 65 (&n.15) 66 68 71-73 79 87 88 (&n.12) 125 137 139 143 156 161 176 177 179 182 184 185 188 192 193 210

Jewish (see also Judaism) -- passim

Jewish Encyclopedia (13 vols.; ed. I. Singer; New York and London: Funk and Wagnalls, 1901-1907) -- 12 n.16 50 n.29 113 n.11 
JJS = Journal of Jewish Studies
-- 16 31 73 129

JJS = Journal of Jewish Studies

Johanan -- 139 141
John, Apocalypse of (see Apocalypse, Revelation)
John, Gospel of, and Johannine
-- 59 85 193
John Baptist -- 52
John Chrysostom -- 7 n.9 54 n.36
John of Damascus -- 19 53
Johnson, M. D., [??] in OTP 2.249-251 -- 30 n.72

Joiakim -- 131
Joseph and Aseneth -- 18 32 n.78 36 n.4 41 n.11 42 n.12 54 n.36 55 57 n.41 111
Joseph, patriarch -- 16 18 31 41 54 167-169 171 238 241-249 259
Joseph, "count' -- 42
Josheph son of Camei -- 251
Josephus [Works, ed.  B. Niese (Berlin, 1890-1894)] -- viii 6 (&n.7) 10 28 (&n.63) 44 52 58-60 75 n.40 88 105 136 141 203 206 ch.12b ch.15

Joshua (Greek "Jesus"), associate of Moses -- 68 (&n.27) 187 212

Joshua ("Jesus"), book of -- 187

Joshua/Jesus (see also Jesus) -- 65 68 (&n.27) 125

Jozadak -- 131
JSHRZ = Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit
JSJ = Journal for the Study of Judaism
JSNT = Journal for the Study of the New Testament

JSOTSup = Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplements
= Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha <>

JSTOR = Journal Storage project (electronic) -- ix

JTS = Journal of Theological Studies 
-- 23 39 41 51 52 96 105

Judaism (see also Jewish) -- passim 

Judaize(r) -- 85 252
Judea(n) -- 87 n.11 187 200-201 (&n.4) 201 n.6 204 (&nn.12-13) 206 n.18 239 246 250 251
Judean Desert (see also DSS) -- 11 n.15 12 n.18 19 n.19

Julian (Emperor) -- 16
Juster, Jean, Les Juifs dans l'empire Romain: leur Condition Juridique, Economique, Sociale 1 (Paris: Guenther, 1914), pp. 53-76 -- 173 n.2
Justin (Martyr) -- 16 75 179



kaige translation (see also Theodotion) -- 181
Kalvemaki, Joel, online site “Number Symbolism in the Mediterranean before A.D. 1000: a Select Bibliography,” ed. Joel Kalvemaki [for his 2006 dissertation on number symbolism, see] -- 218 n.3
Kamesar, Adam
review of Vermes and Goodman, The Essenes According to the Classical Sources, JAOS 111 [1991] 134-135 --201 n.6 202 n.9
-- 25 (&n.53) 26 32 85
Katz, Peter [aka Walters], Philo's Bible: the Aberrant Text of Bible Quotations in some Philonic Writings and its Place in the Textual History of the Greek Bible (Cambridge: CUP, 1950) -- 29 n.64
Kaufmann, J.,
(ed. M. Soloweitschick) in Encyc. Judaica 1 (1928) 564 -- 113 n.11
Kautzsch, Emil Friedrich
[wikipedia]  -- 10
Kee, Howard C.,
"Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs," in OTP 1 -- 104 164 (&n.5)
Kenney, John Peter,
(ed.) The School of Moses: Studies in Philo and Hellenistic Religion in Memory of Horst R. Moehring (Brown Judaic Studies 304. Studia Philonica Monographs 1; Atlanta: Scholars, 1995) -- 218 n.3
154 -- 20 n.37

Kerkeslager, Allen -- 238 n.3

Kimelman, Reuven R., "Rabbi Yohanan and Origen on the Song of Songs: A Third-Century Jewish-Christian Disputation," HTR 73 (1980) 567-595 -- 18 n.32

KJV = King James Version, also known as the Authorized Version (1611)

Klijn, A. F. J.

Knibb, Michael A.

Knight, Jonathan, The Ascension of Isaiah (Guides to Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995) -- 46 n.21
Kobelski, Paul J.,
Melchizedek and Melchiresa` (Washington: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 1981) -- 20 n.35

Kohler, Kaufmann [wikipedia] -- 12

Koran (see Qur’an)

Kraemer, Ross S. -- 35 n.2 54 n.36 129 n.1 238 n.3

Kraft, Robert A. [web page]

Krodel, Gerhard [see Bauer, Walter]

Kugel, James [wikipedia, webpage]

Kuhn, Karl Heinz



LAB = "pseudo-Philo" Liber Antiquitates Biblica or Biblical Antiquities -- 55 n.38
label -- 13 32 49 50 58 85 (&n.6) 87 119 160 219
Labourt, M. J.
, "Le cinquième livre d'Esdras," RB 17 (1909) 412-34 -- 152 n.6 153
Lahey, Lawrence [profile] -- 173 175 183 n.8
Lamech -- 16 210 213
Lampe, Geoffrey W. H. [wikipedia], (ed) A Patristic Greek Lexicon (Oxford: Clarendon, 1961) -- 5 (&n.5) 123
Lancashire, Ian
, (ed) The Humanities Computing Yearbook: 1989-90 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1991) 6 n.7 8 n.11
Landes, Richard
[wikipedia], online "Apocalyptic Expectations Around the Year 1000” (1996) -- 26 n.54

language(s) -- 5 (&n.4) 7 8 13 22 n.43 23-25 58 73 103 112 113 n.14 114 (&n.16) 115 116 118 120 124 137 139 142 n.15 146 152 153 (&n.8) 156 160 161 164 165 170 176-178 199 n.1 202 n.7 223 238 n.3 257 n.8 258
LaRue, Mary -- 149 n.1

Latin --
law(s) -- 63 86 130 131 135 137 138 140 142 145 146 164 165 n.9 167 168 171 172 177-179 184 186 187 n.24 201 205 213 215 219 221 (&n.16) 228 n.41 230 240 241 256 158 n.9 259
LCL = Loeb Classical Library
Lebreton, Jules,
with Jacques Zeiller, The History of the Early Church (trans Ernest C. Messenger; New York: Collier, 1962 [1944-47 original]) 4.90 -- 24 n.50
-- 86 87 n.11
Lee, John A. L., with Gregory Horsley, a new Moulton-Milligan lexicon to the NT, with computer assistance -- 6 n.7
-- 86 87 n.11
-- 72 98 102 112 113 116 209 215

Leo -- 71 n.32
Letter on the Conversion of the Jews -- 54 n.36
Levi (see also T[estament of] Levi) -- 136 164-166 169 171
Levite(s) -- 136 178

Lev(iticus), book of -- 187 (&n.22)

lexicon -- 5 (&n.5) 6 (&n.7) 123
Liber Responsalis -- 156 n.5

library -- ix 8 n.11 19 n.20 23 n.47 42 52 104 150 n.4 163
Licius/Lucius Ernst -- 46 47 n.24

Liddell and Scott -- 123 [??]
LiDonnici, Lynn -- 238 n.3

Lieu, Samuel N. C., Manichaeism in the Later Roman Empire and Medieval China (2d ed.; Tübingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1992) --  20 n.37
Life of Adam and Eve -- 30 n.72
linguistic features -- 5 (&n.5) 6 n.7 8 31 52 119 121-125 152 220
Lipscomb, W. Lowndes, The Armenian Apocryphal Adam Literature (University of Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Studies 8; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990) -- 30 n.72

literati -- 41
liturgy, liturgical -- 13 22 54 55 n.38 72 110 121 156 189 219
Lives of Adam and Eve, book of -- 121
Lives of the Prophets, book of -- 11 n.15 31 (&n.73) 41 45 46 n.21 52 111 121

Loeb Classical Library [wikipedia] = LCL

Lord -- 50 63 67-69 72-74 80 102 139 145 155 157 159 161 165-168 171 172 182 184 185 188 189 191
Lucian of Samosata -- 20

Lucianic text -- 75 n.40 76 181
Lücke, G. C. Friedrich -- 152 n.6 (& Gutschmid)

Luke, Gospel of -- 111 (Luke-Acts)

Luttikhuizen, G. P., The Revelation of Elchasai (Tübingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1985) -- 19 n.33

LXX/OG = Septuagint or Old Greek (see also B-M, Cambridge Septuagint, Göttingen Septuagint, Old Greek, Septuaginta) -- 5 n.4 6 40 n.9 61 n.2 62 n.4 65 (&n.17) 69 n.28 74 n.39 76 n.41 78 180 182 199 n.1



Maccabees -- 9 n.12 55 n.38
Macc = Maccabees, books of

MacRae, George -- 101 
Macrobius -- 219 n.7 229 n.55
magic -- 21 41 59 205 221
Malalas, Chronograpia 6 (ed.  L. Dindorf, CSHB 8, 1831, 160f.) -- 137 (&n.10) 138 141 
Mambres (see Jambres/Jannes and Mambres)
-- 16 18
man -- 27 63 64 136 166 185 188 192 240 241
Mandean -- 85
Mani & Manichaeism -- 20 (&n.37) 21 (&n.38) 42 n.13 85 88

manuscript(s) [also MS(S)] -- 5 8 (&n.11) 11 15 22 (&n.40) 23 (&n.47) 25 n.52 27 (&n.57) 29 36 44 n.16 45 47 48 52 54 57 103 118 120-121 123-125 138 n.12 140-144 149-155 163-165 170-174 180 181 183 262 & passim

Marcion, Psalms for -- 15
-- 15 32 n.77
Marcus Julius Alexander (nephew of Philo) -- 86 246-248 256

Marcus, Ralph, Loeb Classical Library volumes (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press) on Philo, edited and translated by G.H. Whitaker and F. H. Colson (vols. 1-5, 1929-1934) and by Colson alone (vols. 6-10, 1935-1962), with indices by J. W. Earp (in vol. 10) and two supplementary volumes by Ralph Marcus (1953) -- 6 n.7 237 n.1

Mark, gnostic -- 19
Mark, Gospel of [= Mk] -- 79

Marmorstein, A.,   "Jews and Judaism in the Earliest Christian Apologies," The Expositor 17 (1919), 73-80 and 100-116 -- 173 n.2
Marshall, John W.

Martin, Raymond A.

Martyrdom(s) -- 41 n.11 55 n.38

martyrology -- 22 38 41 (&n.11) 57 72 105

Mary -- 21 89 n.13 123 126 177
Masada -- 203 n.10 204 (&n.12) 207 n.19 

MT = Masoretic Text -- 30 n.69 69 191 212
Matter, E. Ann, "The 'Revelatio Esdrae' in Latin and English Traditions," Revue Benedictine 92 (1982) 376-392 -- 24 n.49 48 n.27 

Matt (also Mt) = Matthew, Gospel of -- 75 n.40 78 147 160
McCarty, Willard,  coordinator of online HUMANIST discussion group -- 6 n.7
McCown, Chester Charlton,
The Testament of Solomon (Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1922), 32-38 -- 111 (&n.7) 193
McGiffert, Arthur Cushman,  "Introduction" to the Dialogue of Papiscus and Philo, ed by A.C. McGiffert, Dialogue Between a Christian and a Jew (Marburg/New York: Christian Literature Co., 1889) -- 173 n.2
McGinn, Bernard,
Visions of the End: Apocalyptic Traditions in the Middle Ages (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979) 88, 306 n.1 -- 26 n.54

McLean, N. (see B-M, LXX/OG)

McNamara, Martin

meals -- 18
medieval (see also byzantine) -- 7 20 n.37 21 23 24 n.49 26 nn.53-54 48 n.27 54 81 84 105 110 112 175
MEDTEXTL = Medieval Text (scholarly discussion) List -- 24 n.49 (listed,
with others, at )

Meeks, Wayne A., The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983) -- 9 n.13
Meier, John P.,
A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus (4 vols.; New York: Doubleday, 1991-2009) 1 -- 28 n.63

Melchizadek -- 20 (&n.35)

Meletian -- 21
Melito of Sardis -- 7 n.9 191

messiah [Christ]

methods and methodology -- 3 6 11 14 15 27 31-33 35-39 49 51 55 ch.3  84 (&n.4) 93 n.1 122 149 n.1 161 181 261
Metz. = Metzger, Bruce M. -- 97

"The Fourth Book of Ezra," in OTP 1 (1983) 516-559 -- 155

MGWJ = Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums
microform projects (see EMML, HMML) -- 8 n.11 23 n.47

Migne, J. P., Patrologia Latina (1844-1865), searchable online for subscribers to the Chadwyk-Healy data bank -- 6 n.7

Milik, Josef T. -- 167

"Milki-sedeq et Milki-resa` dans les anciens ecrits juifs et chretiens," JJS 23 (1972) 95-144 -- 20 n.35

millennium, millennial, millenarian -- 8 9 (&n.13) 26 (&n.54) 39 57 60 121 124 126
Minim -- 89 n.13

Minor Prophets ("the Twelve"; see also individual books) -- 180-182 

Modad (see Eldad and Modad) -- 16
Moehring, Horst

Moloch -- 193
Momigliano, A., "From the Pagan to the Christian Sibyl," in A.C. Dionisotti, Anthony Grafton and Jill Kraye, The Uses of Greek and Latin: Historical Essays (Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts 16; London: Warburg Institute, University of London, 1988), 3-18 -- 40 n.10
monastic(ism) -- 23 24 25 46 47 126 189 

Montanus, Montanist -- 19 59 88
, George F. ,
  “Christian Writers on Judaism,” HTR 14 (1921) 197- 254 -- 173 n.2
Moses -- 54 129 130-131 136 139 140
Moses, writings associated with -- 16 21 29 n.64 43 140

Most High God -- 87 n.11

motivation(s) -- 38 41 62 70 81 122 242
movement(s) -- 9 (&n.13) 25 26 88 n.12 226 234
MS(S) = manuscript(s)
MT = Masoretic Text (Hebrew and Aramaic; [Biblia Hebraica3, ed.  R. Kittel (wikipedia) and P. Kahle (wikipedia German) (Stuttgart: Privilegierte Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1954)] (wikipedia) [also known as BHS (wikipedia), TaNaK (wikipedia), HBOT, OT (wikipedia)]) -- 30 n.69 68 191 212
Mt = Matthew (NT Gospel)
Muratorian canon/fragment
-- 15 (&n.26)
Murphy-O’Connor, J., "The Judean Desert," EJMI ch. 5 -- 12 n.18

Murphy, Roland E. -- 97
Muslim traditions and literature (see also Islam) -- 25 131 n.4 141

Myers, Jacob M., I and II Esdras (Anchor Bible; Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1974) -- 151 155 161

mystic(ism), mystery, mysterious -- 13 17 22 27 50 54 62 n.7 69 71 82 85 147 n.21 175 179 189 206


Nag Hammadi (see also Gnosticism)--  126 211 n.2

Najman, Hindy -- vii

name(s) -- 16 21 27 29 46 54 65 (&n.15) 67 n.25 68 100 129-132 135 139 144 n.16 155 n.12 157 160 163 176 178-180 182 184-186 188 189 191 193 205 n.16 209 210 213 216 222 239 240 243

narrative(s) -- 98 112 124

Nazarenes -- 43 89 n.13

Nau, F., “De deux opuscules astrologiques attribués au prophète Esdras et d’un calendrier lunaire de l’ancien testament attribué à Esdras, aux Égyptiens et même à Aristote,” Revue de l’Orient Chrétien 12 (1907) 14-21 -- 144 nn.17-19

neanis (young woman) -- 63 176 192
NEB = New English Bible -- 151 155 156
Nehemiah -- 130 131 134 n.6 136 (&n.7) 137 (&n.9)
Neh = Nehemiah, book of (see also Ezra-Nehemiah) -- 65 n.14 111 129 131 132 134 141 142 187

Nemoy, Leon,  et al., "Karaites," EncJud 10.761-785 -- 25 n.53
Nestle, E.,
Marginalien und Materialien (Tübingen: J.J. Heckenhauer, 1893) 1-83 -- 31 n.73

Nestorian -- 25 72
Neusner, Jacob -- 85 n.8

New American Translation -- 149 n.4

Newbold, W. R., "Bardaisan and the Odes of Solomon," JBL 30 (1911) 161-204 -- 20 n.36
Newman, Hillel,
"Jerome and the Jews," Hebrew University dissertation, 1997 -- 8 n.9

new Schürer (see Schürer)
New Testament (NT; see also individual books) -- 6 n.7 10-13 27 41 n.11 44 53 67 n.25 74-80 95 103 110-111 124 160 174 180 188
Nicephoras, Stichometry of -- 16
Nicholas of Damascus -- 203 n.9

Nickelsburg, George W. E.

Nicopolis (see Emmaus, Jerico)
Nilsson, Donal
-- 173 n.1 183 184

Studies of the New Testament Traditions in the Dialogue of Timothy and Aquila (University of Pennsylvania PhD dissertation , 1996) -- 174 n.2 176 184
Nock, Arthur Darby
, “Philo and Hellenistic Philosophy,” Classical Review 57 (1943) 78 and n.13 [reprinted in vol. 2 of Nock’s Essays on Religion and the Ancient World, ed. Z. Stewart (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1972) 561] -- 248 (&n.11)
nomina sacra (see also abbreviations) -- 27 n.57 65 n.16 
Norelli, Enrico,
L'Ascensione di Isaia: Studi su un apocrifo al crocevia dei cristianesimi (Origini / CISEC, Centro interdipartimentale di studi sull'ebraismo e sul cristianesimo antico, Universita degli studi di Bologna, nuova ser. 1; Bologna: EDB, 1994) -- 40 n.10

Noriah -- 21
North Africa -- 18
NPNF = Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers -- 89 n.16

NT = New Testament
NT Apocrypha
-- 10 95 n.6
NTS = New Testament Studies

Nubian -- 24

-- 76-77
Ockham -- 84
O’Connell, Kevin, “Septuagint” and “Greek Versions, Minor” by R.A. Kraft, E. Tov and K. O’Connell in the Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible Supplement (Nashville: Abingdon, 1976) --61 n.3

Odes, LXX/OG book of -- 40 (&n.9) 42 44 59 65 (&n.17) 71 93     
Odes of Solomon
-- 20 n.36 23 55 n.38 94 (&n.4)

Oepke, Albrecht

Oest. = Oesterley, William Oscar Emil

Og -- 16 (&n.28)

oil -- 70 209
Old Testament (OT; see also Jewish scriptures) -- 9 10 15 27-28 44 64 n.13 71 75 76 97 98 102-103 154 178 184 218
oracles, oracular -- 38 41 136 159 162 169
OrChr = Oriens Christianus [wikipedia]
Orig (= Original text, in ch.6)
Origen (see also Hexapla) -- 7 n.9 17 18 (&n.32) 19 (&n.33) 58 62 67 n.23 76 77 110 n.6 113

original language -- 5 n.4 113 (&n.14) 114 115 119 120 129 153 (&n.10) 162

original text -- 13 29 38 71 74 112 114 116 118-122 155 158

Orion Center for Study of Dead Sea Scrolls ( and indexed archives at -- 12 n.18 201 n.6 202-203 nn.9-10 207 n.19

orthodox(y) (see also classical) -- 8 19 22 23 (&n.47) 24 28 50 84 n.4 102 222 226 217 234 258

Osiris -- 60
OT = Old Testament (see MT, Biblia Hebraica, Jewish scriptures)

other (groups, positions) -- 4 n.3 19 21 32 42 43 83 89 203
OTP = The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: Volume 1: Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments; Volume 2: Expansions of the “Old Testament” and Legends, Wisdom and Philosophical Literature, Prayers, Psalms, and Odes, Fragments of Lost Judeo-Hellenistic Works, ed. James H. Charlesworth (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1983 and 1985) -- 3 n.2 5 n.4 10 n.14 30 n.68 30 nn.71-72 31 n.74 55 n.37 ch.5 110 n.5 129 n.2 164 n.5

OtSt = Oudtestamentische Studien
Otto, J., Iustini... opera 1.2 (Jena, 18773) -- 64 n.11 191
OUP = Oxford University Press

overline (see also abbreviations) -- 49 65 n.15 67 164 n.7


Paap, A. H. R. E., Nomina Sacra in the Greek Papyri of the First Five Centuries AD: the Sources and some Deductions (Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 8; Leiden: Brill, 1959) -- 27 n.57 65 n.16

pagan(ism) -- 7 n.9 11 16 17 43 51 57-60 81 87
Palestine, Palestinian -- 39 64 85 n.8 86 n.9 87 n.11 89 113 114 116 119 200 247 252 254-256 259
papyri -- 6 (&n.6) 27 n.57 48 n.27 61 n.2 72 nn.35&37 123 (&n.24)

parable(s) (see also "1 Enoch") -- 20
paradoxography -- 203 n.9 207

Paral(e)ipomena Jeremiou (ed.  R. A. Kraft and A.-E. Purintun.  SBL Texts and Translations 1, Pseudepigrapha Series 1 (Missoula, Montana, 1972; also known as "4 Baruch").-- 31 (&n.74) 40 (&n.10) 41 n.11 45 46 n.21 52 (&n.33) 111 121 143 147 n.21

parenesis -- 116
parthenos (virgin) -- 63 192 222
Paschal Chronicle (see also Chronicon Paschale) -- 136 137 n.9 141 175 194

Pastis, Jacqueline -- 173 n.1

patriarch(s) (see also Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs) -- 16 41 (&n.11) 164 (& n.4) 210

Paul (Apostle) -- 9 n.13 17 43 n.14 50 (&n.29) 59 76 n.42 88
Paul, writings associated with -- 43 85 161 177 184 188

Paul, André, Écrits de Qumran et sectes juives aux premiers siécles de l'Islam (Paris: Letouzey et Ane, 1969) 94-96 -- 25 n.52

Pauline -- 77 79 85 184
Pearson, Birger A.

penitential -- 73
Pentateuch(al) (see also LXX, and the individual books) -- 60 70 n.30 138 178 179 187
Peregrinus -- 20
Pereswetoff-Morath, Alexander -- 173 n.1

Pesce, Mauro

Peter (apostle; see also Gospel of) -- 47
Petersen, Norman

Peterson, Sigrid

PG = Patrologia Graeca (ed. Migne) -- 178 191 194
-- 85 89 n.13

PHI = Packard Humanities Institute -- 6 n.7

Philadelphia (see PSCO)
Philo of Alexandria [Loeb Classical Library volumes (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press), edited and translated by G.H. Whitaker and F. H. Colson (vols. 1-5, 1929-1934) and by Colson alone (vols. 6-10, 1935-1962), with indices by J. W. Earp (in vol. 10) and two supplementary volumes by Ralph Marcus (1953)] -- viii 6 (&n.7) 10 27 n.55 28-29 (&n.63) 44 47 n.24 58-60 75 (&n.40) 86 88 178 n.4 203 206 ch.12 ch.13 ch.14 ch.15 261

Pseudo-Philo (see also LAB) -- 55 n.38
Philonenko, Marc -- 55 n.38

philosopher, philosophy, philosophical -- 13 14 17 97 124 184 n.10 213 220 222 226 234 235 240 245 246
physical formats of ancient writings -- 13 n.20

Physiologus -- 59
piety -- 22 n.43 24 121 213 214 250 251 256
Pines, Shlomo, An Arabic Version of the Testimonium Flavianum and its Implications (Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, 1971) -- 28 n.63 45 n.19
Martyrdom of  13.1-3 -- 54 n.36
Pirke Avot -- 10
PL = Patrologia Latina (ed. Migne) -- 89 nn.13&16 156 n.14

Plato, Platonism -- 59 86 n10 205 211 n.2 217 218 219 222 223

Plessner, M., "Science: The Natural Sciences and Medicine," The Legacy of Islam (2d ed.; ed. J. Schacht and C.E. Bosworth; Oxford: Clarendon: 1974) 425-60, esp. pp. 430ff -- 25 n.51

Pliny the Elder [wikipedia] -- ch.11

Pliny the Younger [wikipedia] -- 199 n.2

Plöger, Otto, "Das 5 und 6 Esrabuch," RGG3 2 (1958) 699-700 -- 152 n.6

pluralism (see also diversity) -- 13 33
polemic(al), polemicists -- 31 32 50 63 69 124 146 152 209
Polotsky, Hans Jakob, with C. Schmidt, "Ein Mani-Fund in Agypten," Sitzungsgerichte der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (1933) 41 (text p.85) -- 20 n.37

post-exilic Judaism -- 101

prayer(s) -- 22 n.43 38 40 41 54 68 80 93 97 126 134 137 138 141-143 189
Prayer of Azariah -- 39 n.7

Prayer of Joseph -- 18
Prayer of Manasseh -- 10 102

priest(s) -- 67 130 131 134-147 162 189 251
Prigent, Pierre

Princeton -- 53 83
Priscillian -- 21 (&n.39)
prooftexts, prooftexting -- 62 n.7

prophecy, prophetic -- 11 38 41 (&n.11) 62 n.7 71 80 82 105 129 132 135 136 138 154 n.11 157 160 162 184

prophet(s) -- 21 136 159 161 167 185-186

Psalms, book of -- 27 40 (&n.9) 44 54 65 (&n.15) 71 76-77 82 93 98 177 187

Psalms of Solomon -- 10 23 39 n.7 55 n.38 96

Psalter -- 65 n.15[Codex] 76 187
PSCO = Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins -- 173

pseudepigrapha -- passim
Puech, Emile, "Notes sur le manuscrit de XIQ Melkisedeq," RevQ 12 (1987) 483-513 -- 20 n.35

Purintun, Ann-Elizabeth -- 183 184

Pythagoras, Pythagoreanism -- 217-219 222 224 (&n.24) 226 230 234 235



Qohelet, book of (see also Ecclesiastes) -- 187 191

Quinta -- 69 n.28 82

Qumran (see also Dead Sea Scrolls) -- 12 20 25 n.52 30 n.69 39 n.7 85 n.6 105 160 200 n.3 202 n.9 207

quotation(s) -- 18 20 n.37 27 28 n.63 43 51 (&n.31) 56 58 66 72 n.34 74 -80 103 129 n.1 137 138 142 n.15 156 157 160 161 175 177-182 190 222 226 n.32 230
Qur’an [Koran], translated by M. M. Pickthall, The Meaning of the Glorious Koran (New York/London, 1930)

Rackham, H.,
ed Pliny the Elder, Natural History (Loeb Classical Library, 1942) -- 200 nn.3&5

Rabbinic traditions and literature

RAC = Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum 
-- 157

Rahlfs, Alfred

Raman -- 193
RB = Revue biblique
= RevBén = Revue bénedictine

recension(s) (= Rec in ch.6) -- 8 28 n.61 29 31 38 40 42 (&n.13) 45 49 55 n.38 59 67 75 82 ch.6 153 163 171 n.14 181 261
Rech, David -- 238 n.3

Rechabites, History of the -- 55 n.38 104

redaction, redactor -- 8 55 95 114 119
Reeves, John C. -- vii 3 n.1

reformist -- 85
Reinink, G. J., with A. F. J. Klijn, Patristic Evidence for Jewish-Christian Sects (Leiden: Brill, 1973) 54-67 -- 19 n.33


Remus, Harold -- 129 n.1 184

Rengstorf, Karl Heinrich, (ed.), A Complete Concordance to Flavius Josephus (4 vols.; Leiden: Brill, 1973-1983) -- 6 n.7
Resch, Alfred,
Agrapha (Leipzig, 19062) 305 and 321f. -- 64 n.11
research, researchers -- ix 3 6 n.7 35 n.2 36-38 58 61 n.1 94 97 100 104 105 144 n.16 147 150 161 177 179 199 218 236 237 n.1 262
Research Guide -- ix n.2

RevBén = RBén = Revue Bénedictine
-- Revue de Qumrân -- 12 n.18

revelation(s) -- 17 33 140 145 178
Rev = Revelation, NT book of (see also Apocalypse of John) -- 41 n.11  43 (&n.15) 53 (&n.35) 105 160 161

Revelation of Elchasai -- 19 n.34
Revelation of Ezra/Esdras -- 24 n.49 48 n.27 105 144 145 (&n.20) 157 (&n,14)
revision(s), pre-modern -- 5 29 (&n.64) 38 40 53 61 63 114 115 153 158 235 250 256 n.6
Reys-Coquais, J. P., “Syrie Romaine, de Pompée à Dioclétien,” JRS 68 (1978) 71 n.369 (see also L’Année épigraphique for 1978, #819) -- 246 n.8
Riaud, J., "The Figure of Jeremiah in the Paralipomena Jeremiae Prophetae: his Originality; his 'Christianization' by the Christian Author of the Conclusion (99.10-32)," JSP 22 (2000) 31-44 -- 52 n.33

Richard, Marcel -- 8 n.11

Riess. = Riessler, Paul

Ripley's "Believe it or Not" -- 202 n.9

ritual -- 86 88 245
Robbins, Frank Egleston -- 218 226 n.32 227 n.33 228 n.44 229 n.55
Robertson, Robert G. -- 173 n.1
Robinson, S. E., "4 Baruch" in OTP 2.413-14 -- 31 n.74 104
Roddy, Nicolae, The Roumanian Version of the Testament of Abraham: Text, Translation, and Cultural Context (SBL: Early Judaism and Its Literature 19; Atlanta: SBL, 2001) -- 109 n.4

Rom = Romans, Paul’s letter to (see under Paul)

Roman Catholic Scholarly Views -- 9 149 n.4
root(s) -- 57 n.41 84 n.4 86 90 146
Roscher, Wilhelm Heinrich -- 221 (&n.13)

Roumanian TAbr -- 109 (&n.4) 110 (&n.5)
Rowley, H. H.

RSR = Religious Studies Review
ruler(s) -- 73 131 132 135 199 n.2 239 240-242 247 249 252 252 257 (&n.8) 258
Runia, David T., Philo in Early Christian Literature: A Survey (CRINT; Assen and Philadelphia: Van Gorcum and Fortress, 1993) -- 27 n.55 28-29 n.64 46 47 nn.23-24

RSV = Revised Standard Version of the Bible (1946, 1952) -- 151 155 156

Rufinus -- 16
RV = Revised Version of the Bible (1885, 1901) -- 151 155



Sadducees -- 85 192
Sahidic Coptic (see also Coptic) -- 65 n.15 72 n.35 73 109 120 121
salvation (see also savior) -- 12 27 63 65 68 70 136 137
, Samaritan

Sam(uel), books of [= 1-2 Kingdoms in OG] -- 67 n.24 187

Sandberg, Ruth -- 129 n.1

Sanders, Ed Parish [wikipedia] -- 85 n.8 86 n.9 104

Sandmel, Samuel

Satran, David

savior (see also salvation) -- 50 65 151 156 184
SBL = Society of Biblical Literature [wikipedia] -- 173 n.1

SBLEJL (= Early Jewish Literature series) --vii n.1 3 n.1 109 n.4
SBLSCS (= Septuagint and Cognate Studies series) -- 6-7 n.8 28 n.62 30 n.70 109 n.1 129 n.2

SBLTT (= Texts and Translations series) -- 20 n.37 179
SC = Sources Chrétiennes [wikipedia]

Skarsten, Roald, with Peder Borgen, Philo Index [1999] -- 6 n.7
Schaller, Bernd

Schermann, T.

Schiffman, Lawrence H. [wikipedia] -- 85 n.8

Schmidt, Carl (or Karl), with H.J. Polotsky, "Ein Mani-Fund in Agypten," Sitzungsberichte der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (1933) 41 (text p.85) -- 20 n.37

Schmidt, Francis -- 109-110 116 119

Schmidt, Hans, ed. Eucharisterion (Gunkel Festschrift; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1923) -- 113 n.15
Schneemelcher, W. -- 152 n.6 

Schneider, H., "Esdras: 5. Buch E.," LThK 3 (1959) -- 152 n.6 154 n.11
Schoedel, William R.
, Ignatius of Antioch: A Commentary on the Letters of Ignatius of Antioch (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1985) 3-7 -- 30 n.66

Schoeps, H.-J.

Schürer, Emil -- 47 110 n.6

Schwarz, Sarah, Building a Book of Spells: Textual Development and Social History in the Testament of Solomon (University of Pennsylvania PhD dissertation 2005) -- 111 n.7 193 n.38
Schwartz, Daniel R., “Philonic Anonyms of the Roman and Nazi Periods: Two Suggestions,” The Studia Philonica Annual 1 (1989) 63-73 -- 237 n.1 241 n.6 248 249  (&n.2) 257 n.8
Schwartz, Seth
, Imperialism and Jewish Society, 200 b.c.e. to 640 c.e. (Princeton: Princeton UP, 2001) -- 85 (&nn.3-4&8) 86 nn.8-9  87 n.11 88 n.12
Schwartz, Vici -- 129 n.1
Schwemer, Anna Maria, Vitae Prophetarum (JSHRZ 1/7; Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1997) [based on her Studien zu den frühjüdischen Prophetenlegenden Vitae Prophetarum I-II (Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum 49-50; Tübingen: Mohr/Siebeck , 1995-1996)] -- 46 n.21

science and scientific -- 22 n.43 220 221 223 230 231 235

Scipio -- 219 n.7

SCM (publisher) = Society for Christian Mission (London)
scribes, scribal activity -- 13 n.20 42 65 n.14 67 122 130 131 134 135 138 140 141 145

scriptural -- viii 17 n.30 28 38 41 59 61 64 n.13 71 77 82 96 160 181 183 186 194 215
scripuresque -- vii 11 n.15
scroll(s) (see also Dead Sea Scrolls) -- 13 n.20 72 181 195 199 (&n.2) 261
sect(s), sectarian -- 20 n.35 21 26 86 n.8 89 n.13 102 192
Sedrach -- 5 n.4 54 96 98 100 123 (&n.25) 126 164 n.7
Sefer ha-Razim -- 48 n.28
Segal, Alan selection (see also excerpt) -- 31 38 44 82 98 106
self-control -- 245
self-identification -- 43 (&n.14) 81 87 n.11 88
self-understanding -- 50 n.29 80 88 89
Semit(ic) (see also Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew) -- 62 111 113 116 117 119 120 122 (&n.23) 124 (&n.26) 125 n.27 129 132 152 n.6 153 154 (&n.11) 157 161 162 176 183 190 205
Septima -- 82
Septuagint(al) (see LXX/OG, B-M, Cambridge Larger, Gottingen, CATSS, Rahlfs, and the individual books; for the best critical editions, see [Britannica 1911]
sermon -- 32 54 59 102

Seth(ians) -- 21 (&n.38) 32 n.77 33 54 ch.12a 213 214 216

Severus of Minorca, Letter on the Conversion of the Jews -- 54 n.36
Sexta -- 82; (on Hab 3.13) -- 27 68 (&n.27) 69 (&n.28)

Shammai (Jewish sage) -- 88
Sharpe, J. L., Prolegomena to the Establishment of the Critical Text of the Greek Apocalypse of Moses (Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, 1969) -- 30 n.72

Shem -- 21 n.38 210

Shem, Treatise of -- 55 n.37 105 

Shenoute -- 23
Sibinga, J. Smit -- 109 n.2

Sibyl -- 16 17
Sibylline Oracles -- 11 39 n.7 40 41 51 59 60 100
Simon, rebel -- 250
Simon, son of Saul -- 252
Simon and Theophilus, Dialogue of [= S-T] -- 173 n.2 175
Simon, Marcel

sin -- 76 171-172
Sirach (see also Ben Sira) --
30  n.70 161 177 179 180 187 190 ch.12b

SJLA = Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity
Skehan, P. W.,  with A. A. Di Lella, The Wisdom of Ben Sira: A New Translation with Notes (AB 39; New York: Doubleday, 1987) 51-62 -- 30 n.70
Slav(ic), Slav(onic)
-- 5 23 26

Smallwood, E. M.,  Philonis Alexandrini Legatio ad Gaium (Leiden: Brill, 1961) -- 237 n.1

Smith, Jonathan Z., in OTP -- 104
SNTS = Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas

sociological -- 9 39
Sofonia (see also Zephaniah) -- 16 17
Sogdian -- 24
Solinus, Collectanea Rerum Memorabilium by Solinus (Stern 2.#448), 35.9-12 -- 200-207

Solomon -- 190 193
Solomon, works associated with -- 16 180

Song of Songs (see also Canticles) -- 47 (&n.25)
Song of the Three Young Men (see also Daniel) -- 39 n.7
Sparks, H. F. D., (ed) The Apocryphal Old Testament (Oxford: Clarendon, 1984) -- viii 10 (&n.14) 11 n.15 31 n.76 ch.5 129 n.2
spiral (methodological)-- 37 49 90 152
Spittler, Russell, in OTP -- 104
Staehle, Karl, Die Zahlenmystik bei Philon von Alexandreia (Wiesbaden: Teubner, 1931) -- ch.13
Staerk, W.,
“Die alttestamentlichen Citate bei den Sehriftstellern des Neuen Testament,” Zeitschrift für Wissenschafliche Theologie 36 [1893] 97f -- 75 n.40
Stählin, O., ed. of Clement of Alexandria (Griechische Christliche Schriftsteller 12, 15, 17, 39) begun by O. Stählin in 1905 (Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs), and partly revised by Ludwig Früchtel (1960) and Ursula Treu (1970-1985) -- the 4th ed. of volume 2 appeared in 1985 -- 17 n.30
Stanton, G. N.,
“5 Ezra and Matthean Christianity in the Second Century,” Journal of Theological Studies 28 (1977) 67-83 (especially 68, n. 4 and 69, nn. 1-2) -- 147 n.21 149 n.3 152 155 (&n.13) 160

Stather Hunt, B. P. W.

De Stefani, E. L., Etymologicum Gudianum, fasc. 1 & 2. Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1909; 2:1920 (repr. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1965): 1:1-293; 2:294-580 -- 190 n.37
Stegemann, H.
, ed. 5-6 Ezra has been announced for the series Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit 3 (Gütersloh: Mohn, 1973- ), but it does not seem to be available yet [check??] -- 149 n.3

Stendahl, K. -- 150

Stern, Menahem, Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism 1 (Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 1974) -- 200 n.3 201 n.5 204 (&n.14) 205 (&n.16)

Stichometry of Nicephorus -- 16
Stoic(ism) -- 201 n.6 202 n.9

Stone, Michael E.  Michael E. Stone, -- 149 n.1

storage jars -- 69 n.28

Strasbourg Project, Biblia Patristica: Index des citations et allusions bibliques dans la litterature patristique (7 vols. thus far; ed. J. Allenbach; Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1975-  ) -- 17 n.30
Strecker, George [see also Bauer, Walter], Rechtgläubigkeit und Ketzerei im ältesten Christentum (Tübingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1934); 2nd ed., reprinted and  supplemented by Georg Strecker (Tübingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1964); English translation, Orthodoxy and Heresy in Early Christianity (ed. R. A. Kraft and G. Krodel; Philadelphia: Fortress, 1971; also available online at -- 13 n.19 84 n.5 Strohmaier, G., "Hunayn b. Ishak al-`Ibadi," Encyclopaedia of Islam2 3.578-81 -- 25 n.51
Stroumsa, Gedaliahu A. G.
, Another Seed: Studies in Gnostic Mythology (Nag Hammadi Studies 24; Leiden: Brill, 1984) -- 211 n.2
Strugnell, John
-- 97 249 n.1
subscriptions (and superscriptions, in texts) -- 27
succession, successor -- 51 84 n.4 88 136 164 242 250 251 253
suffer(ing) -- 23 33 66 71 73 89 n.13 97 171
Suidas, ed.  A. ADLER, Suidae Lexicon.  Leipzig, Teubner, 1931 -- 137 141 Sundberg, Albert, "'The Old Testament of the Early Church' Revisited" (Festschrift in Honor of Charles Speel, edited by Thomas J. Sienkewicz and James E. Betts, published by Monmouth College Illinois, 1996: also available online at -- 39 n.7
Sundermann, Werner,
“Cologne Mani Codex” in the online Encyclopedia Iranica (c 1990; -- 20 n.37
superscriptions (and subscriptions, in texts) -- 27
Suter, David W., Tradition and Composition in the Parables of Enoch (Missoula: Scholars Press, 1979) 11-33 -- 33 n.79
= Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha
Swete, H. B., An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek (2nd ed.; Cambridge: CUP, 1902; supplemented by R. R. Ottley, 1914; reprinted, New York: KTAV, 1968; online at -- 16 n.27 27 n.56 64 nn.11&13 67 n.23 68 n.27 69 n.28 75 n.40 76 n.42 173 n.2 

Symphonia, Small and Great, -- 21
Symmachos (Symmachus) -- 65-67 69 n.28 79 82 111 187

synagogue(s) -- 63 89 nn.13&16 156 185 240

Syncellus, George the -- 22 n.43

syncretism -- 85

Synesius (see also Dio) -- 201 n.6

Synoptic Gospels (see also Matthew, Mark, Luke) -- 59
synoptic problem -- 29 111
syntax -- 5 6 (&n.8) 112 120 121 122 (&n.23) 124 185
Syria(n) -- 20 200 n.4 218 246 258


T (see Testament literature)
Dialogue of Timothy and Aquila (ed. Coneybeare, 1898) a full translation can be found at

 -- viii 57 n.41 69 n.28[T-A 3.10] ch.10 261

TAbr = Testament of Abraham
Talmud(ic) -- 64 113 n.11
tamper(ing) -- viii 27 44 52 56 59 63 70 81 82 (&n.86)
Tanak(h) = Old Testament, Jewish scriptures
Taylor, Stephen -- 149 n.1

tendentious -- 27-29 63 64 n.13 65 67 68 70 75 81
Terien, Abraham -- 237 n.1

Tertullian -- 7 n.9 56 59 71 n.32[on Ps 95]

Testament literature

testimonia, testimonies -- 15 43 53 62 n.7 76 n.42 137-138 175 179

Testimonium Flavianum (Josephus, Antiquities 18.63-64), see also Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, Books XVIII-XIX (Loeb Classical Library; ed. L.H. Feldman; reprinted, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1981) 419-421 -- 28 (&n.63) 29 44 n.17 45 (&n.19)

testimony -- 31 130
textual -- 48 61 n.2 74 95 96 161 163 n.2

Teyler Foundation (Haarlem, Netherlands) -- 4 n.3

Thackeray, H. St J.

Theissen, Gerd

Theodotion (see also kaige translation) -- 63 65 n.18 66 (&n.22) 69 n.28 70 (&n.31) 82 111 181 187

Theologoumena Arithmetica -- 219 n.7 229 n.55

Therapeutae -- 46 47 49 52 115 206 n.18

third race -- 89 (&n.16) 158 159 n.16

Thomas (apostle) and associated writings

Thomas, J., Studien zu den Testamenten der Zwölf Patriarchen (ed. C. Burchard, J. Jervell, and J. Thomas; Beihefte zur Zeitschrift  für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 36; Berlin: Töpelmann, 1969) -- 4 n.3
Tigay, Jeffrey H.
, ed. Empirical Models for Biblical Criticism (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1985) -- 30 n.69
Timbie, Janet, Dualism and the Concept of Orthodoxy in the Thought of the Monks of Upper Egypt (PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1979) -- 23 n.44

Timotheos -- 25 (&n.52) 72
Timothy and Aquila, Dialogue of [see T-A]
Titus (Roman Ruler)
-- 194 199 n.2 246 255-256

TLG = Thesaurus Linguae Graecae [wikipedia] (updated CD-ROM "D" appeared in 1993;  available online for subscribers after CD-ROM “E” appeared around 1997) -- 6 (&n.7) 124 177 182 et passim

TLZ = Theologische Literaturzeitung
Tobit, book of -- 39 111 177 187
Toledot Yeshu/Jeshu [wikipedia] -- 50 (&n.30)
-- 64 85-86 n.8 86 n.9 87 n.11 88 n.12 102 131 141
Torrey, Charles C., The Lives of the Prophets: Greek Text and Translation (JBL Monograph Series 1; Philadelphia: SBL, 1946) 31 n.73
Tov, Emanuel
-- 6 n.7 199 n.1

TQ = Theologische Quartalschrift
(see also textual) -- vii 8 9 22 n.43 24 42 n.13 46 85 91 117 ch.7 155 161 261

Trans (= Translation, in ch.6)
transmission, transmitters -- vii  and passim
translation of ancient texts (see also Aquila, LXX/OG, Quinta, Septima, Sexta, Symmachos, Theodotion,Vg) -- 8 n.11 39 42 n.12 52 58 64 ch.5 109 n.4 112 n.10 114 117 120 124 125 n.27 137 n.11 149 n.2 150 153 158 175 183 200 n.3 217 220 n.7 237 n.1 238 n.3 261
Traube, Ludwig, Nomina Sacra: Versuch einer Geschichte der christlichen Kürzung (Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters 2; Munich: Beck, 1907) -- 27 n.57 65 n.16
Treat, Jay C. -- 238 n.3

tree(s) -- 63 71 72 (&nn.34&38) 73 161 191 200 202 n.7 206
Treu, Kurt, “Die Bedeutung des Griechischen für die Juden im römischen Reich,” Kairos 15 (1973) 140f. (and n. 68) [translated by William Adler and  R. Kraft as "The Significance of Greek for Jews in the Roman Empire" and also added to the listserver of the IOUDAIOS Electronic Seminar, 14 August 1991] -- 65 n.16
Treu, Ursula, edition of Clement of Alexandria (Griechische Christliche Schriftsteller 12, 15, 17, 39) begun by O. Stählin in 1905 (Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs), and partly revised by Ludwig Früchtel (1960) and Ursula Treu (1970-1985) -- the 4th ed. of volume 2 appeared in 1985. -- 17 n.30
trinity, trinitarian, triune
-- 13 45 50 65
Tripolitis, Antonia, with R. A. Kraft, “Some Uncatalogued Papyri of Theological and other Interest...”, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 51 (1968) 144 n. 1 [also online] -- 72 n.37

Trypho (see also Justin) -- 7 n.9 89 (&n.14) 176 192
TS = Theological Studies

TSAJ = Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum
TU = Texte und Untersuchungen Zur Geschichte Der Altchristlichen Literatur
Turdeanu, Émile,
Turner, Eric G.,Tiberius Iulius Alexander,” Journal of Roman Studies 44 (1954) 54-64 -- 238 n.2 239 (&n.4) 246 (&n.9) 249 n.3 256 n.7

Turner, John D. [homepage]

Turner, Nigel

Two Ways tradition -- 13 n.21 40 45 59



[unsigned], TAbr article in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 1 (1939) 40 -- 113 n.11
Urbach, E. E.,
"Homiletical Interpretations of the Sages and the Expositions of Origen on Canticles, and the Jewish-Christian Disputation," Scripta hierosolymitana 22 (1971) 247-275 -- 18 n.32


Valentinus -- 88
VanderKam, James C.

van der Horst, in OTP -- 104
van der Sandt, H. W., with D. Flusser, The Didache: Its Jewish Sources and its Place. in Early Judaism and Christianity (Assen: van Gorcum, 2002) -- 40 n.10
van der Woude, A. S.,
"Melchisedek als himmlische Erlosergestalt in den neugefundenen eschatologischen Midraschim aus Qumran Hohle XI," Oudtestamentische Studien 14 (1965) 354-73 -- 20 n.35 
van Henten, Jan Willem [homepage] -- 35 n.2 55 n.38

van Tongerloo (see Giversen) -- 21 n.38

Varner, William -- 173 n.1

Varro -- 219 n.7 229 n.55

Vermes, G. [wikipedia]

versions, ancient (see also translations) -- 27 28 29 (&n.65) 30 33 n.79 45 53 56 61-65 68-75 80 109 (&n.4) 110-114 121 122 n.23 129 138 n.13 140 150 n.5 162 and passim

Vespasian (Roman ruler) -- 69 n.28 187 194 199 n.2 204 255 256 (&n.6)

Vesuvius -- 199 n.2

Violet, [get Bruno?] -- 156

Vg = Latin Vulgate [see Biblia Sacra Vulgata and Latin: translations]  -- 76 149 n.2 150 155 156 

vision(s) -- 18 32 135 140 145
vocabulary -- 5 84 112 119 120 121 202 n.9 203
Volkmar, G., Esdra Propheta (Tübingen: Ludovici Friderici Fues., 1863)  -- 152 n.6
Von Arnim, H.
, Stoicum veterum fragmenta, III:80-81 -- 201 n.6

Vulgate, Latin [see Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Vg]



Wacholder, Ben Zion

warrior -- 68
Wasserstein, Abraham and David, The Legend of the Septuagint: From Classical Antiquity to Today (Cambridge: CUP, 2006) -- 64 n.12
Weber, M.
-- 109 n.3

Weber, Robert [see Biblia Sacra iuxta vulgatam versionem]

Weinel, H.

Wells, L.S.A. , in APOT 2 -- 14 (&n.24) 15
Weyman, Carl, review of James in Byzantinische Zeitschrift 2 (1893) 642f -- 110 n.6 113 (&n.15)
Whiston, William, The Works of Josephus: Complete and Unabridged (1736) also available in updated forms (e.g. the Hendrickson edition, Peabody MA, 1987) and various places online -- 45 (&n.19)
Whitaker, G. H.
, Loeb Classical Library volumes (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press) on Philo, edited and translated by G.H. Whitaker and F. H. Colson (vols. 1-5, 1929-1934) and by Colson alone (vols. 6-10, 1935-1962), with indices by J. W. Earp (in vol. 10) and two supplementary volumes by Ralph Marcus (1953) -- 237 n.1

Wilde, Robert, The Treatment of the Jews in the Greek Christian Writers of the First Three Centuries.  Catholic University of America Patristic Studies 81.  Washington D.C., 1949 -- 174 n.2
Wilken, Robert L.

Williams, A. Lukyn

Wilson, Robin McL. (see Hennecke)
Winston, David
, 237 n.1

Wong, C. K.
, “Philo's Use of Chaldaioi,” The Studia Philonica Annual (1992) 1-14 -- 238 n.3 

wood(en) (see also tree) -- 16 63 71 72 (&nn.34&38)
wooden (i.e. relatively inflexible) -- 80 250 252
worship -- 22 n.43 87 n.11 134 146 185 193
Wright, Benjamin G. -- 149 n.1 238 n.3

Wright, Robert B., "Psalms of Solomon" in OTP 2 -- 104


yigdol -- 54
Yonge, C. D., The Works of Philo (London: H. G. Bohn, 1854) -- 237 n.1
Zachariah, book of
-- 16 135 181
Zadokite Fragment (see Damascus Document) -- 10 25 n.53
Zahn, Theodor, Einleitung in das neue Testament 2 (Leipzig: Deichert/Bohme, 1899, 1907) 314ff -- 75 n.40
Zephaniah, book of 1.12 (see also Sofonia) -- 74 n.39

Zerubbabel -- 130 132 133 134 n.6 135 136 138 141

Zeiller, Jacques, with Jules Lebreton, The History of the Early Church (trans Ernest C. Messenger; New York: Collier, 1962 [1944-47 original]) 4.90 -- 24 n.50
Zeller, Franz
-- 47
Zeus -- 222 226 (&n.29)

ZPE = Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
ZWT = Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Theologie