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Lesson 4


Rama and Nima meet first time at the Penn

Goal: In this lesson you will learn how to ask questions using wh- forms in present tense. You will also learn how do two Gujaratis begin their conversations when they meet first time. 

nIma Š hay, hu& nIma.

rma Š hu& rma.

nIma Š PlIz 4u sI yu, rma, kem 2e?

rma Š mjama&. tu& kem 2e?

nIma Š hu& p8 mjama&.

rma Š hu& Aih kolejma& 2u&. tu&?

nIma Š hu& vo4Rnma& 2u&.

rma Š `Ubsrs. tu& kya&9I Aave 2e?

nIma Š hu& Aohayo9I. tu& ?

rma Š hu& baL4Imor9I. 

nIma Š Aoh\, bIlkul n@k , kem?

rma Š ha. tu& Aih kya& rhe 2e?

nIma Š veS4 fIla6eLfIyama&. tu&?

rma Š hu& S4u6N4 hoS4elma&.

nIma‰ to to sav n@kma& j ?

rma‰ ha, n@kma& hoy to layb/erIma& jvayne?

nIma Š tarIvat sacIcal to hu& jaw&. mare klas 2e.

rma Š =ano klas 2e tare?

nIma Š gujratIno.

rma Š mare p8 gujratIno klas 2e.

nIma ‰ cal to sa9e j;Ae. tne `br 2e klas kya& 2e?

rma‰ ivilyMs holma&. 
nIma Š cal Tyare*.

rma Š cal.


kemintrrog. how

mjafem. delight, pleasure, happy


`Ubadj. much, plenty of

srsadj. good


n@kpostp. near

kya&interrog. where

to then

savcompletely, wholly

jvu&v.intr. to go

taru&poss.pron. your

vatfem. statement, observation

sacu& adj. true

calvu& v.intr. to walk

=u& interrog. what

sa9masc. company

`br hovIv.dat. to have an information about something

kya&interrog. where

*Tyaremeans 'at that time'. However, here it is used as a supporting word.

Reading1 Reading2 Reading3 Reading4 Reading5 Reading6 Reading7 Reading8 Reading9