Reading1 | Reading2 | Reading3 | Reading4 | Reading5 | Reading6 | Reading7 | Reading8 | Reading9 |
Goal: In this lesson you
will learn how to form (1) yes-no sentences and (2) negative sentences
in present tense. In addition, you will also learn how to make negative
sentences. You should also focus on the verb -avvu&, '
to like the taste of a food.'
hrI=, tu& rI&g8nu& =ak`ay
2e ne? hrI=
na, hu& rI&g8nu& =ak n9I
`ato. myUrI
kla, tu& to rI&g8nu& =ak `ay 2e ne? kla
ha, hu& `aw& 2u&. myUrI
to tu& =anu& =ak n9I `atI? kla
hu& -I&6anu&
=ak n9I -avtu&. hrI=
masI, tme m=£mnu&
=ak `aAo 2o? myUrI
na, Ame m=£m n9I `ata&. hrI=
kem m=£mma& =u& `rab hoy
2e? myUrI
tu& j khe, rI&g8ma& =u& `rab hoy 2e? hrI=
Aam to k&; nih. myUrI
bs to p2I. kla
hrI=, tu& Ane inle= hve
roj m&idre jaAo 2o
`ra? hrI=
na, hve Ame roj m&idre n9I jta. myUrI
kem? hrI= smy
j kya& mXe 2e? myUrI
Ae j to mo4I moka8 2ene! kla
tarI vat sacI. Aa`o idvs kam kamne kam. myUrI
4ebl pr AavI jav. hrI=
calo, mne to kk6Ine -U`
lagI 2e. kla
mne p8. myUrI
tme beso Ae4le hu& 9aXI pIrsu&.
rI&g8n. brinjal =akneut. vegetable `avu&v.intr. to
eat n9Inot -I&6an. lady's
finger masIfem. mother's
sister `rabadj. bad Aam
toadv. as
such k&;adj. some,
any nih no,
not hve adv. now m&idrneut. temple smymasc. time mXvu& v.dat to
get, to gain, to find moka8fem. trouble,
idiomatic extension of"a visit of
condolence after someone's death" the original meaning of the word. jmvanu& neut. food("food
intended to be eaten" literal meaning) tEyar adj. ready AavI
jvu&v.comp. to
come kk6Ineintensely
(hungry) besvu& v.intr.
to sit 9aXIfem. dish pIrsvu&
to serve the food |
Reading1 | Reading2 | Reading3 | Reading4 | Reading5 | Reading6 | Reading7 | Reading8 | Reading9 |