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Rupal tells about her sickness to Tara |
This conversation is devoted on inquiring about friend's health. The focus
is on Experienceer sentences.
Š hlo tara, hu& £pl. tara
Š ha bol £pl, kem
2e? £pl
Š hu& sa&je pa4IRma&
nih Aavu&. tara
Š kem? £pl
Š mne tav Aave 2e. tara
Š he -gvan. £pl
Š tu& j khe hu&
=u& kru&? tara
Š nEna p8 n9I AavvanI. £pl
Š kem Aene =u& 9yu&
pa2u&? tara
Š Aene kan duŠ`e 2e. £pl
Š ibcarI. p8, pLlvI to
Aav=ene? tara
Š Ae Aav=e, p8 muke= nih Aave. £pl
Š kem? tara
Š tne `br n9I? £pl
Š na. tara
Š AenI mMmIne Bl6 keNsr 2e. dva`ane da`l
krI 2e. £pl
Š ibcaro muke=. `Ub pre=an
h=e kem? tara
Š ha. me& fon krelo. p8, Ae 3er n hto. £pl
Š cal, hu& p8 Aenefon krI=. tara
Š krjene. saru& lag=e. £pl
Š -le cal Tyare. tara
Š -le. jo Avay to Aav. mja Aav=e. £pl
Š nih jAvay £pl. bhu& kalavala
n kr. tara
Š saru& cal Tyare. Aavje. £plŠ
Aavje. |
bolvu&v.intr. to
speak sa&jfem. evening Aavvu&v.intr. to
come tavmasc. fever -gvanmasc. the
God khevu& to
tell krvu& to
do 9vu& to
happen kanmasc. ear ibcaru&neut. poor,
helpless `br
hovIUv.dat. to
have information about something dva`anu& neut. hospital da`l
krvu& to
admit pre=an
hovu&v.intr. to
be in a troubled situation saru&
lagvu&v.dat. to
feel better kalavalan. an
humble request |
Reading1 | Reading2 | Reading3 | Reading4 | Reading5 | Reading6 | Reading7 | Reading8 | Reading9 |