"The Wild Wild West:
Religious and Societal Transformations
on the North African Frontier"
28 September, 2000 |
How Wild was the West? Religious and Cultural Identity in Roman North Africa
James Boykin Rives, York University, Toronto
30 November, 2000 |
Jewish-Christian Relations in Third Century Carthage
Claudia Setzer, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Manhatten College
8 February, 2001 |
Class and Christian Diversity
Maureen Tilley, University of Dayton
1 March, 2001 |
Ritual Transformations
Susan T. Stevens, Randolph Macon Woman's College
13 March, 2001 |
Christianization of Marriage in Roman North Africa (200-400): The
Liturgical Evidence
David G. Hunter, Iowa State University
22 March, 2001 |
Religious and Social History of Roman North Africa
Michele Salzman, University of California, Riverside