
"The Wild Wild West: Religious and Societal Transformations on the North African Frontier"

28 September, 2000  How Wild was the West? Religious and Cultural Identity in Roman North Africa
James Boykin Rives, York University, Toronto

30 November, 2000  Jewish-Christian Relations in Third Century Carthage
Claudia Setzer, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Manhatten College

8 February, 2001 Class and Christian Diversity
Maureen Tilley, University of Dayton

1 March, 2001 Ritual Transformations
Susan T. Stevens, Randolph Macon Woman's College

13 March, 2001 Christianization of Marriage in Roman North Africa (200-400): The Liturgical Evidence
David G. Hunter, Iowa State University

22 March, 2001 Religious and Social History of Roman North Africa
Michele Salzman, University of California, Riverside