WATU-affiliated Writing Seminar:Language and Popular Culture, LING 057.Fall Semester, 2005 H. Schiffman, Instructor
T-Th 9:00-10:30, Room: WMS Room 723
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The purpose of this WATU-affiliated writing
seminar is
to examine representations of human (and non-human) language as they
appear in popular media such as the film, television, cartoons,
advertising, and other popular genres. Popular (mis-)conceptions of what
human language is like will be contrasted with more scientific conceptions
of language based on the knowledge constructed in linguistics, psychology,
cognitive science, anthropology, and other disciplines. We will also focus
on attitudes about language(s) and their speakers, as reflected in popular
culture. Students will do expository writing
about this material. This course counts for 1/2 of the writing
requirement. FAQ Readings will be assigned, with some required texts and a course packet. Viewings of media will either be pre-assigned or viewed in class. Still photographs (advertisements, cartoons, other print stills) will be available in the coursepak (BlackBoard) or on this web page: http://lrrc3.sas.upenn.edu/popcult/ |
Schedule of Meetings and Topics |
Daily and Weekly outline of topics, readings, discussions, viewings, in-class work. |
Required texts:
Other Highly Recommended Resources: |
Writing Assignments and Other Tasks | |
This is a WATU-affiliated
course, so
students will be expected to do a number of writing projects and other
assignments concerned with the topic of popular conceptions of language:
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1. New Words Search | The first mini-task is to bring to class (due-date Thursday of second week) three examples of new words found in popular culture but not yet in any dictionary. For details of this assignment, look here. |
2. Print Medium ProjectThe second assignment is a smaller (5+ pages) project involving a print-medium conception of (foreign or non-standard) language (such as print advertising or cartoons). This will be about 5 pages in length, not counting illustrations.For resources specifically on advertising, comics, comic books, funny papers, and for examples of good papers from previous years, see the adjacent box: |
Stuff to keep in mind about the FORMAT of papers: | |
3. TV/Movie ProjectThere will be one MAJOR project, based on linguistic material (standard or non-standard, human or non-human) depicted or represented in electronic visual media such as movies or television. (Science fiction representations of human and non-human language as well as pseudo-scientific representations (or even tongue-in-cheek representations) of animal communication are especially germane here.) This assignment will consist of work in stages, with proposals, outlines, consultation, review, rewriting, rewriting, and rewriting. It will be due in stages, the final product due the last week of class. |
A WATU Assistant will be available to work with you in the preparation of your written projects, and I will also consult with you on occasion. The WATU office also has people available on a drop-in basis, and other resources are available to help students learn how to do expository writing. |
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There are DEADLINES for these various projects, and schedules to be adhered to. See quick summary of deadlines here. |
fname: syllabus.html